  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../src/tfjs/tf-node-gpu.ts", "../src/human.ts", "../src/helpers.ts", "../src/sysinfo.ts", "../src/tfjs/backend.ts", "../src/age/age.ts", "../src/profile.ts", "../src/gender/gender.ts", "../src/emotion/emotion.ts", "../src/embedding/embedding.ts", "../src/faceres/faceres.ts", "../src/faceall.ts", "../src/blazeface/facemesh.ts", "../src/blazeface/blazeface.ts", "../src/blazeface/facepipeline.ts", "../src/blazeface/box.ts", "../src/blazeface/util.ts", "../src/blazeface/coords.ts", "../src/posenet/posenet.ts", "../src/posenet/modelBase.ts", "../src/posenet/heapSort.ts", "../src/posenet/buildParts.ts", "../src/posenet/keypoints.ts", "../src/posenet/vectors.ts", "../src/posenet/decoders.ts", "../src/posenet/decodePose.ts", "../src/posenet/decodeMultiple.ts", "../src/posenet/util.ts", "../src/handpose/handpose.ts", "../src/handpose/handdetector.ts", "../src/handpose/box.ts", "../src/handpose/handpipeline.ts", "../src/handpose/util.ts", "../src/handpose/anchors.ts", "../src/blazepose/blazepose.ts", "../src/blazepose/annotations.ts", "../src/efficientpose/efficientpose.ts", "../src/nanodet/nanodet.ts", "../src/nanodet/labels.ts", "../src/gesture/gesture.ts", "../src/image/image.ts", "../src/image/imagefx.js", "../src/draw/draw.ts", "../src/config.ts", "../src/sample.ts"],
  "sourcesContent": ["export * from '@tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu';\n", "import { log, now, mergeDeep } from './helpers';\nimport * as sysinfo from './sysinfo';\nimport * as tf from '../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as backend from './tfjs/backend';\nimport * as faceall from './faceall';\nimport * as facemesh from './blazeface/facemesh';\nimport * as age from './age/age';\nimport * as gender from './gender/gender';\nimport * as faceres from './faceres/faceres';\nimport * as emotion from './emotion/emotion';\nimport * as embedding from './embedding/embedding';\nimport * as posenet from './posenet/posenet';\nimport * as handpose from './handpose/handpose';\nimport * as blazepose from './blazepose/blazepose';\nimport * as efficientpose from './efficientpose/efficientpose';\nimport * as nanodet from './nanodet/nanodet';\nimport * as gesture from './gesture/gesture';\nimport * as image from './image/image';\nimport * as draw from './draw/draw';\nimport * as profile from './profile';\nimport { Config, defaults } from './config';\nimport { Result } from './result';\nimport * as sample from './sample';\nimport * as app from '../package.json';\n\n/** Generic Tensor object type */\nexport type Tensor = typeof tf.Tensor;\nexport type { Config } from './config';\nexport type { Result } from './result';\n/** Defines all possible input types for **Human** detection */\nexport type Input = Tensor | ImageData | ImageBitmap | HTMLImageElement | HTMLVideoElement | HTMLCanvasElement | OffscreenCanvas;\n/** Error message */\nexport type Error = { error: string };\n/** Instance of TensorFlow/JS */\nexport type TensorFlow = typeof tf;\n/** Generic Model object type, holds instance of individual models */\ntype Model = Object;\n\n/**\n * **Human** library main class\n *\n * All methods and properties are available only as members of Human class\n *\n * - Configuration object definition: {@link Config}\n * - Results object definition: {@link Result}\n * - Possible inputs: {@link Input}\n */\nexport class Human {\n  version: string;\n  config: Config;\n  state: string;\n  image: { tensor: Tensor, canvas: OffscreenCanvas | HTMLCanvasElement };\n  // classes\n  tf: TensorFlow;\n  draw: {\n    drawOptions?: typeof draw.drawOptions,\n    gesture: typeof draw.gesture,\n    face: typeof draw.face,\n    body: typeof draw.body,\n    hand: typeof draw.hand,\n    canvas: typeof draw.canvas,\n    all: typeof draw.all,\n  };\n  // models\n  models: {\n    face: facemesh.MediaPipeFaceMesh | Model | null,\n    posenet: posenet.PoseNet | null,\n    blazepose: Model | null,\n    efficientpose: Model | null,\n    handpose: handpose.HandPose | null,\n    iris: Model | null,\n    age: Model | null,\n    gender: Model | null,\n    emotion: Model | null,\n    embedding: Model | null,\n    nanodet: Model | null,\n    faceres: Model | null,\n  };\n  classes: {\n    facemesh: typeof facemesh;\n    age: typeof age;\n    gender: typeof gender;\n    emotion: typeof emotion;\n    body: typeof posenet | typeof blazepose;\n    hand: typeof handpose;\n    nanodet: typeof nanodet;\n    faceres: typeof faceres;\n  };\n  faceTriangulation: typeof facemesh.triangulation;\n  faceUVMap: typeof facemesh.uvmap;\n  sysinfo: { platform: string, agent: string };\n  perf: any;\n  #numTensors: number;\n  #analyzeMemoryLeaks: boolean;\n  #checkSanity: boolean;\n  #firstRun: boolean;\n  // definition end\n\n  constructor(userConfig: Config | Object = {}) {\n    this.tf = tf;\n    this.draw = draw;\n    this.version = app.version;\n    this.config = mergeDeep(defaults, userConfig);\n    this.state = 'idle';\n    this.#numTensors = 0;\n    this.#analyzeMemoryLeaks = false;\n    this.#checkSanity = false;\n    this.#firstRun = true;\n    this.perf = {};\n    // object that contains all initialized models\n    this.models = {\n      face: null,\n      posenet: null,\n      blazepose: null,\n      efficientpose: null,\n      handpose: null,\n      iris: null,\n      age: null,\n      gender: null,\n      emotion: null,\n      embedding: null,\n      nanodet: null,\n      faceres: null,\n    };\n    // export access to image processing\n    // @ts-ignore\n    this.image = (input: Input) => image.process(input, this.config);\n    // export raw access to underlying models\n    this.classes = {\n      facemesh,\n      age,\n      gender,\n      emotion,\n      faceres,\n      body: this.config.body.modelPath.includes('posenet') ? posenet : blazepose,\n      hand: handpose,\n      nanodet,\n    };\n    this.faceTriangulation = facemesh.triangulation;\n    this.faceUVMap = facemesh.uvmap;\n    // include platform info\n    this.sysinfo = sysinfo.info();\n  }\n\n  profileData(): { newBytes, newTensors, peakBytes, numKernelOps, timeKernelOps, slowestKernelOps, largestKernelOps } | {} {\n    if (this.config.profile) return profile.data;\n    return {};\n  }\n\n  // helper function: measure tensor leak\n  /** @hidden */\n  analyze = (...msg) => {\n    if (!this.#analyzeMemoryLeaks) return;\n    const current = this.tf.engine().state.numTensors;\n    const previous = this.#numTensors;\n    this.#numTensors = current;\n    const leaked = current - previous;\n    if (leaked !== 0) log(...msg, leaked);\n  }\n\n  // quick sanity check on inputs\n  /** @hidden */\n  #sanity = (input): null | string => {\n    if (!this.#checkSanity) return null;\n    if (!input) return 'input is not defined';\n    if (this.tf.ENV.flags.IS_NODE && !(input instanceof tf.Tensor)) return 'input must be a tensor';\n    try {\n      this.tf.getBackend();\n    } catch {\n      return 'backend not loaded';\n    }\n    return null;\n  }\n\n  similarity(embedding1: Array<number>, embedding2: Array<number>): number {\n    if (this.config.face.description.enabled) return faceres.similarity(embedding1, embedding2);\n    if (this.config.face.embedding.enabled) return embedding.similarity(embedding1, embedding2);\n    return 0;\n  }\n\n  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this\n  enhance(input: Tensor): Tensor | null {\n    return faceres.enhance(input);\n  }\n\n  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this\n  match(faceEmbedding: Array<number>, db: Array<{ name: string, source: string, embedding: number[] }>, threshold = 0): { name: string, source: string, similarity: number, embedding: number[] } {\n    return faceres.match(faceEmbedding, db, threshold);\n  }\n\n  // preload models, not explicitly required as it's done automatically on first use\n  async load(userConfig: Config | Object = {}) {\n    this.state = 'load';\n    const timeStamp = now();\n    if (userConfig) this.config = mergeDeep(this.config, userConfig);\n\n    if (this.#firstRun) {\n      if (this.config.debug) log(`version: ${this.version}`);\n      if (this.config.debug) log(`tfjs version: ${this.tf.version_core}`);\n      if (this.config.debug) log('platform:', this.sysinfo.platform);\n      if (this.config.debug) log('agent:', this.sysinfo.agent);\n\n      await this.#checkBackend(true);\n      if (this.tf.ENV.flags.IS_BROWSER) {\n        if (this.config.debug) log('configuration:', this.config);\n        if (this.config.debug) log('tf flags:', this.tf.ENV.flags);\n      }\n    }\n    if (this.config.async) {\n      [\n        this.models.face,\n        this.models.age,\n        this.models.gender,\n        this.models.emotion,\n        this.models.embedding,\n        // @ts-ignore\n        this.models.handpose,\n        // @ts-ignore false warning with latest @typescript-eslint\n        this.models.posenet,\n        this.models.blazepose,\n        this.models.efficientpose,\n        this.models.nanodet,\n        this.models.faceres,\n      ] = await Promise.all([\n        this.models.face || (this.config.face.enabled ? facemesh.load(this.config) : null),\n        this.models.age || ((this.config.face.enabled && this.config.face.age.enabled) ? age.load(this.config) : null),\n        this.models.gender || ((this.config.face.enabled && this.config.face.gender.enabled) ? gender.load(this.config) : null),\n        this.models.emotion || ((this.config.face.enabled && this.config.face.emotion.enabled) ? emotion.load(this.config) : null),\n        this.models.embedding || ((this.config.face.enabled && this.config.face.embedding.enabled) ? embedding.load(this.config) : null),\n        this.models.handpose || (this.config.hand.enabled ? <Promise<handpose.HandPose>>handpose.load(this.config) : null),\n        this.models.posenet || (this.config.body.enabled && this.config.body.modelPath.includes('posenet') ? posenet.load(this.config) : null),\n        this.models.blazepose || (this.config.body.enabled && this.config.body.modelPath.includes('blazepose') ? blazepose.load(this.config) : null),\n        this.models.efficientpose || (this.config.body.enabled && this.config.body.modelPath.includes('efficientpose') ? efficientpose.load(this.config) : null),\n        this.models.nanodet || (this.config.object.enabled ? nanodet.load(this.config) : null),\n        this.models.faceres || ((this.config.face.enabled && this.config.face.description.enabled) ? faceres.load(this.config) : null),\n      ]);\n    } else {\n      if (this.config.face.enabled && !this.models.face) this.models.face = await facemesh.load(this.config);\n      if (this.config.face.enabled && this.config.face.age.enabled && !this.models.age) this.models.age = await age.load(this.config);\n      if (this.config.face.enabled && this.config.face.gender.enabled && !this.models.gender) this.models.gender = await gender.load(this.config);\n      if (this.config.face.enabled && this.config.face.emotion.enabled && !this.models.emotion) this.models.emotion = await emotion.load(this.config);\n      if (this.config.face.enabled && this.config.face.embedding.enabled && !this.models.embedding) this.models.embedding = await embedding.load(this.config);\n      if (this.config.hand.enabled && !this.models.handpose) this.models.handpose = await handpose.load(this.config);\n      if (this.config.body.enabled && !this.models.posenet && this.config.body.modelPath.includes('posenet')) this.models.posenet = await posenet.load(this.config);\n      if (this.config.body.enabled && !this.models.blazepose && this.config.body.modelPath.includes('blazepose')) this.models.blazepose = await blazepose.load(this.config);\n      if (this.config.body.enabled && !this.models.efficientpose && this.config.body.modelPath.includes('efficientpose')) this.models.efficientpose = await efficientpose.load(this.config);\n      if (this.config.object.enabled && !this.models.nanodet) this.models.nanodet = await nanodet.load(this.config);\n      if (this.config.face.enabled && this.config.face.description.enabled && !this.models.faceres) this.models.faceres = await faceres.load(this.config);\n    }\n\n    if (this.