{"version":3,"sources":["../src/marketing/src/marketing/type/typography.scss","../src/marketing/src/support/variables/typography.scss","../src/marketing/src/marketing/support/variables.scss","../src/marketing/src/support/mixins/layout.scss","../src/marketing/src/support/variables/layout.scss"],"names":[],"mappings":"AACA,WACE,iBAAkB,CAClB,iBAAkB,CAClB,eCqBsB,CDpBtB,yFAA4G,CAC5G,iBAAkB,CAGpB,WACE,iBAAkB,CAClB,iBAAkB,CAClB,eCYwB,CDXxB,8FAAiH,CACjH,iBAAkB,CAGpB,WACE,iBAAkB,CAClB,iBAAkB,CAClB,eCGoB,CDFpB,wFAA2G,CAC3G,iBAAkB,CAIpB,+FAUE,+IElCsJ,CFmCtJ,eCbwB,CDczB,WAGC,yBAAuC,CG3BnC,0BH+BN,WAH4B,yBAAgC,CAGzB,CAOnC,UAJE,yBAAsC,CGlClC,0BHsCN,UAH4B,yBAA+B,CAG1B,CAOjC,SAJE,yBAAqC,CGzCjC,0BH6CN,SAH4B,yBAA8B,CAG3B,CAO/B,SAJE,yBAAqC,CGhDjC,0BHoDN,SAH4B,yBAA8B,CAG3B,CAO/B,SAJE,yBAAqC,CGvDjC,0BH2DN,SAH4B,yBAA8B,CAG3B,CAO/B,SAJE,yBAAqC,CG9DjC,0BHkEN,SAH4B,yBAA8B,CAG3B,CAE/B,SACE,yBAA8B,CAC/B,SAGC,yBAA8B,CAC/B,SAGC,yBAA8B,CAC/B,WAIC,cCjFY,CDkFZ,eCxEsB,CD2EW,WAKjC,aAAc,CACd,gBAAiB,CACjB,gBI5EU,CJ6EV,kBItEoB,CJuEpB,uECxEyE,CDyEzE,cC9FY,CD+FZ,eAAgB,CAChB,uCAAwC,CACxC,iDAAkD,CGnG9C,0BH8GN,WARI,iBAA2B,CAC3B,kBI9EkB,CJ+ElB,iBAAmC,CACnC,cAAe,CACf,eCzFY,CD+Ff","file":"marketing-type.css","sourcesContent":["// Type\n@font-face {\n font-family: Inter;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: $font-weight-normal;\n src: local(\"Inter\"), local(\"Inter-Regular\"), url(\"#{$marketing-font-path}Inter-Regular.woff\") format(\"woff\");\n font-display: swap;\n}\n\n@font-face {\n font-family: Inter;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: $font-weight-semibold;\n src: local(\"Inter Medium\"), local(\"Inter-Medium\"), url(\"#{$marketing-font-path}Inter-Medium.woff\") format(\"woff\");\n font-display: swap;\n}\n\n@font-face {\n font-family: Inter;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: $font-weight-bold;\n src: local(\"Inter Bold\"), local(\"Inter-Bold\"), url(\"#{$marketing-font-path}Inter-Bold.woff\") format(\"woff\");\n font-display: swap;\n}\n\n// Headings\n.h000-mktg,\n.h00-mktg,\n.h0-mktg,\n.h1-mktg,\n.h2-mktg,\n.h3-mktg,\n.h4-mktg,\n.h5-mktg,\n.h6-mktg,\n.lead-mktg {\n font-family: $font-mktg;\n font-weight: $font-weight-semibold;\n}\n\n@mixin h000-mktg {\n font-size: $h000-size-mobile !important;\n @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h000-size !important; }\n}\n\n.h000-mktg { @include h000-mktg; }\n\n@mixin h00-mktg {\n font-size: $h00-size-mobile !important;\n @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h00-size !important; }\n}\n\n.h00-mktg { @include h00-mktg; }\n\n@mixin h0-mktg {\n font-size: $h0-size-mobile !important;\n @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h0-size !important; }\n}\n\n.h0-mktg { @include h0-mktg; }\n\n@mixin h1-mktg {\n font-size: $h1-size-mobile !important;\n @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h1-size !important; }\n}\n\n.h1-mktg { @include h1-mktg; }\n\n@mixin h2-mktg {\n font-size: $h2-size-mobile !important;\n @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h2-size !important; }\n}\n\n.h2-mktg { @include h2-mktg; }\n\n@mixin h3-mktg {\n font-size: $h3-size-mobile !important;\n @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h3-size !important; }\n}\n\n.h3-mktg { @include h3-mktg; }\n\n.h4-mktg {\n font-size: $h4-size !important;\n}\n\n.h5-mktg {\n font-size: $h5-size !important;\n}\n\n.h6-mktg {\n font-size: $h6-size !important;\n}\n\n// Big opening paragraphs\n@mixin lead-mktg {\n font-size: $h3-size;\n font-weight: $font-weight-normal;\n}\n\n.lead-mktg { @include lead-mktg; }\n\n// Pullquote\n\n@mixin pullquote {\n padding-top: 0;\n padding-bottom: 0;\n padding-left: $spacer;\n margin-bottom: $spacer-4;\n font-family: $mono-font;\n font-size: $h4-size;\n line-height: 1.4;\n color: var(--color-color-text-secondary);\n border-left: 3px solid var(--color-border-primary);\n\n @include breakpoint(md) {\n padding-left: $spacer * 1.5;\n margin-bottom: $spacer-5;\n margin-left: (-$spacer * 1.5) - 3px;\n font-size: 18px;\n line-height: $lh-default;\n }\n}\n\n.pullquote {\n @include pullquote;\n}\n","// Typography variables\n\n// Heading sizes - mobile\n// h4-h6 remain the same size on both mobile & desktop\n$h00-size-mobile: 40px !default;\n$h0-size-mobile: 32px !default;\n$h1-size-mobile: 26px !default;\n$h2-size-mobile: 22px !default;\n$h3-size-mobile: 18px !default;\n\n// Heading sizes - desktop\n$h00-size: 48px !default;\n$h0-size: 40px !default;\n$h1-size: 32px !default;\n$h2-size: 24px !default;\n$h3-size: 20px !default;\n$h4-size: 16px !default;\n$h5-size: 14px !default;\n$h6-size: 12px !default;\n\n$font-size-small: 12px !default;\n\n// Font weights\n$font-weight-bold: 600 !default;\n$font-weight-semibold: 500 !default;\n$font-weight-normal: 400 !default;\n$font-weight-light: 300 !default;\n\n// Line heights\n$lh-condensed-ultra: 1 !default;\n$lh-condensed: 1.25 !default;\n$lh-default: 1.5 !default;\n\n// Font stacks\n$body-font: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, \"Segoe UI\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, \"Apple Color Emoji\", \"Segoe UI Emoji\" !default;\n\n// Monospace font stack\n$mono-font: \"SFMono-Regular\", Consolas, \"Liberation Mono\", Menlo, monospace !default;\n\n// The base body size\n$body-font-size: 14px !default;\n$body-line-height: $lh-default !default;\n","$marketing-font-path: \"/fonts/\" !default;\n\n$font-mktg: Inter, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, \"Segoe UI\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, \"Apple Color Emoji\", \"Segoe UI Emoji\", \"Segoe UI Symbol\" !default;\n\n// Builds upon @primer/css/support/variables/typography.scss\n$h000-size: 64px !default;\n$h000-size-mobile: 48px !default;\n\n// Animations\n$transition-time: 0.4s !default;\n$ease-mktg: cubic-bezier(0.16, 1, 0.3, 1) !default;\n\n// Increases the core spacing scale first by 8px for $spacer-7, then by 16px\n// increments from $spacer-8 to $spacer-12, i.e. after 40px, we have 48, 64,\n// 80, 96, etc.\n$spacer-7: $spacer * 6 !default; // 48px\n$spacer-8: $spacer * 8 !default; // 64px\n$spacer-9: $spacer * 10 !default; // 80px\n$spacer-10: $spacer * 12 !default; // 96px\n$spacer-11: $spacer * 14 !default; // 112px\n$spacer-12: $spacer * 16 !default; // 128px\n\n$marketing-spacers: (\n 7: $spacer-7,\n 8: $spacer-8,\n 9: $spacer-9,\n 10: $spacer-10,\n 11: $spacer-11,\n 12: $spacer-12,\n) !default;\n\n$marketing-all-spacers: map-merge(\n (\n 0: 0,\n 1: $spacer-1,\n 2: $spacer-2,\n 3: $spacer-3,\n 4: $spacer-4,\n 5: $spacer-5,\n 6: $spacer-6,\n ),\n $marketing-spacers,\n) !default;\n\n$marketing-position-variants: (\n \"\": \"\",\n md: \"-md\",\n lg: \"-lg\",\n) !default;\n","// Responsive media queries\n\n@mixin breakpoint($breakpoint) {\n @if $breakpoint == \"\" {\n @content;\n }\n\n @else {\n // Retrieves the value from the key\n $value: map-get($breakpoints, $breakpoint);\n\n // If the key exists in the map\n @if $value != null {\n // Prints a media query based on the value\n @media (min-width: $value) {\n @content;\n }\n }\n\n // If the key doesn't exist in the map\n @else {\n @warn \"Unfortunately, no value could be retrieved from `#{$breakpoint}`. \"\n + \"Please make sure it is defined in `$breakpoints` map.\";\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Retina media query\n\n@mixin retina-media-query {\n @media\n only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),\n only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),\n only screen and (-moz-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),\n only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),\n only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),\n only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi),\n only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n// UI scale\n\n@mixin ui-scale($ui-scale) {\n @if $ui-scale == \"\" {\n @content;\n }\n\n @else {\n // Retrieves the value from the key\n $value: map-get($ui-scales, $ui-scale);\n\n // If the key exists in the map\n @if $value != null {\n // Prints a media query based on the value\n @media ($value) {\n @content;\n }\n }\n\n // If the key doesn't exist in the map\n @else {\n @warn \"Unfortunately, no value could be retrieved from `#{$ui-scale}`. \"\n + \"Please make sure it is defined in `$ui-scales` map.