#firstRun) {\n      if (this.config.debug) log('tf engine state:', this.tf.engine().state.numBytes, 'bytes', this.tf.engine().state.numTensors, 'tensors');\n      this.#firstRun = false;\n    }\n\n    const current = Math.trunc(now() - timeStamp);\n    if (current > (this.perf.load || 0)) this.perf.load = current;\n  }\n\n  // check if backend needs initialization if it changed\n  /** @hidden */\n  #checkBackend = async (force = false) => {\n    if (this.config.backend && (this.config.backend !== '') && force || (this.tf.getBackend() !== this.config.backend)) {\n      const timeStamp = now();\n      this.state = 'backend';\n      /* force backend reload\n      if (this.config.backend in tf.engine().registry) {\n        const backendFactory = tf.findBackendFactory(this.config.backend);\n        tf.removeBackend(this.config.backend);\n        tf.registerBackend(this.config.backend, backendFactory);\n      } else {\n        log('Backend not registred:', this.config.backend);\n      }\n      */\n\n      if (this.config.backend && this.config.backend !== '') {\n        // force browser vs node backend\n        if (this.tf.ENV.flags.IS_BROWSER && this.config.backend === 'tensorflow') this.config.backend = 'webgl';\n        if (this.tf.ENV.flags.IS_NODE && (this.config.backend === 'webgl' || this.config.backend === 'wasm')) this.config.backend = 'tensorflow';\n\n        if (this.config.debug) log('setting backend:', this.config.backend);\n\n        if (this.config.backend === 'wasm') {\n          if (this.config.debug) log('wasm path:', this.config.wasmPath);\n          this.tf.setWasmPaths(this.config.wasmPath);\n          const simd = await this.tf.env().getAsync('WASM_HAS_SIMD_SUPPORT');\n          const mt = await this.tf.env().getAsync('WASM_HAS_MULTITHREAD_SUPPORT');\n          if (this.config.debug) log(`wasm execution: ${simd ? 'SIMD' : 'no SIMD'} ${mt ? 'multithreaded' : 'singlethreaded'}`);\n          if (!simd) log('warning: wasm simd support is not enabled');\n        }\n\n        if (this.config.backend === 'humangl') backend.register();\n        try {\n          await this.tf.setBackend(this.config.backend);\n        } catch (err) {\n          log('error: cannot set backend:', this.config.backend, err);\n        }\n      }\n      this.tf.enableProdMode();\n      // this.tf.enableDebugMode();\n      if (this.tf.getBackend() === 'webgl' || this.tf.getBackend() === 'humangl') {\n        this.tf.ENV.set('CHECK_COMPUTATION_FOR_ERRORS', false);\n        this.tf.ENV.set('WEBGL_PACK_DEPTHWISECONV', true);\n        if (this.config.deallocate) {\n          log('changing webgl: WEBGL_DELETE_TEXTURE_THRESHOLD:', this.config.deallocate);\n          this.tf.ENV.set('WEBGL_DELETE_TEXTURE_THRESHOLD', this.config.deallocate ? 0 : -1);\n        }\n        const gl = await this.tf.backend().getGPGPUContext().gl;\n        if (this.config.debug) log(`gl version:${gl.getParameter(gl.VERSION)} renderer:${gl.getParameter(gl.RENDERER)}`);\n      }\n      await this.tf.ready();\n      this.perf.backend = Math.trunc(now() - timeStamp);\n    }\n  }\n\n  // main detect function\n  async detect(input: Input, userConfig: Config | Object = {}): Promise<Result | Error> {\n    // detection happens inside a promise\n    return new Promise(async (resolve) => {\n      this.state = 'config';\n      let timeStamp;\n\n      // update configuration\n      this.config = mergeDeep(this.config, userConfig);\n\n      // sanity checks\n      this.state = 'check';\n      const error = this.#sanity(input);\n      if (error) {\n        log(error, input);\n        resolve({ error });\n      }\n\n      const timeStart = now();\n\n      // configure backend\n      await this.#checkBackend();\n\n      // load models if enabled\n      await this.load();\n\n      if (this.config.scoped) this.tf.engine().startScope();\n      this.analyze('Start Scope:');\n\n      timeStamp = now();\n      const process = image.process(input, this.config);\n      if (!process || !process.tensor) {\n        log('could not convert input to tensor');\n        resolve({ error: 'could not convert input to tensor' });\n        return;\n      }\n      this.perf.image = Math.trunc(now() - timeStamp);\n      this.analyze('Get Image:');\n\n      // prepare where to store model results\n      let bodyRes;\n      let handRes;\n      let faceRes;\n      let objectRes;\n      let current;\n\n      // run face detection followed by all models that rely on face bounding box: face mesh, age, gender, emotion\n      if (this.config.async) {\n        faceRes = this.config.face.enabled ? faceall.detectFace(this, process.tensor) : [];\n        if (this.perf.face) delete this.perf.face;\n      } else {\n        this.state = 'run:face';\n        timeStamp = now();\n        faceRes = this.config.face.enabled ? await faceall.detectFace(this, process.tensor) : [];\n        current = Math.trunc(now() - timeStamp);\n        if (current > 0) this.perf.face = current;\n      }\n\n      // run body: can be posenet or blazepose\n      this.analyze('Start Body:');\n      if (this.config.async) {\n        if (this.config.body.modelPath.includes('posenet')) bodyRes = this.config.body.enabled ? this.models.posenet?.estimatePoses(process.tensor, this.config) : [];\n        else if (this.config.body.modelPath.includes('blazepose')) bodyRes = this.config.body.enabled ? blazepose.predict(process.tensor, this.config) : [];\n        else if (this.config.body.modelPath.includes('efficientpose')) bodyRes = this.config.body.enabled ? efficientpose.predict(process.tensor, this.config) : [];\n        if (this.perf.body) delete this.perf.body;\n      } else {\n        this.state = 'run:body';\n        timeStamp = now();\n        if (this.config.body.modelPath.includes('posenet')) bodyRes = this.config.body.enabled ? await this.models.posenet?.estimatePoses(process.tensor, this.config) : [];\n        else if (this.config.body.modelPath.includes('blazepose')) bodyRes = this.config.body.enabled ? await blazepose.predict(process.tensor, this.config) : [];\n        else if (this.config.body.modelPath.includes('efficientpose')) bodyRes = this.config.body.enabled ? await efficientpose.predict(process.tensor, this.config) : [];\n        current = Math.trunc(now() - timeStamp);\n        if (current > 0) this.perf.body = current;\n      }\n      this.analyze('End Body:');\n\n      // run handpose\n      this.analyze('Start Hand:');\n      if (this.config.async) {\n        handRes = this.config.hand.enabled ? this.models.handpose?.estimateHands(process.tensor, this.config) : [];\n        if (this.perf.hand) delete this.perf.hand;\n      } else {\n        this.state = 'run:hand';\n        timeStamp = now();\n        handRes = this.config.hand.enabled ? await this.models.handpose?.estimateHands(process.tensor, this.config) : [];\n        current = Math.trunc(now() - timeStamp);\n        if (current > 0) this.perf.hand = current;\n      }\n      this.analyze('End Hand:');\n\n      // run nanodet\n      this.analyze('Start Object:');\n      if (this.config.async) {\n        objectRes = this.config.object.enabled ? nanodet.predict(process.tensor, this.config) : [];\n        if (this.perf.object) delete this.perf.object;\n      } else {\n        this.state = 'run:object';\n        timeStamp = now();\n        objectRes = this.config.object.enabled ? await nanodet.predict(process.tensor, this.config) : [];\n        current = Math.trunc(now() - timeStamp);\n        if (current > 0) this.perf.object = current;\n      }\n      this.analyze('End Object:');\n\n      // if async wait for results\n      if (this.config.async) {\n        [faceRes, bodyRes, handRes, objectRes] = await Promise.all([faceRes, bodyRes, handRes, objectRes]);\n      }\n      process.tensor.dispose();\n\n      if (this.config.scoped) this.tf.engine().endScope();\n      this.analyze('End Scope:');\n\n      let gestureRes = [];\n      if (this.config.gesture.enabled) {\n        timeStamp = now();\n        // @ts-ignore\n        gestureRes = [...gesture.face(faceRes), ...gesture.body(bodyRes), ...gesture.hand(handRes), ...gesture.iris(faceRes)];\n        if (!this.config.async) this.perf.gesture = Math.trunc(now() - timeStamp);\n        else if (this.perf.gesture) delete this.perf.gesture;\n      }\n\n      this.perf.total = Math.trunc(now() - timeStart);\n      this.state = 'idle';\n      const result = {\n        face: faceRes,\n        body: bodyRes,\n        hand: handRes,\n        gesture: gestureRes,\n        object: objectRes,\n        performance: this.perf,\n        canvas: process.canvas,\n      };\n      // log('Result:', result);\n      resolve(result);\n    });\n  }\n\n  /** @hidden */\n  #warmupBitmap = async () => {\n    const b64toBlob = (base64, type = 'application/octet-stream') => fetch(`data:${type};base64,${base64}`).then((res) => res.blob());\n    let blob;\n    let res;\n    switch (this.config.warmup) {\n      case 'face': blob = await b64toBlob(sample.face); break;\n      case 'full': blob = await b64toBlob(sample.body); break;\n      default: blob = null;\n    }\n    if (blob) {\n      const bitmap = await createImageBitmap(blob);\n      res = await this.detect(bitmap, this.config);\n      bitmap.close();\n    }\n    return res;\n  }\n\n  /** @hidden */\n  #warmupCanvas = async () => new Promise((resolve) => {\n    let src;\n    let size = 0;\n    switch (this.config.warmup) {\n      case 'face':\n        size = 256;\n        src = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + sample.face;\n        break;\n      case 'full':\n      case 'body':\n        size = 1200;\n        src = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + sample.body;\n        break;\n      default:\n        src = null;\n    }\n    // src = encodeURI('../assets/human-sample-upper.jpg');\n    const img = new Image();\n    img.onload = async () => {\n      const canvas = (typeof OffscreenCanvas !== 'undefined') ? new OffscreenCanvas(size, size) : document.createElement('canvas');\n      canvas.width = img.naturalWidth;\n      canvas.height = img.naturalHeight;\n      const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');\n      ctx?.drawImage(img, 0, 0);\n      // const data = ctx?.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.height, canvas.width);\n      const res = await this.detect(canvas, this.config);\n      resolve(res);\n    };\n    if (src) img.src = src;\n    else resolve(null);\n  });\n\n  /** @hidden */\n  #warmupNode = async () => {\n    const atob = (str) => Buffer.from(str, 'base64');\n    const img = this.config.warmup === 'face' ? atob(sample.face) : atob(sample.body);\n    // @ts-ignore\n    const data = tf.node.decodeJpeg(img); // tf.node is only defined when compiling for nodejs\n    const expanded = data.expandDims(0);\n    this.tf.dispose(data);\n    // log('Input:', expanded);\n    const res = await this.detect(expanded, this.config);\n    this.tf.dispose(expanded);\n    return res;\n  }\n\n  async warmup(userConfig: Config | Object = {}): Promise<Result | { error }> {\n    const t0 = now();\n    if (userConfig) this.config = mergeDeep(this.config, userConfig);\n    const save = this.config.videoOptimized;\n    this.config.videoOptimized = false;\n    let res;\n    if (typeof createImageBitmap === 'function') res = await this.#warmupBitmap();\n    else if (typeof Image !== 'undefined') res = await this.#warmupCanvas();\n    else res = await this.#warmupNode();\n    this.config.videoOptimized = save;\n    const t1 = now();\n    if (this.config.debug) log('Warmup', this.config.warmup, Math.round(t1 - t0), 'ms', res);\n    return res;\n  }\n}\n\n/**\n * Class Human is also available as default export\n */\nexport { Human as default };\n", "// helper function: wrapper around console output\nexport function log(...msg) {\n  const dt = new Date();\n  const ts = `${dt.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0')}:${dt.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0')}:${dt.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2, '0')}.${dt.getMilliseconds().toString().padStart(3, '0')}`;\n  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n  if (msg) console.log(ts, 'Human:', ...msg);\n}\n\n// helper function: gets elapsed time on both browser and nodejs\nexport const now = () => {\n  if (typeof performance !== 'undefined') return performance.now();\n  return parseInt((Number(process.hrtime.bigint()) / 1000 / 1000).toString());\n};\n\n// helper function: perform deep merge of multiple objects so it allows full inheriance with overrides\nexport function mergeDeep(...objects) {\n  const isObject = (obj) => obj && typeof obj === 'object';\n  return objects.reduce((prev, obj) => {\n    Object.keys(obj || {}).forEach((key) => {\n      const pVal = prev[key];\n      const oVal = obj[key];\n      if (Array.isArray(pVal) && Array.isArray(oVal)) prev[key] = pVal.concat(...oVal);\n      else if (isObject(pVal) && isObject(oVal)) prev[key] = mergeDeep(pVal, oVal);\n      else prev[key] = oVal;\n    });\n    return prev;\n  }, {});\n}\n", "export function info(): { platform: string, agent: string } {\n  let platform;\n  let agent;\n  if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined') {\n    const raw = navigator.userAgent.match(/\\(([^()]+)\\)/g);\n    if (raw && raw[0]) {\n      // @ts-ignore\n      platform = raw[0].match(/\\(([^()]+)\\)/g)[0].replace(/\\(|\\)/g, '');\n      agent = navigator.userAgent.replace(raw[0], '');\n      if (platform[1]) agent = agent.replace(raw[1], '');\n      agent = agent.replace(/  /g, ' ');\n    }\n  } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {\n    platform = `${process.platform} ${process.arch}`;\n    agent = `NodeJS ${process.version}`;\n  }\n  return { platform, agent };\n}\n", "import { log } from '../helpers';\nimport * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\n\nexport const config = {\n  name: 'humangl',\n  priority: 99,\n  canvas: null,\n  gl: null,\n  width: 1024,\n  height: 1024,\n  webGLattr: { // https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/specs/latest/1.0/#5.2\n    alpha: false,\n    antialias: false,\n    premultipliedAlpha: false,\n    preserveDrawingBuffer: false,\n    depth: false,\n    stencil: false,\n    failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: false,\n    desynchronized: true,\n  },\n};\n\nexport function register(): void {\n  if (!tf.findBackend(config.name)) {\n    log('backend registration:', config.name);\n    try {\n      // @ts-ignore\n      config.canvas = (typeof OffscreenCanvas !== 'undefined') ? new OffscreenCanvas(config.width, config.height) : document.createElement('canvas');\n    } catch (err) {\n      log('error: cannot create canvas:', err);\n      return;\n    }\n    try {\n      // @ts-ignore\n      config.gl = config.canvas.getContext('webgl2', config.webGLattr);\n    } catch (err) {\n      log('error: cannot get WebGL2 context:', err);\n      return;\n    }\n    try {\n      tf.setWebGLContext(2, config.gl);\n    } catch (err) {\n      log('error: cannot set WebGL2 context:', err);\n      return;\n    }\n    try {\n      const ctx = new tf.GPGPUContext(config.gl);\n      tf.registerBackend(config.name, () => new tf.MathBackendWebGL(ctx), config.priority);\n    } catch (err) {\n      log('error: cannot register WebGL backend:', err);\n      return;\n    }\n    try {\n      const kernels = tf.getKernelsForBackend('webgl');\n      kernels.forEach((kernelConfig) => {\n        const newKernelConfig = { ...kernelConfig, backendName: config.name };\n        tf.registerKernel(newKernelConfig);\n      });\n    } catch (err) {\n      log('error: cannot update WebGL backend registration:', err);\n      return;\n    }\n    try {\n      tf.ENV.set('WEBGL_VERSION', 2);\n      // @ts-ignore\n      // tf.ENV.set('WEBGL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE', config.gl.getParameter(config.gl.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE));\n      // tf.ENV.set('WEBGL_FORCE_F16_TEXTURES', true);\n      // tf.ENV.set('WEBGL_PACK_DEPTHWISECONV', true);\n    } catch (err) {\n      log('error: cannot set WebGL backend flags:', err);\n      return;\n    }\n    log('backend registered:', config.name);\n  }\n}\n", "import { log } from '../helpers';\nimport * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as profile from '../profile';\n\nlet model;\nlet last = { age: 0 };\nlet skipped = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\n\nexport async function load(config) {\n  if (!model) {\n    model = await tf.loadGraphModel(config.face.age.modelPath);\n    if (config.debug) log(`load model: ${config.face.age.modelPath.match(/\\/(.*)\\./)[1]}`);\n  }\n  return model;\n}\n\nexport async function predict(image, config) {\n  if (!model) return null;\n  if ((skipped < config.face.age.skipFrames) && config.videoOptimized && last.age && (last.age > 0)) {\n    skipped++;\n    return last;\n  }\n  if (config.videoOptimized) skipped = 0;\n  else skipped = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\n  return new Promise(async (resolve) => {\n    const resize = tf.image.resizeBilinear(image, [model.inputs[0].shape[2], model.inputs[0].shape[1]], false);\n    const enhance = tf.mul(resize, [255.0]);\n    tf.dispose(resize);\n\n    let ageT;\n    const obj = { age: 0 };\n\n    if (!config.profile) {\n      if (config.face.age.enabled) ageT = await model.predict(enhance);\n    } else {\n      const profileAge = config.face.age.enabled ? await tf.profile(() => model.predict(enhance)) : {};\n      ageT = profileAge.result.clone();\n      profileAge.result.dispose();\n      profile.run('age', profileAge);\n    }\n    enhance.dispose();\n\n    if (ageT) {\n      const data = ageT.dataSync();\n      obj.age = Math.trunc(10 * data[0]) / 10;\n    }\n    ageT.dispose();\n\n    last = obj;\n    resolve(obj);\n  });\n}\n", "import { log } from './helpers';\n\nexport const data = {};\n\nexport function run(modelName: string, profileData: any): void {\n  if (!profileData || !profileData.kernels) return;\n  const maxResults = 5;\n  const time = profileData.kernels\n    .filter((a) => a.kernelTimeMs > 0)\n    .reduce((a, b) => a += b.kernelTimeMs, 0);\n  const slowest = profileData.kernels\n    .map((a, i) => { a.id = i; return a; })\n    .filter((a) => a.kernelTimeMs > 0)\n    .sort((a, b) => b.kernelTimeMs - a.kernelTimeMs);\n  const largest = profileData.kernels\n    .map((a, i) => { a.id = i; return a; })\n    .filter((a) => a.totalBytesSnapshot > 0)\n    .sort((a, b) => b.totalBytesSnapshot - a.totalBytesSnapshot);\n  if (slowest.length > maxResults) slowest.length = maxResults;\n  if (largest.length > maxResults) largest.length = maxResults;\n  data[modelName] = {\n    model: modelName,\n    newBytes: profileData.newBytes,\n    newTensors: profileData.newTensors,\n    peakBytes: profileData.peakBytes,\n    numKernelOps: profileData.kernels.length,\n    timeKernelOps: time,\n    slowestKernelOps: slowest,\n    largestKernelOps: largest,\n  };\n  log('profiler', modelName, data[modelName]);\n}\n", "import { log } from '../helpers';\nimport * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as profile from '../profile';\n\nlet model;\nlet last = { gender: '' };\nlet skipped = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\nlet alternative = false;\n\n// tuning values\nconst rgb = [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]; // factors for red/green/blue colors when converting to grayscale\n\nexport async function load(config) {\n  if (!model) {\n    model = await tf.loadGraphModel(config.face.gender.modelPath);\n    alternative = model.inputs[0].shape[3] === 1;\n    if (config.debug) log(`load model: ${config.face.gender.modelPath.match(/\\/(.*)\\./)[1]}`);\n  }\n  return model;\n}\n\nexport async function predict(image, config) {\n  if (!model) return null;\n  if ((skipped < config.face.gender.skipFrames) && config.videoOptimized && last.gender !== '') {\n    skipped++;\n    return last;\n  }\n  if (config.videoOptimized) skipped = 0;\n  else skipped = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\n  return new Promise(async (resolve) => {\n    const resize = tf.image.resizeBilinear(image, [model.inputs[0].shape[2], model.inputs[0].shape[1]], false);\n    let enhance;\n    if (alternative) {\n      enhance = tf.tidy(() => {\n        const [red, green, blue] = tf.split(resize, 3, 3);\n        const redNorm = tf.mul(red, rgb[0]);\n        const greenNorm = tf.mul(green, rgb[1]);\n        const blueNorm = tf.mul(blue, rgb[2]);\n        const grayscale = tf.addN([redNorm, greenNorm, blueNorm]);\n        const normalize = grayscale.sub(0.5).mul(2); // range grayscale:-1..1\n        return normalize;\n      });\n    } else {\n      enhance = tf.mul(resize, [255.0]); // range RGB:0..255\n    }\n    tf.dispose(resize);\n\n    let genderT;\n    const obj = { gender: '', confidence: 0 };\n\n    if (!config.profile) {\n      if (config.face.gender.enabled) genderT = await model.predict(enhance);\n    } else {\n      const profileGender = config.face.gender.enabled ? await tf.profile(() => model.predict(enhance)) : {};\n      genderT = profileGender.result.clone();\n      profileGender.result.dispose();\n      profile.run('gender', profileGender);\n    }\n    enhance.dispose();\n\n    if (genderT) {\n      if (!Array.isArray(genderT)) {\n        const data = genderT.dataSync();\n        if (alternative) {\n          // returns two values 0..1, bigger one is prediction\n          if (data[0] > config.face.gender.minConfidence || data[1] > config.face.gender.minConfidence) {\n            obj.gender = data[0] > data[1] ? 'female' : 'male';\n            obj.confidence = data[0] > data[1] ? (Math.trunc(100 * data[0]) / 100) : (Math.trunc(100 * data[1]) / 100);\n          }\n        } else {\n          // returns one value 0..1, .5 is prediction threshold\n          const confidence = Math.trunc(200 * Math.abs((data[0] - 0.5))) / 100;\n          if (confidence > config.face.gender.minConfidence) {\n            obj.gender = data[0] <= 0.5 ? 'female' : 'male';\n            obj.confidence = Math.min(0.99, confidence);\n          }\n        }\n        genderT.dispose();\n      } else {\n        const gender = genderT[0].dataSync();\n        const confidence = Math.trunc(200 * Math.abs((gender[0] - 0.5))) / 100;\n        if (confidence > config.face.gender.minConfidence) {\n          obj.gender = gender[0] <= 0.5 ? 'female' : 'male';\n          obj.confidence = Math.min(0.99, confidence);\n        }\n        /*\n        let age = genderT[1].argMax(1).dataSync()[0];\n        const all = genderT[1].dataSync();\n        age = Math.round(all[age - 1] > all[age + 1] ? 