\";\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Clearfix\n//\n// Clears floats via mixin.\n\n@mixin clearfix {\n &::before {\n display: table;\n content: \"\";\n }\n\n &::after {\n display: table;\n clear: both;\n content: \"\";\n }\n}\n","// Layout variables\n\n// these are values for the display CSS property\n$display-values: (\n block,\n flex,\n inline,\n inline-block,\n inline-flex,\n none,\n table,\n table-cell\n) !default;\n\n// maps edges to respective corners for border-radius\n$edges: (\n top: (top-left, top-right),\n right: (top-right, bottom-right),\n bottom: (bottom-right, bottom-left),\n left: (bottom-left, top-left)\n) !default;\n\n// These are our margin and padding utility spacers. The default step size we\n// use is 8px. This gives us a key of:\n// 0 => 0px\n// 1 => 4px\n// 2 => 8px\n// 3 => 16px\n// 4 => 24px\n// 5 => 32px\n// 6 => 40px\n$spacer: 8px !default;\n\n// Our spacing scale\n$spacer-0: 0 !default; // 0\n$spacer-1: round($spacer / 2) !default; // 4px\n$spacer-2: $spacer !default; // 8px\n$spacer-3: $spacer * 2 !default; // 16px\n$spacer-4: $spacer * 3 !default; // 24px\n$spacer-5: $spacer * 4 !default; // 32px\n$spacer-6: $spacer * 5 !default; // 40px\n\n// The list of spacer values\n$spacers: (\n $spacer-0,\n $spacer-1,\n $spacer-2,\n $spacer-3,\n $spacer-4,\n $spacer-5,\n $spacer-6,\n) !default;\n\n// And the map of spacers, for easier looping:\n// @each $scale, $length in $spacer-map { ... }\n$spacer-map: (\n 0: $spacer-0,\n 1: $spacer-1,\n 2: $spacer-2,\n 3: $spacer-3,\n 4: $spacer-4,\n 5: $spacer-5,\n 6: $spacer-6,\n) !default;\n\n// Em spacer variables\n$em-spacer-1: 0.0625em !default; // 1/16\n$em-spacer-2: 0.125em !default; // 1/8\n$em-spacer-3: 0.25em !default; // 1/4\n$em-spacer-4: 0.375em !default; // 3/8\n$em-spacer-5: 0.5em !default; // 1/2\n$em-spacer-6: 0.75em !default; // 3/4\n\n// Size scale\n// Used for buttons, inputs, labels, avatars etc.\n$size: 16px !default;\n\n$size-0: 0 !default;\n$size-1: $size !default; // 16px\n$size-2: $size-1 + 4px !default; // 20px\n$size-3: $size-2 + 4px !default; // 24px\n$size-4: $size-3 + 4px !default; // 28px\n$size-5: $size-4 + 4px !default; // 32px\n$size-6: $size-5 + 8px !default; // 40px\n$size-7: $size-6 + 8px !default; // 48px\n$size-8: $size-7 + 16px !default; // 64px\n\n// Fixed-width container variables\n$container-width: 980px !default;\n$grid-gutter: 10px !default;\n\n// Breakpoint widths\n$width-xs: 0 !default;\n// Small screen / phone\n$width-sm: 544px !default;\n// Medium screen / tablet\n$width-md: 768px !default;\n// Large screen / desktop (980 + (16 * 2)) <= container + gutters\n$width-lg: 1012px !default;\n// Extra large screen / wide desktop\n$width-xl: 1280px !default;\n\n// Responsive container widths\n$container-sm: $width-sm !default;\n$container-md: $width-md !default;\n$container-lg: $width-lg !default;\n$container-xl: $width-xl !default;\n\n// Breakpoints in the form (name: length)\n$breakpoints: (\n sm: $width-sm,\n md: $width-md,\n lg: $width-lg,\n xl: $width-xl\n) !default;\n\n// This map in the form (breakpoint: variant) is used to iterate over\n// breakpoints and create both responsive and non-responsive classes in one\n// loop:\n//\n// ```scss\n// @each $breakpoint, $variant of $responsive-variants {\n// @include breakpoint($breakpoint) {\n// .foo#{$variant}-bar { foo: bar !important; }\n// }\n// }\n// ```\n$responsive-variants: (\n \"\": \"\",\n sm: \"-sm\",\n md: \"-md\",\n lg: \"-lg\",\n xl: \"-xl\",\n) !default;\n\n// responive utility position values\n$responsive-positions: (\n static,\n relative,\n absolute,\n fixed,\n sticky\n) !default;\n\n// UI scales\n$ui-scales: (\n normal: \"pointer: fine\",\n large: \"pointer: coarse\"\n) !default;\n"]}