10 * age - 100 * all[age - 1] : 10 * age + 100 * all[age + 1]) / 10;\n        const descriptor = genderT[1].dataSync();\n        */\n        genderT.forEach((t) => tf.dispose(t));\n      }\n    }\n    last = obj;\n    resolve(obj);\n  });\n}\n", "import { log } from '../helpers';\nimport * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as profile from '../profile';\n\nconst annotations = ['angry', 'disgust', 'fear', 'happy', 'sad', 'surprise', 'neutral'];\nlet model;\nlet last: Array<{ score: number, emotion: string }> = [];\nlet skipped = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\n\n// tuning values\nconst rgb = [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]; // factors for red/green/blue colors when converting to grayscale\n\nexport async function load(config) {\n  if (!model) {\n    model = await tf.loadGraphModel(config.face.emotion.modelPath);\n    if (config.debug) log(`load model: ${config.face.emotion.modelPath.match(/\\/(.*)\\./)[1]}`);\n  }\n  return model;\n}\n\nexport async function predict(image, config) {\n  if (!model) return null;\n  if ((skipped < config.face.emotion.skipFrames) && config.videoOptimized && (last.length > 0)) {\n    skipped++;\n    return last;\n  }\n  if (config.videoOptimized) skipped = 0;\n  else skipped = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\n  return new Promise(async (resolve) => {\n    const resize = tf.image.resizeBilinear(image, [model.inputs[0].shape[2], model.inputs[0].shape[1]], false);\n    const [red, green, blue] = tf.split(resize, 3, 3);\n    resize.dispose();\n    // weighted rgb to grayscale: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/rgb2gray.html\n    const redNorm = tf.mul(red, rgb[0]);\n    const greenNorm = tf.mul(green, rgb[1]);\n    const blueNorm = tf.mul(blue, rgb[2]);\n    red.dispose();\n    green.dispose();\n    blue.dispose();\n    const grayscale = tf.addN([redNorm, greenNorm, blueNorm]);\n    redNorm.dispose();\n    greenNorm.dispose();\n    blueNorm.dispose();\n    const normalize = tf.tidy(() => grayscale.sub(0.5).mul(2));\n    grayscale.dispose();\n    const obj: Array<{ score: number, emotion: string }> = [];\n    if (config.face.emotion.enabled) {\n      let data;\n      if (!config.profile) {\n        const emotionT = await model.predict(normalize); // result is already in range 0..1, no need for additional activation\n        data = emotionT.dataSync();\n        tf.dispose(emotionT);\n      } else {\n        const profileData = await tf.profile(() => model.predict(normalize));\n        data = profileData.result.dataSync();\n        profileData.result.dispose();\n        profile.run('emotion', profileData);\n      }\n      for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {\n        if (data[i] > config.face.emotion.minConfidence) obj.push({ score: Math.min(0.99, Math.trunc(100 * data[i]) / 100), emotion: annotations[i] });\n      }\n      obj.sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score);\n    }\n    normalize.dispose();\n    last = obj;\n    resolve(obj);\n  });\n}\n", "import { log } from '../helpers';\nimport * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as profile from '../profile';\n\ntype Tensor = typeof tf.Tensor;\ntype DB = Array<{ name: string, source: string, embedding: number[] }>;\nlet model;\n\nexport async function load(config) {\n  if (!model) {\n    model = await tf.loadGraphModel(config.face.embedding.modelPath);\n    if (config.debug) log(`load model: ${config.face.embedding.modelPath.match(/\\/(.*)\\./)[1]}`);\n  }\n  return model;\n}\n\nexport function similarity(embedding1, embedding2, order = 2): number {\n  if (!embedding1 || !embedding2) return 0;\n  if (embedding1?.length === 0 || embedding2?.length === 0) return 0;\n  if (embedding1?.length !== embedding2?.length) return 0;\n  // general minkowski distance, euclidean distance is limited case where order is 2\n  const distance = embedding1\n    .map((val, i) => (Math.abs(embedding1[i] - embedding2[i]) ** order)) // distance squared\n    .reduce((sum, now) => (sum + now), 0) // sum all distances\n    ** (1 / order); // get root of\n  const res = Math.max(Math.trunc(1000 * (1 - distance)) / 1000, 0);\n  return res;\n}\n\nexport function match(embedding: Array<number>, db: DB, threshold = 0) {\n  let best = { similarity: 0, name: '', source: '', embedding: [] as number[] };\n  if (!embedding || !db || !Array.isArray(embedding) || !Array.isArray(db)) return best;\n  for (const f of db) {\n    if (f.embedding && f.name) {\n      const perc = similarity(embedding, f.embedding);\n      if (perc > threshold && perc > best.similarity) best = { ...f, similarity: perc };\n    }\n  }\n  return best;\n}\n\nexport function enhance(input): Tensor {\n  const image = tf.tidy(() => {\n    // input received from detector is already normalized to 0..1\n    // input is also assumed to be straightened\n    // const data = tf.image.resizeBilinear(input, [model.inputs[0].shape[2], model.inputs[0].shape[1]], false); // just resize to fit the embedding model\n    // do a tight crop of image and resize it to fit the model\n    const box = [[0.05, 0.15, 0.85, 0.85]]; // empyrical values for top, left, bottom, right\n    const tensor = input.image || input.tensor;\n    if (!(tensor instanceof tf.Tensor)) return null;\n    const crop = (tensor.shape.length === 3)\n      ? tf.image.cropAndResize(tf.expandDims(tensor, 0), box, [0], [model.inputs[0].shape[2], model.inputs[0].shape[1]]) // add batch dimension if missing\n      : tf.image.cropAndResize(tensor, box, [0], [model.inputs[0].shape[2], model.inputs[0].shape[1]]);\n\n    // convert to black&white to avoid colorization impact\n    const rgb = [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]; // factors for red/green/blue colors when converting to grayscale: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/rgb2gray.html\n    const [red, green, blue] = tf.split(crop, 3, 3);\n    const redNorm = tf.mul(red, rgb[0]);\n    const greenNorm = tf.mul(green, rgb[1]);\n    const blueNorm = tf.mul(blue, rgb[2]);\n    const grayscale = tf.addN([redNorm, greenNorm, blueNorm]);\n    const merge = tf.stack([grayscale, grayscale, grayscale], 3).squeeze(4);\n\n    /*\n    // optional increase image contrast\n    // or do it per-channel so mean is done on each channel\n    // or do it based on histogram\n    const mean = merge.mean();\n    const factor = 5;\n    const contrast = merge.sub(mean).mul(factor).add(mean);\n    */\n\n    // normalize brightness from 0..1\n    const darken = merge.sub(merge.min());\n    const lighten = darken.div(darken.max());\n\n    return lighten;\n  });\n  return image;\n}\n\nexport async function predict(input, config): Promise<number[]> {\n  if (!model) return [];\n  return new Promise(async (resolve) => {\n    // let data: Array<[]> = [];\n    let data: Array<number> = [];\n    if (config.face.embedding.enabled) {\n      const image = enhance(input);\n      if (!config.profile) {\n        data = tf.tidy(() => {\n          /*\n          // if needed convert from NHWC to NCHW\n          const nchw = image.transpose([3, 0, 1, 2]);\n          */\n\n          const res = model.predict(image);\n\n          /*\n          // optionally do it twice with flipped image and average results\n          const res1 = model.predict(image);\n          const flipped = tf.image.flipLeftRight(image);\n          const res2 = model.predict(flipped);\n          const merge = tf.stack([res1, res2], 2).squeeze();\n          const res = reshape.logSumExp(1);\n          */\n\n          /*\n          // optional normalize outputs with l2 normalization\n          const scaled = tf.tidy(() => {\n            const l2 = res.norm('euclidean');\n            const scale = res.div(l2);\n            return scale;\n          });\n          */\n\n          // optional reduce feature vector complexity\n          const reshape = res.reshape([128, 2]); // split 256 vectors into 128 x 2\n          const reduce = reshape.logSumExp(1); // reduce 2nd dimension by calculating logSumExp on it\n\n          const output: Array<number> = reduce.dataSync();\n          return [...output]; // convert typed array to simple array\n        });\n      } else {\n        const profileData = await tf.profile(() => model.predict({ img_inputs: image }));\n        data = [...profileData.result.dataSync()];\n        profileData.result.dispose();\n        profile.run('emotion', profileData);\n      }\n      tf.dispose(image);\n    }\n    resolve(data);\n  });\n}\n\n/*\ngit clone https://github.com/becauseofAI/MobileFace\ncd MobileFace/MobileFace_Identification\nmmconvert --srcFramework mxnet --inputWeight MobileFace_Identification_V3-0000.params --inputNetwork MobileFace_Identification_V3-symbol.json --inputShape 3,112,112 --dstFramework tensorflow --outputModel saved\nsaved_model_cli show --dir saved/\ntensorflowjs_converter --input_format tf_saved_model --output_format tfjs_graph_model --saved_model_tags train saved/ graph/\n~/dev/detector/signature.js graph/\n2021-03-12 08:25:12 DATA:  created on: 2021-03-12T13:17:11.960Z\n2021-03-12 08:25:12 INFO:  graph model: /home/vlado/dev/face/MobileFace/MobileFace_Identification/graph/model.json\n2021-03-12 08:25:12 INFO:  size: { unreliable: true, numTensors: 75, numDataBuffers: 75, numBytes: 2183192 }\n2021-03-12 08:25:12 INFO:  model inputs based on signature\n2021-03-12 08:25:12 INFO:  model outputs based on signature\n2021-03-12 08:25:12 DATA:  inputs: [ { name: 'data:0', dtype: 'DT_FLOAT', shape: [ -1, 112, 112, 3, [length]: 4 ] }, [length]: 1 ]\n2021-03-12 08:25:12 DATA:  outputs: [ { id: 0, name: 'batchnorm0/add_1:0', dytpe: 'DT_FLOAT', shape: [ -1, 256, [length]: 2 ] }, [length]: 1 ]\n*/\n", "import { log } from '../helpers';\nimport * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as profile from '../profile';\n\nlet model;\nlet last = { age: 0 };\nlet skipped = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\n\ntype Tensor = typeof tf.Tensor;\ntype DB = Array<{ name: string, source: string, embedding: number[] }>;\n\nexport async function load(config) {\n  if (!model) {\n    model = await tf.loadGraphModel(config.face.description.modelPath);\n    if (config.debug) log(`load model: ${config.face.description.modelPath.match(/\\/(.*)\\./)[1]}`);\n  }\n  return model;\n}\n\nexport function similarity(embedding1, embedding2, order = 2): number {\n  if (!embedding1 || !embedding2) return 0;\n  if (embedding1?.length === 0 || embedding2?.length === 0) return 0;\n  if (embedding1?.length !== embedding2?.length) return 0;\n  // general minkowski distance, euclidean distance is limited case where order is 2\n  const distance = 4.0 * embedding1\n    .map((val, i) => (Math.abs(embedding1[i] - embedding2[i]) ** order)) // distance squared\n    .reduce((sum, now) => (sum + now), 0) // sum all distances\n    ** (1 / order); // get root of\n  const res = Math.max(0, 100 - distance) / 100.0;\n  return res;\n}\n\nexport function match(embedding: Array<number>, db: DB, threshold = 0) {\n  let best = { similarity: 0, name: '', source: '', embedding: [] as number[] };\n  if (!embedding || !db || !Array.isArray(embedding) || !Array.isArray(db)) return best;\n  for (const f of db) {\n    if (f.embedding && f.name) {\n      const perc = similarity(embedding, f.embedding);\n      if (perc > threshold && perc > best.similarity) best = { ...f, similarity: perc };\n    }\n  }\n  return best;\n}\n\nexport function enhance(input): Tensor {\n  const image = tf.tidy(() => {\n    // input received from detector is already normalized to 0..1\n    // input is also assumed to be straightened\n    const tensor = input.image || input.tensor || input;\n    if (!(tensor instanceof tf.Tensor)) return null;\n    // do a tight crop of image and resize it to fit the model\n    const box = [[0.05, 0.15, 0.85, 0.85]]; // empyrical values for top, left, bottom, right\n    const crop = (tensor.shape.length === 3)\n      ? tf.image.cropAndResize(tf.expandDims(tensor, 0), box, [0], [model.inputs[0].shape[2], model.inputs[0].shape[1]]) // add batch dimension if missing\n      : tf.image.cropAndResize(tensor, box, [0], [model.inputs[0].shape[2], model.inputs[0].shape[1]]);\n    // const crop = tf.image.resizeBilinear(tensor, [model.inputs[0].shape[2], model.inputs[0].shape[1]], false); // just resize to fit the embedding model\n\n    /*\n    // convert to black&white to avoid colorization impact\n    const rgb = [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]; // factors for red/green/blue colors when converting to grayscale: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/rgb2gray.html\n    const [red, green, blue] = tf.split(crop, 3, 3);\n    const redNorm = tf.mul(red, rgb[0]);\n    const greenNorm = tf.mul(green, rgb[1]);\n    const blueNorm = tf.mul(blue, rgb[2]);\n    const grayscale = tf.addN([redNorm, greenNorm, blueNorm]);\n    const merge = tf.stack([grayscale, grayscale, grayscale], 3).squeeze(4);\n    */\n\n    /*\n    // optional increase image contrast\n    // or do it per-channel so mean is done on each channel\n    // or do it based on histogram\n    const mean = merge.mean();\n    const factor = 5;\n    const contrast = merge.sub(mean).mul(factor).add(mean);\n    */\n    /*\n    // normalize brightness from 0..1\n    const darken = crop.sub(crop.min());\n    const lighten = darken.div(darken.max());\n    */\n    const norm = crop.mul(255);\n\n    return norm;\n  });\n  return image;\n}\n\nexport async function predict(image, config) {\n  if (!model) return null;\n  if ((skipped < config.face.description.skipFrames) && config.videoOptimized && last.age && (last.age > 0)) {\n    skipped++;\n    return last;\n  }\n  if (config.videoOptimized) skipped = 0;\n  else skipped = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\n  return new Promise(async (resolve) => {\n    // const resize = tf.image.resizeBilinear(image, [model.inputs[0].shape[2], model.inputs[0].shape[1]], false);\n    // const enhanced = tf.mul(resize, [255.0]);\n    // tf.dispose(resize);\n    const enhanced = enhance(image);\n\n    let resT;\n    const obj = {\n      age: <number>0,\n      gender: <string>'unknown',\n      genderConfidence: <number>0,\n      descriptor: <number[]>[] };\n\n    if (!config.profile) {\n      if (config.face.description.enabled) resT = await model.predict(enhanced);\n    } else {\n      const profileDesc = config.face.description.enabled ? await tf.profile(() => model.predict(enhanced)) : {};\n      resT = profileDesc.result;\n      profile.run('faceres', profileDesc);\n    }\n    tf.dispose(enhanced);\n\n    if (resT) {\n      tf.tidy(() => {\n        const gender = resT.find((t) => t.shape[1] === 1).dataSync();\n        const confidence = Math.trunc(200 * Math.abs((gender[0] - 0.5))) / 100;\n        if (confidence > config.face.gender.minConfidence) {\n          obj.gender = gender[0] <= 0.5 ? 'female' : 'male';\n          obj.genderConfidence = Math.min(0.99, confidence);\n        }\n        const age = resT.find((t) => t.shape[1] === 100).argMax(1).dataSync()[0];\n        const all = resT.find((t) => t.shape[1] === 100).dataSync();\n        obj.age = Math.round(all[age - 1] > all[age + 1] ? 10 * age - 100 * all[age - 1] : 10 * age + 100 * all[age + 1]) / 10;\n\n        const desc = resT.find((t) => t.shape[1] === 1024);\n        // const reshape = desc.reshape([128, 8]);\n        // const reduce = reshape.logSumExp(1); // reduce 2nd dimension by calculating logSumExp on it\n\n        obj.descriptor = [...desc.dataSync()];\n      });\n      resT.forEach((t) => tf.dispose(t));\n    }\n\n    last = obj;\n    resolve(obj);\n  });\n}\n", "import { log, now } from './helpers';\nimport * as tf from '../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as age from './age/age';\nimport * as gender from './gender/gender';\nimport * as emotion from './emotion/emotion';\nimport * as embedding from './embedding/embedding';\nimport * as faceres from './faceres/faceres';\n\ntype Tensor = typeof tf.Tensor;\n\nconst calculateFaceAngle = (face, image_size): { angle: { pitch: number, yaw: number, roll: number }, matrix: [number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number] } => {\n  // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n  const degrees = (theta) => (theta * 180) / Math.PI;\n  // const degrees = (theta) => Math.abs(((theta * 180) / Math.PI) % 360);\n  const normalize = (v) => { // normalize vector\n    const length = Math.sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]);\n    v[0] /= length;\n    v[1] /= length;\n    v[2] /= length;\n    return v;\n  };\n  const subVectors = (a, b) => { // vector subtraction (a - b)\n    const x = a[0] - b[0];\n    const y = a[1] - b[1];\n    const z = a[2] - b[2];\n    return [x, y, z];\n  };\n  const crossVectors = (a, b) => { // vector cross product (a x b)\n    const x = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1];\n    const y = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2];\n    const z = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];\n    return [x, y, z];\n  };\n  // 3x3 rotation matrix to Euler angles based on https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/EulerAngles.pdf\n  const rotationMatrixToEulerAngle = (r) => {\n    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n    const [r00, r01, r02, r10, r11, r12, r20, r21, r22] = r;\n    let thetaX; let thetaY; let thetaZ;\n    if (r10 < 1) { // YZX calculation\n      if (r10 > -1) {\n        thetaZ = Math.asin(r10);\n        thetaY = Math.atan2(-r20, r00);\n        thetaX = Math.atan2(-r12, r11);\n      } else {\n        thetaZ = -Math.PI / 2;\n        thetaY = -Math.atan2(r21, r22);\n        thetaX = 0;\n      }\n    } else {\n      thetaZ = Math.PI / 2;\n      thetaY = Math.atan2(r21, r22);\n      thetaX = 0;\n    }\n    return { pitch: 2 * -thetaX, yaw: 2 * -thetaY, roll: 2 * -thetaZ };\n  };\n  // simple Euler angle calculation based existing 3D mesh\n  // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n  const meshToEulerAngle = (mesh) => {\n    const radians = (a1, a2, b1, b2) => Math.atan2(b2 - a2, b1 - a1);\n    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n    const angle = {\n      // values are in radians in range of -pi/2 to pi/2 which is -90 to +90 degrees\n      // value of 0 means center\n      // pitch is face move up/down\n      pitch: radians(mesh[10][1], mesh[10][2], mesh[152][1], mesh[152][2]), // looking at y,z of top and bottom points of the face\n      // yaw is face turn left/right\n      yaw: radians(mesh[33][0], mesh[33][2], mesh[263][0], mesh[263][2]), // looking at x,z of outside corners of leftEye and rightEye\n      // roll is face lean left/right\n      roll: radians(mesh[33][0], mesh[33][1], mesh[263][0], mesh[263][1]), // looking at x,y of outside corners of leftEye and rightEye\n    };\n    return angle;\n  };\n\n  const mesh = face.meshRaw;\n  if (!mesh || mesh.length < 300) return { angle: { pitch: 0, yaw: 0, roll: 0 }, matrix: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] };\n\n  const size = Math.max(face.boxRaw[2] * image_size[0], face.boxRaw[3] * image_size[1]) / 1.5;\n  // top, bottom, left, right\n  const pts = [mesh[10], mesh[152], mesh[234], mesh[454]].map((pt) => [\n    // make the xyz coordinates proportional, independent of the image/box size\n    pt[0] * image_size[0] / size,\n    pt[1] * image_size[1] / size,\n    pt[2],\n  ]);\n\n  const y_axis = normalize(subVectors(pts[1], pts[0]));\n  let x_axis = normalize(subVectors(pts[3], pts[2]));\n  const z_axis = normalize(crossVectors(x_axis, y_axis));\n  // adjust x_axis to make sure that all axes are perpendicular to each other\n  x_axis = crossVectors(y_axis, z_axis);\n\n  // Rotation Matrix from Axis Vectors - http://renderdan.blogspot.com/2006/05/rotation-matrix-from-axis-vectors.html\n  // 3x3 rotation matrix is flatten to array in row-major order. Note that the rotation represented by this matrix is inverted.\n  const matrix: [number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number] = [\n    x_axis[0], x_axis[1], x_axis[2],\n    y_axis[0], y_axis[1], y_axis[2],\n    z_axis[0], z_axis[1], z_axis[2],\n  ];\n  const angle = rotationMatrixToEulerAngle(matrix);\n  // const angle = meshToEulerAngle(mesh);\n  return { angle, matrix };\n};\n\nexport const detectFace = async (parent, input): Promise<any> => {\n  // run facemesh, includes blazeface and iris\n  // eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor\n  let timeStamp;\n  let ageRes;\n  let genderRes;\n  let emotionRes;\n  let embeddingRes;\n  let descRes;\n  const faceRes: Array<{\n      confidence: number,\n      boxConfidence: number,\n      faceConfidence: number,\n      box: [number, number, number, number],\n      mesh: Array<[number, number, number]>\n      meshRaw: Array<[number, number, number]>\n      boxRaw: [number, number, number, number],\n      annotations: Array<{ part: string, points: Array<[number, number, number]>[] }>,\n      age: number,\n      gender: string,\n      genderConfidence: number,\n      emotion: string,\n      embedding: number[],\n      iris: number,\n      rotation: {\n        angle: { pitch: number, yaw: number, roll: number },\n        matrix: [number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number]\n      },\n      tensor: Tensor,\n    }> = [];\n  parent.state = 'run:face';\n  timeStamp = now();\n  const faces = await parent.models.face?.estimateFaces(input, parent.config);\n  parent.perf.face = Math.trunc(now() - timeStamp);\n  if (!faces) return [];\n  for (const face of faces) {\n    parent.analyze('Get Face');\n\n    // is something went wrong, skip the face\n    if (!face.image || face.image.isDisposedInternal) {\n      log('Face object is disposed:', face.image);\n      continue;\n    }\n\n    const rotation = calculateFaceAngle(face, [input.shape[2], input.shape[1]]);\n\n    // run age, inherits face from blazeface\n    parent.analyze('Start Age:');\n    if (parent.config.async) {\n      ageRes = parent.config.face.age.enabled ? age.predict(face.image, parent.config) : {};\n    } else {\n      parent.state = 'run:age';\n      timeStamp = now();\n      ageRes = parent.config.face.age.enabled ? await age.predict(face.image, parent.config) : {};\n      parent.perf.age = Math.trunc(now() - timeStamp);\n    }\n\n    // run gender, inherits face from blazeface\n    parent.analyze('Start Gender:');\n    if (parent.config.async) {\n      genderRes = parent.config.face.gender.enabled ? gender.predict(face.image, parent.config) : {};\n    } else {\n      parent.state = 'run:gender';\n      timeStamp = now();\n      genderRes = parent.config.face.gender.enabled ? await gender.predict(face.image, parent.config) : {};\n      parent.perf.gender = Math.trunc(now() - timeStamp);\n    }\n\n    // run emotion, inherits face from blazeface\n    parent.analyze('Start Emotion:');\n    if (parent.config.async) {\n      emotionRes = parent.config.face.emotion.enabled ? emotion.predict(face.image, parent.config) : {};\n    } else {\n      parent.state = 'run:emotion';\n      timeStamp = now();\n      emotionRes = parent.config.face.emotion.enabled ? await emotion.predict(face.image, parent.config) : {};\n      parent.perf.emotion = Math.trunc(now() - timeStamp);\n    }\n    parent.analyze('End Emotion:');\n\n    // run emotion, inherits face from blazeface\n    parent.analyze('Start Embedding:');\n    if (parent.config.async) {\n      embeddingRes = parent.config.face.embedding.enabled ? embedding.predict(face, parent.config) : [];\n    } else {\n      parent.state = 'run:embedding';\n      timeStamp = now();\n      embeddingRes = parent.config.face.embedding.enabled ? await embedding.predict(face, parent.config) : [];\n      parent.perf.embedding = Math.trunc(now() - timeStamp);\n    }\n    parent.analyze('End Embedding:');\n\n    // run emotion, inherits face from blazeface\n    parent.analyze('Start Description:');\n    if (parent.config.async) {\n      descRes = parent.config.face.description.enabled ? faceres.predict(face, parent.config) : [];\n    } else {\n      parent.state = 'run:description';\n      timeStamp = now();\n      descRes = parent.config.face.description.enabled ? await faceres.predict(face.image, parent.config) : [];\n      parent.perf.embedding = Math.trunc(now() - timeStamp);\n    }\n    parent.analyze('End Description:');\n\n    // if async wait for results\n    if (parent.config.async) {\n      [ageRes, genderRes, emotionRes, embeddingRes, descRes] = await Promise.all([ageRes, genderRes, emotionRes, embeddingRes, descRes]);\n    }\n\n    parent.analyze('Finish Face:');\n\n    // calculate iris distance\n    // iris: array[ center, left, top, right, bottom]\n    if (!parent.config.face.iris.enabled && face?.annotations?.leftEyeIris && face?.annotations?.rightEyeIris) {\n      delete face.annotations.leftEyeIris;\n      delete face.annotations.rightEyeIris;\n    }\n    const irisSize = (face.annotations?.leftEyeIris && face.annotations?.rightEyeIris)\n    /* average human iris size is 11.7mm */\n      ? 11.7 * Math.max(Math.abs(face.annotations.leftEyeIris[3][0] - face.annotations.leftEyeIris[1][0]), Math.abs(face.annotations.rightEyeIris[4][1] - face.annotations.rightEyeIris[2][1]))\n      : 0;\n\n    // combine results\n    faceRes.push({\n      ...face,\n      age: descRes.age || ageRes.age,\n      gender: descRes.gender || genderRes.gender,\n      genderConfidence: descRes.genderConfidence || genderRes.confidence,\n      embedding: descRes.descriptor || embeddingRes,\n      emotion: emotionRes,\n      iris: (irisSize !== 0) ? Math.trunc(irisSize) / 100 : 0,\n      rotation,\n      tensor: parent.config.face.detector.return ? face.image?.squeeze() : null,\n    });\n    // dispose original face tensor\n    face.image?.dispose();\n\n    parent.analyze('End Face');\n  }\n  parent.analyze('End FaceMesh:');\n  if (parent.config.async) {\n    if (parent.perf.face) delete parent.perf.face;\n    if (parent.perf.age) delete parent.perf.age;\n    if (parent.perf.gender) delete parent.perf.gender;\n    if (parent.perf.emotion) delete parent.perf.emotion;\n  }\n  return faceRes;\n};\n", "import { log } from '../helpers';\nimport * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as blazeface from './blazeface';\nimport * as facepipeline from './facepipeline';\nimport * as coords from './coords';\n\nexport class MediaPipeFaceMesh {\n  facePipeline: any;\n  config: any;\n\n  constructor(blazeFace, blazeMeshModel, irisModel, config) {\n    this.facePipeline = new facepipeline.Pipeline(blazeFace, blazeMeshModel, irisModel);\n    this.config = config;\n  }\n\n  async estimateFaces(input, config): Promise<{ confidence, boxConfidence, faceConfidence, box, mesh, boxRaw, meshRaw, annotations, image }[]> {\n    const predictions = await this.facePipeline.predict(input, config);\n    const results: Array<{ confidence, boxConfidence, faceConfidence, box, mesh, boxRaw, meshRaw, annotations, image }> = [];\n    for (const prediction of (predictions || [])) {\n      if (prediction.isDisposedInternal) continue; // guard against disposed tensors on long running operations such as pause in middle of processing\n      const mesh = prediction.coords ? prediction.coords.arraySync() : [];\n      const meshRaw = mesh.map((pt) => [\n        pt[0] / input.shape[2],\n        pt[1] / input.shape[1],\n        pt[2] / this.facePipeline.meshSize,\n      ]);\n      const annotations = {};\n      if (mesh && mesh.length > 0) {\n        for (const key of Object.keys(coords.MESH_ANNOTATIONS)) annotations[key] = coords.MESH_ANNOTATIONS[key].map((index) => mesh[index]);\n      }\n      const box = prediction.box ? [\n        Math.max(0, prediction.box.startPoint[0]),\n        Math.max(0, prediction.box.startPoint[1]),\n        Math.min(input.shape[2], prediction.box.endPoint[0]) - Math.max(0, prediction.box.startPoint[0]),\n        Math.min(input.shape[1], prediction.box.endPoint[1]) - Math.max(0, prediction.box.startPoint[1]),\n      ] : 0;\n      const boxRaw = prediction.box ? [\n        prediction.box.startPoint[0] / input.shape[2],\n        prediction.box.startPoint[1] / input.shape[1],\n        (prediction.box.endPoint[0] - prediction.box.startPoint[0]) / input.shape[2],\n        (prediction.box.endPoint[1] - prediction.box.startPoint[1]) / input.shape[1],\n      ] : [];\n      results.push({\n        confidence: Math.round(100 * prediction.faceConfidence || 100 * prediction.boxConfidence || 0) / 100,\n        boxConfidence: Math.round(100 * prediction.boxConfidence) / 100,\n        faceConfidence: Math.round(100 * prediction.faceConfidence) / 100,\n        box,\n        boxRaw,\n        mesh,\n        meshRaw,\n        annotations,\n        image: prediction.image ? prediction.image.clone() : null,\n      });\n      if (prediction.coords) prediction.coords.dispose();\n      if (prediction.image) prediction.image.dispose();\n    }\n    return results;\n  }\n}\n\nlet faceModels = [null, null, null];\nexport async function load(config): Promise<MediaPipeFaceMesh> {\n  // @ts-ignore\n  faceModels = await Promise.all([\n    (!faceModels[0] && config.face.enabled) ? blazeface.load(config) : null,\n    (!faceModels[1] && config.face.mesh.enabled) ? tf.loadGraphModel(config.face.mesh.modelPath, { fromTFHub: config.face.mesh.modelPath.includes('tfhub.dev') }) : null,\n    (!faceModels[2] && config.face.iris.enabled) ? tf.loadGraphModel(config.face.iris.modelPath, { fromTFHub: config.face.iris.modelPath.includes('tfhub.dev') }) : null,\n  ]);\n  const faceMesh = new MediaPipeFaceMesh(faceModels[0], faceModels[1], faceModels[2], config);\n  if (config.face.mesh.enabled && config.debug) log(`load model: ${config.face.mesh.modelPath.match(/\\/(.*)\\./)[1]}`);\n  if (config.face.iris.enabled && config.debug) log(`load model: ${config.face.iris.modelPath.match(/\\/(.*)\\./)[1]}`);\n  return faceMesh;\n}\n\nexport const triangulation = coords.TRI468;\nexport const uvmap = coords.UV468;\n", "import { log } from '../helpers';\nimport * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\n\nconst NUM_LANDMARKS = 6;\n\nfunction generateAnchors(inputSize) {\n  const spec = { strides: [inputSize / 16, inputSize / 8], anchors: [2, 6] };\n  const anchors: Array<[number, number]> = [];\n  for (let i = 0; i < spec.strides.length; i++) {\n    const stride = spec.strides[i];\n    const gridRows = Math.floor((inputSize + stride - 1) / stride);\n    const gridCols = Math.floor((inputSize + stride - 1) / stride);\n    const anchorsNum = spec.anchors[i];\n    for (let gridY = 0; gridY < gridRows; gridY++) {\n      const anchorY = stride * (gridY + 0.5);\n      for (let gridX = 0; gridX < gridCols; gridX++) {\n        const anchorX = stride * (gridX + 0.5);\n        for (let n = 0; n < anchorsNum; n++) {\n          anchors.push([anchorX, anchorY]);\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n  return anchors;\n}\n\nexport const disposeBox = (box) => {\n  box.startEndTensor.dispose();\n  box.startPoint.dispose();\n  box.endPoint.dispose();\n};\n\nconst createBox = (startEndTensor) => ({\n  startEndTensor,\n  startPoint: tf.slice(startEndTensor, [0, 0], [-1, 2]),\n  endPoint: tf.slice(startEndTensor, [0, 2], [-1, 2]),\n});\n\nfunction decodeBounds(boxOutputs, anchors, inputSize) {\n  const boxStarts = tf.slice(boxOutputs, [0, 1], [-1, 2]);\n  const centers = tf.add(boxStarts, anchors);\n  const boxSizes = tf.slice(boxOutputs, [0, 3], [-1, 2]);\n  const boxSizesNormalized = tf.div(boxSizes, inputSize);\n  const centersNormalized = tf.div(centers, inputSize);\n  const halfBoxSize = tf.div(boxSizesNormalized, 2);\n  const starts = tf.sub(centersNormalized, halfBoxSize);\n  const ends = tf.add(centersNormalized, halfBoxSize);\n  const startNormalized = tf.mul(starts, inputSize);\n  const endNormalized = tf.mul(ends, inputSize);\n  const concatAxis = 1;\n  return tf.concat2d([startNormalized, endNormalized], concatAxis);\n}\n\nexport class BlazeFaceModel {\n  model: any;\n  anchorsData: any;\n  anchors: any;\n  inputSize: number;\n  config: any;\n\n  constructor(model, config) {\n    this.model = model;\n    this.anchorsData = generateAnchors(model.inputs[0].shape[1]);\n    this.anchors = tf.tensor2d(this.anchorsData);\n    this.inputSize = model.inputs[0].shape[2];\n    this.config = config;\n  }\n\n  async getBoundingBoxes(inputImage) {\n    // sanity check on input\n    if ((!inputImage) || (inputImage.isDisposedInternal) || (inputImage.shape.length !== 4) || (inputImage.shape[1] < 1) || (inputImage.shape[2] < 1)) return null;\n    const [batch, boxes, scores] = tf.tidy(() => {\n      const resizedImage = inputImage.resizeBilinear([this.inputSize, this.inputSize]);\n      // const normalizedImage = tf.mul(tf.sub(resizedImage.div(255), 0.5), 2);\n      const normalizedImage = resizedImage.div(127.5).sub(0.5);\n      const batchedPrediction = this.model.predict(normalizedImage);\n      let batchOut;\n      // are we using tfhub or pinto converted model?\n      if (Array.isArray(batchedPrediction)) {\n        const sorted = batchedPrediction.sort((a, b) => a.size - b.size);\n        const concat384 = tf.concat([sorted[0], sorted[2]], 2); // dim: 384, 1 + 16\n        const concat512 = tf.concat([sorted[1], sorted[3]], 2); // dim: 512, 1 + 16\n        const concat = tf.concat([concat512, concat384], 1);\n        batchOut = concat.squeeze(0);\n      } else {\n        batchOut = batchedPrediction.squeeze(); // when using tfhub model\n      }\n      const boxesOut = decodeBounds(batchOut, this.anchors, [this.inputSize, this.inputSize]);\n      const logits = tf.slice(batchOut, [0, 0], [-1, 1]);\n      const scoresOut = tf.sigmoid(logits).squeeze();\n      return [batchOut, boxesOut, scoresOut];\n    });\n    const boxIndicesTensor = await tf.image.nonMaxSuppressionAsync(boxes, scores, this.config.face.detector.maxFaces, this.config.face.detector.iouThreshold, this.config.face.detector.scoreThreshold);\n    const boxIndices = boxIndicesTensor.arraySync();\n    boxIndicesTensor.dispose();\n    const boundingBoxesMap = boxIndices.map((boxIndex) => tf.slice(boxes, [boxIndex, 0], [1, -1]));\n    const boundingBoxes = boundingBoxesMap.map((boundingBox) => {\n      const vals = boundingBox.arraySync();\n      boundingBox.dispose();\n      return vals;\n    });\n\n    const scoresVal = scores.dataSync();\n    const annotatedBoxes: Array<{ box: any, landmarks: any, anchor: any, confidence: number }> = [];\n    for (let i = 0; i < boundingBoxes.length; i++) {\n      const boxIndex = boxIndices[i];\n      const confidence = scoresVal[boxIndex];\n      if (confidence > this.config.face.detector.minConfidence) {\n        const box = createBox(boundingBoxes[i]);\n        const anchor = this.anchorsData[boxIndex];\n        const landmarks = tf.tidy(() => tf.slice(batch, [boxIndex, NUM_LANDMARKS - 1], [1, -1]).squeeze().reshape([NUM_LANDMARKS, -1]));\n        annotatedBoxes.push({ box, landmarks, anchor, confidence });\n      }\n    }\n    batch.dispose();\n    boxes.dispose();\n    scores.dispose();\n    return {\n      boxes: annotatedBoxes,\n      scaleFactor: [inputImage.shape[2] / this.inputSize, inputImage.shape[1] / this.inputSize],\n    };\n  }\n}\n\nexport async function load(config) {\n  const blazeface = await tf.loadGraphModel(config.face.detector.modelPath, { fromTFHub: config.face.detector.modelPath.includes('tfhub.dev') });\n  const model = new BlazeFaceModel(blazeface, config);\n  if (config.debug) log(`load model: ${config.face.detector.modelPath.match(/\\/(.*)\\./)[1]}`);\n  return model;\n}\n", "/* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */\nimport * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as bounding from './box';\nimport * as util from './util';\nimport * as coords from './coords';\n\nconst leftOutline = coords.MESH_ANNOTATIONS['leftEyeLower0'];\nconst rightOutline = coords.MESH_ANNOTATIONS['rightEyeLower0'];\n\nconst eyeLandmarks = {\n  leftBounds: [leftOutline[0], leftOutline[leftOutline.length - 1]],\n  rightBounds: [rightOutline[0], rightOutline[rightOutline.length - 1]],\n};\n\nconst meshLandmarks = {\n  count: 468,\n  mouth: 13,\n  symmetryLine: [13, coords.MESH_ANNOTATIONS['midwayBetweenEyes'][0]],\n};\n\nconst blazeFaceLandmarks = {\n  leftEye: 0,\n  rightEye: 1,\n  nose: 2,\n  mouth: 3,\n  leftEar: 4,\n  rightEar: 5,\n  symmetryLine: [3, 2],\n};\n\nconst irisLandmarks = {\n  upperCenter: 3,\n  lowerCenter: 4,\n  index: 71,\n  numCoordinates: 76,\n};\n\n// Replace the raw coordinates returned by facemesh with refined iris model coordinates\n// Update the z coordinate to be an average of the original and the new.\nfunction replaceRawCoordinates(rawCoords, newCoords, prefix, keys) {\n  for (let i = 0; i < coords.MESH_TO_IRIS_INDICES_MAP.length; i++) {\n    const { key, indices } = coords.MESH_TO_IRIS_INDICES_MAP[i];\n    const originalIndices = coords.MESH_ANNOTATIONS[`${prefix}${key}`];\n    // @ts-ignore\n    if (!keys || keys.includes(key)) {\n      for (let j = 0; j < indices.length; j++) {\n        const index = indices[j];\n        rawCoords[originalIndices[j]] = [\n          newCoords[index][0], newCoords[index][1],\n          (newCoords[index][2] + rawCoords[originalIndices[j]][2]) / 2,\n        ];\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}\n// The Pipeline coordinates between the bounding box and skeleton models.\nexport class Pipeline {\n  storedBoxes: any;\n  boundingBoxDetector: any;\n  meshDetector: any;\n  irisModel: any;\n  boxSize: number;\n  meshSize: number;\n  irisSize: number;\n  irisEnlarge: number;\n  skipped: number;\n  detectedFaces: number;\n\n  constructor(boundingBoxDetector, meshDetector, irisModel) {\n    // An array of facial bounding boxes.\n    this.storedBoxes = [];\n    this.boundingBoxDetector = boundingBoxDetector;\n    this.meshDetector = meshDetector;\n    this.irisModel = irisModel;\n    this.boxSize = boundingBoxDetector?.model?.inputs[0].shape[2] || 0;\n    this.meshSize = meshDetector?.inputs[0].shape[2] || boundingBoxDetector?.model?.inputs[0].shape[2];\n    this.irisSize = irisModel?.inputs[0].shape[1] || 0;\n    this.irisEnlarge = 2.3;\n    this.skipped = 0;\n    this.detectedFaces = 0;\n  }\n\n  transformRawCoords(rawCoords, box, angle, rotationMatrix) {\n    const boxSize = bounding.getBoxSize({ startPoint: box.startPoint, endPoint: box.endPoint });\n    const coordsScaled = rawCoords.map((coord) => ([\n      boxSize[0] / this.meshSize * (coord[0] - this.meshSize / 2),\n      boxSize[1] / this.meshSize * (coord[1] - this.meshSize / 2),\n      coord[2],\n    ]));\n    const coordsRotationMatrix = (angle !== 0) ? util.buildRotationMatrix(angle, [0, 0]) : util.IDENTITY_MATRIX;\n    const coordsRotated = (angle !== 0) ? coordsScaled.map((coord) => ([...util.rotatePoint(coord, coordsRotationMatrix), coord[2]])) : coordsScaled;\n    const inverseRotationMatrix = (angle !== 0) ? util.invertTransformMatrix(rotationMatrix) : util.IDENTITY_MATRIX;\n    const boxCenter = [...bounding.getBoxCenter({ startPoint: box.startPoint, endPoint: box.endPoint }), 1];\n    return coordsRotated.map((coord) => ([\n      coord[0] + util.dot(boxCenter, inverseRotationMatrix[0]),\n      coord[1] + util.dot(boxCenter, inverseRotationMatrix[1]),\n      coord[2],\n    ]));\n  }\n\n  getLeftToRightEyeDepthDifference(rawCoords) {\n    const leftEyeZ = rawCoords[eyeLandmarks.leftBounds[0]][2];\n    const rightEyeZ = rawCoords[eyeLandmarks.rightBounds[0]][2];\n    return leftEyeZ - rightEyeZ;\n  }\n\n  // Returns a box describing a cropped region around the eye fit for passing to the iris model.\n  getEyeBox(rawCoords, face, eyeInnerCornerIndex, eyeOuterCornerIndex, flip = false) {\n    const box = bounding.squarifyBox(bounding.enlargeBox(this.calculateLandmarksBoundingBox([rawCoords[eyeInnerCornerIndex], rawCoords[eyeOuterCornerIndex]]), this.irisEnlarge));\n    const boxSize = bounding.getBoxSize(box);\n    let crop = tf.image.cropAndResize(face, [[\n      box.startPoint[1] / this.meshSize,\n      box.startPoint[0] / this.meshSize, box.endPoint[1] / this.meshSize,\n      box.endPoint[0] / this.meshSize,\n    ]], [0], [this.irisSize, this.irisSize]);\n    if (flip && tf.ENV.flags.IS_BROWSER) {\n      crop = tf.image.flipLeftRight(crop); // flipLeftRight is not defined for tfjs-node\n    }\n    return { box, boxSize, crop };\n  }\n\n  // Given a cropped image of an eye, returns the coordinates of the contours surrounding the eye and the iris.\n  getEyeCoords(eyeData, eyeBox, eyeBoxSize, flip = false) {\n    const eyeRawCoords: Array<any[]> = [];\n    for (let i = 0; i < irisLandmarks.numCoordinates; i++) {\n      const x = eyeData[i * 3];\n      const y = eyeData[i * 3 + 1];\n      const z = eyeData[i * 3 + 2];\n      eyeRawCoords.push([\n        (flip ? (1 - (x / this.irisSize)) : (x / this.irisSize)) * eyeBoxSize[0] + eyeBox.startPoint[0],\n        (y / this.irisSize) * eyeBoxSize[1] + eyeBox.startPoint[1], z,\n      ]);\n    }\n    return { rawCoords: eyeRawCoords, iris: eyeRawCoords.slice(irisLandmarks.index) };\n  }\n\n  // The z-coordinates returned for the iris are unreliable, so we take the z values from the surrounding keypoints.\n  getAdjustedIrisCoords(rawCoords, irisCoords, direction) {\n    const upperCenterZ = rawCoords[coords.MESH_ANNOTATIONS[`${direction}EyeUpper0`][irisLandmarks.upperCenter]][2];\n    const lowerCenterZ = rawCoords[coords.MESH_ANNOTATIONS[`${direction}EyeLower0`][irisLandmarks.lowerCenter]][2];\n    const averageZ = (upperCenterZ + lowerCenterZ) / 2;\n    // Iris indices: 0: center | 1: right | 2: above | 3: left | 4: below\n    return irisCoords.map((coord, i) => {\n      let z = averageZ;\n      if (i === 2) {\n        z = upperCenterZ;\n      } else if (i === 4) {\n        z = lowerCenterZ;\n      }\n      return [coord[0], coord[1], z];\n    });\n  }\n\n  async predict(input, config) {\n    let useFreshBox = false;\n    // run new detector every skipFrames unless we only want box to start with\n    let detector;\n    if ((this.skipped === 0) || (this.skipped > config.face.detector.skipFrames) || !config.face.mesh.enabled || !config.videoOptimized) {\n      detector = await this.boundingBoxDetector.getBoundingBoxes(input);\n      this.skipped = 0;\n    }\n    if (config.videoOptimized) this.skipped++;\n\n    // if detector result count doesn't match current working set, use it to reset current working set\n    if (!config.videoOptimized || (detector && detector.boxes && (!config.face.mesh.enabled || (detector.boxes.length !== this.detectedFaces) && (this.detectedFaces !== config.face.detector.maxFaces)))) {\n      this.storedBoxes = [];\n      this.detectedFaces = 0;\n      for (const possible of detector.boxes) {\n        this.storedBoxes.push({ startPoint: possible.box.startPoint.dataSync(), endPoint: possible.box.endPoint.dataSync(), landmarks: possible.landmarks, confidence: possible.confidence });\n      }\n      if (this.storedBoxes.length > 0) useFreshBox = true;\n    }\n\n    if (config.face.detector.skipInitial && this.detectedFaces === 0) this.skipped = 0;\n\n    if (useFreshBox) {\n      if (!detector || !detector.boxes || (detector.boxes.length === 0)) {\n        this.storedBoxes = [];\n        this.detectedFaces = 0;\n        return null;\n      }\n      for (let i = 0; i < this.storedBoxes.length; i++) {\n        const scaledBox = bounding.scaleBoxCoordinates({ startPoint: this.storedBoxes[i].startPoint, endPoint: this.storedBoxes[i].endPoint }, detector.scaleFactor);\n        const enlargedBox = bounding.enlargeBox(scaledBox);\n        const squarifiedBox = bounding.squarifyBox(enlargedBox);\n        const landmarks = this.storedBoxes[i].landmarks.arraySync();\n        const confidence = this.storedBoxes[i].confidence;\n        this.storedBoxes[i] = { ...squarifiedBox, confidence, landmarks };\n      }\n    }\n    if (detector && detector.boxes) {\n      detector.boxes.forEach((prediction) => {\n        prediction.box.startPoint.dispose();\n        prediction.box.endPoint.dispose();\n        prediction.landmarks.dispose();\n      });\n    }\n\n    let results = tf.tidy(() => this.storedBoxes.map((box, i) => {\n      const boxConfidence = box.confidence;\n\n      // The facial bounding box landmarks could come either from blazeface (if we are using a fresh box), or from the mesh model (if we are reusing an old box).\n      let face;\n      let angle = 0;\n      let rotationMatrix;\n\n      if (config.face.detector.rotation && config.face.mesh.enabled && tf.ENV.flags.IS_BROWSER) {\n        const [indexOfMouth, indexOfForehead] = (box.landmarks.length >= meshLandmarks.count) ? meshLandmarks.symmetryLine : blazeFaceLandmarks.symmetryLine;\n        angle = util.computeRotation(box.landmarks[indexOfMouth], box.landmarks[indexOfForehead]);\n        const faceCenter = bounding.getBoxCenter({ startPoint: box.startPoint, endPoint: box.endPoint });\n        const faceCenterNormalized = [faceCenter[0] / input.shape[2], faceCenter[1] / input.shape[1]];\n        const rotatedImage = tf.image.rotateWithOffset(input, angle, 0, faceCenterNormalized); // rotateWithOffset is not defined for tfjs-node\n        rotationMatrix = util.buildRotationMatrix(-angle, faceCenter);\n        if (config.face.mesh.enabled) face = bounding.cutBoxFromImageAndResize({ startPoint: box.startPoint, endPoint: box.endPoint }, rotatedImage, [this.meshSize, this.meshSize]).div(255);\n        else face = bounding.cutBoxFromImageAndResize({ startPoint: box.startPoint, endPoint: box.endPoint }, rotatedImage, [this.boxSize, this.boxSize]).div(255);\n      } else {\n        rotationMatrix = util.IDENTITY_MATRIX;\n        const clonedImage = input.clone();\n        if (config.face.mesh.enabled) face = bounding.cutBoxFromImageAndResize({ startPoint: box.startPoint, endPoint: box.endPoint }, clonedImage, [this.meshSize, this.meshSize]).div(255);\n        else face = bounding.cutBoxFromImageAndResize({ startPoint: box.startPoint, endPoint: box.endPoint }, clonedImage, [this.boxSize, this.boxSize]).div(255);\n      }\n\n      // if we're not going to produce mesh, don't spend time with further processing\n      if (!config.face.mesh.enabled) {\n        const prediction = {\n          coords: null,\n          box,\n          faceConfidence: null,\n          boxConfidence,\n          confidence: box.confidence,\n          image: face,\n        };\n        return prediction;\n      }\n\n      const [, confidence, contourCoords] = this.meshDetector.predict(face); // The first returned tensor represents facial contours which are already included in the coordinates.\n      const faceConfidence = confidence.dataSync()[0];\n      if (faceConfidence < config.face.detector.minConfidence) return null; // if below confidence just exit\n      const coordsReshaped = tf.reshape(contourCoords, [-1, 3]);\n      let rawCoords = coordsReshaped.arraySync();\n\n      if (config.face.iris.enabled) {\n        const { box: leftEyeBox, boxSize: leftEyeBoxSize, crop: leftEyeCrop } = this.getEyeBox(rawCoords, face, eyeLandmarks.leftBounds[0], eyeLandmarks.leftBounds[1], true);\n        const { box: rightEyeBox, boxSize: rightEyeBoxSize, crop: rightEyeCrop } = this.getEyeBox(rawCoords, face, eyeLandmarks.rightBounds[0], eyeLandmarks.rightBounds[1]);\n        const eyePredictions = this.irisModel.predict(tf.concat([leftEyeCrop, rightEyeCrop]));\n        const eyePredictionsData = eyePredictions.dataSync();\n        const leftEyeData = eyePredictionsData.slice(0, irisLandmarks.numCoordinates * 3);\n        const { rawCoords: leftEyeRawCoords, iris: leftIrisRawCoords } = this.getEyeCoords(leftEyeData, leftEyeBox, leftEyeBoxSize, true);\n        const rightEyeData = eyePredictionsData.slice(irisLandmarks.numCoordinates * 3);\n        const { rawCoords: rightEyeRawCoords, iris: rightIrisRawCoords } = this.getEyeCoords(rightEyeData, rightEyeBox, rightEyeBoxSize);\n        const leftToRightEyeDepthDifference = this.getLeftToRightEyeDepthDifference(rawCoords);\n        if (Math.abs(leftToRightEyeDepthDifference) < 30) { // User is looking straight ahead.\n          replaceRawCoordinates(rawCoords, leftEyeRawCoords, 'left', null);\n          replaceRawCoordinates(rawCoords, rightEyeRawCoords, 'right', null);\n          // If the user is looking to the left or to the right, the iris coordinates tend to diverge too much from the mesh coordinates for them to be merged\n          // So we only update a single contour line above and below the eye.\n        } else if (leftToRightEyeDepthDifference < 1) { // User is looking towards the right.\n          replaceRawCoordinates(rawCoords, leftEyeRawCoords, 'left', ['EyeUpper0', 'EyeLower0']);\n        } else { // User is looking towards the left.\n          replaceRawCoordinates(rawCoords, rightEyeRawCoords, 'right', ['EyeUpper0', 'EyeLower0']);\n        }\n        const adjustedLeftIrisCoords = this.getAdjustedIrisCoords(rawCoords, leftIrisRawCoords, 'left');\n        const adjustedRightIrisCoords = this.getAdjustedIrisCoords(rawCoords, rightIrisRawCoords, 'right');\n        rawCoords = rawCoords.concat(adjustedLeftIrisCoords).concat(adjustedRightIrisCoords);\n      }\n\n      // override box from detection with one calculated from mesh\n      const transformedCoordsData = this.transformRawCoords(rawCoords, box, angle, rotationMatrix);\n      box = bounding.enlargeBox(this.calculateLandmarksBoundingBox(transformedCoordsData), 1.5); // redefine box with mesh calculated one\n      const transformedCoords = tf.tensor2d(transformedCoordsData);\n\n      // do rotation one more time with mesh keypoints if we want to return perfect image\n      if (config.face.detector.rotation && config.face.mesh.enabled && (config.face.description.enabled || config.face.embedding.enabled) && tf.ENV.flags.IS_BROWSER) {\n        const [indexOfMouth, indexOfForehead] = (box.landmarks.length >= meshLandmarks.count) ? meshLandmarks.symmetryLine : blazeFaceLandmarks.symmetryLine;\n        angle = util.computeRotation(box.landmarks[indexOfMouth], box.landmarks[indexOfForehead]);\n        const faceCenter = bounding.getBoxCenter({ startPoint: box.startPoint, endPoint: box.endPoint });\n        const faceCenterNormalized = [faceCenter[0] / input.shape[2], faceCenter[1] / input.shape[1]];\n        const rotatedImage = tf.image.rotateWithOffset(input, angle, 0, faceCenterNormalized); // rotateWithOffset is not defined for tfjs-node\n        rotationMatrix = util.buildRotationMatrix(-angle, faceCenter);\n        face = bounding.cutBoxFromImageAndResize({ startPoint: box.startPoint, endPoint: box.endPoint }, rotatedImage, [this.meshSize, this.meshSize]).div(255);\n      }\n\n      const prediction = {\n        coords: transformedCoords,\n        box,\n        faceConfidence,\n        boxConfidence,\n        image: face,\n        rawCoords,\n      };\n\n      // updated stored cache values\n      const squarifiedLandmarksBox = bounding.squarifyBox(box);\n      this.storedBoxes[i] = { ...squarifiedLandmarksBox, landmarks: transformedCoordsData, confidence: box.confidence, faceConfidence };\n\n      return prediction;\n    }));\n\n    results = results.filter((a) => a !== null);\n    // remove cache entries for detected boxes on low confidence\n    if (config.face.mesh.enabled) this.storedBoxes = this.storedBoxes.filter((a) => a.faceConfidence > config.face.detector.minConfidence);\n    this.detectedFaces = results.length;\n\n    return results;\n  }\n\n  calculateLandmarksBoundingBox(landmarks) {\n    const xs = landmarks.map((d) => d[0]);\n    const ys = landmarks.map((d) => d[1]);\n    const startPoint = [Math.min(...xs), Math.min(...ys)];\n    const endPoint = [Math.max(...xs), Math.max(...ys)];\n    return { startPoint, endPoint, landmarks };\n  }\n}\n", "import * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\n\nexport function scaleBoxCoordinates(box, factor) {\n  const startPoint = [box.startPoint[0] * factor[0], box.startPoint[1] * factor[1]];\n  const endPoint = [box.endPoint[0] * factor[0], box.endPoint[1] * factor[1]];\n  return { startPoint, endPoint };\n}\n\nexport function getBoxSize(box) {\n  return [\n    Math.abs(box.endPoint[0] - box.startPoint[0]),\n    Math.abs(box.endPoint[1] - box.startPoint[1]),\n  ];\n}\n\nexport function getBoxCenter(box) {\n  return [\n    box.startPoint[0] + (box.endPoint[0] - box.startPoint[0]) / 2,\n    box.startPoint[1] + (box.endPoint[1] - box.startPoint[1]) / 2,\n  ];\n}\n\nexport function cutBoxFromImageAndResize(box, image, cropSize) {\n  const h = image.shape[1];\n  const w = image.shape[2];\n  const boxes = [[\n    box.startPoint[1] / h,\n    box.startPoint[0] / w,\n    box.endPoint[1] / h,\n    box.endPoint[0] / w,\n  ]];\n  return tf.image.cropAndResize(image, boxes, [0], cropSize);\n}\n\nexport function enlargeBox(box, factor = 1.5) {\n  const center = getBoxCenter(box);\n  const size = getBoxSize(box);\n  const newHalfSize = [factor * size[0] / 2, factor * size[1] / 2];\n  const startPoint = [center[0] - newHalfSize[0], center[1] - newHalfSize[1]];\n  const endPoint = [center[0] + newHalfSize[0], center[1] + newHalfSize[1]];\n  return { startPoint, endPoint, landmarks: box.landmarks };\n}\n\nexport function squarifyBox(box) {\n  const centers = getBoxCenter(box);\n  const size = getBoxSize(box);\n  const maxEdge = Math.max(...size);\n  const halfSize = maxEdge / 2;\n  const startPoint = [centers[0] - halfSize, centers[1] - halfSize];\n  const endPoint = [centers[0] + halfSize, centers[1] + halfSize];\n  return { startPoint, endPoint, landmarks: box.landmarks };\n}\n", "export const IDENTITY_MATRIX = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]];\n/**\n * Normalizes the provided angle to the range -pi to pi.\n * @param angle The angle in radians to be normalized.\n */\nexport function normalizeRadians(angle) {\n  return angle - 2 * Math.PI * Math.floor((angle + Math.PI) / (2 * Math.PI));\n}\n\n/**\n * Computes the angle of rotation between two anchor points.\n * @param point1 First anchor point\n * @param point2 Second anchor point\n */\nexport function computeRotation(point1, point2) {\n  const radians = Math.PI / 2 - Math.atan2(-(point2[1] - point1[1]), point2[0] - point1[0]);\n  return normalizeRadians(radians);\n}\n\nexport function radToDegrees(rad) {\n  return rad * 180 / Math.PI;\n}\n\nexport function buildTranslationMatrix(x, y) {\n  return [[1, 0, x], [0, 1, y], [0, 0, 1]];\n}\n\nexport function dot(v1, v2) {\n  let product = 0;\n  for (let i = 0; i < v1.length; i++) {\n    product += v1[i] * v2[i];\n  }\n  return product;\n}\n\nexport function getColumnFrom2DArr(arr, columnIndex) {\n  const column: Array<number> = [];\n  for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {\n    column.push(arr[i][columnIndex]);\n  }\n  return column;\n}\n\nexport function multiplyTransformMatrices(mat1, mat2) {\n  const product: Array<number[]> = [];\n  const size = mat1.length;\n  for (let row = 0; row < size; row++) {\n    product.push([]);\n    for (let col = 0; col < size; col++) {\n      product[row].push(dot(mat1[row], getColumnFrom2DArr(mat2, col)));\n    }\n  }\n  return product;\n}\n\nexport function buildRotationMatrix(rotation, center) {\n  const cosA = Math.cos(rotation);\n  const sinA = Math.sin(rotation);\n  const rotationMatrix = [[cosA, -sinA, 0], [sinA, cosA, 0], [0, 0, 1]];\n  const translationMatrix = buildTranslationMatrix(center[0], center[1]);\n  const translationTimesRotation = multiplyTransformMatrices(translationMatrix, rotationMatrix);\n  const negativeTranslationMatrix = buildTranslationMatrix(-center[0], -center[1]);\n  return multiplyTransformMatrices(translationTimesRotation, negativeTranslationMatrix);\n}\n\nexport function invertTransformMatrix(matrix) {\n  const rotationComponent = [[matrix[0][0], matrix[1][0]], [matrix[0][1], matrix[1][1]]];\n  const translationComponent = [matrix[0][2], matrix[1][2]];\n  const invertedTranslation = [\n    -dot(rotationComponent[0], translationComponent),\n    -dot(rotationComponent[1], translationComponent),\n  ];\n  return [\n    rotationComponent[0].concat(invertedTranslation[0]),\n    rotationComponent[1].concat(invertedTranslation[1]),\n    [0, 0, 1],\n  ];\n}\n\nexport function rotatePoint(homogeneousCoordinate, rotationMatrix) {\n  return [\n    dot(homogeneousCoordinate, rotationMatrix[0]),\n    dot(homogeneousCoordinate, rotationMatrix[1]),\n  ];\n}\n\nexport function xyDistanceBetweenPoints(a, b) {\n  return Math.sqrt(((a[0] - b[0]) ** 2) + ((a[1] - b[1]) ** 2));\n}\n", "export const MESH_ANNOTATIONS = {\n  silhouette: [\n    10, 338, 297, 332, 284, 251, 389, 356, 454, 323, 361, 288,\n    397, 365, 379, 378, 400, 377, 152, 148, 176, 149, 150, 136,\n    172, 58, 132, 93, 234, 127, 162, 21, 54, 103, 67, 109,\n  ],\n  lipsUpperOuter: [61, 185, 40, 39, 37, 0, 267, 269, 270, 409, 291],\n  lipsLowerOuter: [146, 91, 181, 84, 17, 314, 405, 321, 375, 291],\n  lipsUpperInner: [78, 191, 80, 81, 82, 13, 312, 311, 310, 415, 308],\n  lipsLowerInner: [78, 95, 88, 178, 87, 14, 317, 402, 318, 324, 308],\n  rightEyeUpper0: [246, 161, 160, 159, 158, 157, 173],\n  rightEyeLower0: [33, 7, 163, 144, 145, 153, 154, 155, 133],\n  rightEyeUpper1: [247, 30, 29, 27, 28, 56, 190],\n  rightEyeLower1: [130, 25, 110, 24, 23, 22, 26, 112, 243],\n  rightEyeUpper2: [113, 225, 224, 223, 222, 221, 189],\n  rightEyeLower2: [226, 31, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 244],\n  rightEyeLower3: [143, 111, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 128, 245],\n  rightEyebrowUpper: [156, 70, 63, 105, 66, 107, 55, 193],\n  rightEyebrowLower: [35, 124, 46, 53, 52, 65],\n  rightEyeIris: [473, 474, 475, 476, 477],\n  leftEyeUpper0: [466, 388, 387, 386, 385, 384, 398],\n  leftEyeLower0: [263, 249, 390, 373, 374, 380, 381, 382, 362],\n  leftEyeUpper1: [467, 260, 259, 257, 258, 286, 414],\n  leftEyeLower1: [359, 255, 339, 254, 253, 252, 256, 341, 463],\n  leftEyeUpper2: [342, 445, 444, 443, 442, 441, 413],\n  leftEyeLower2: [446, 261, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 464],\n  leftEyeLower3: [372, 340, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 357, 465],\n  leftEyebrowUpper: [383, 300, 293, 334, 296, 336, 285, 417],\n  leftEyebrowLower: [265, 353, 276, 283, 282, 295],\n  leftEyeIris: [468, 469, 470, 471, 472],\n  midwayBetweenEyes: [168],\n  noseTip: [1],\n  noseBottom: [2],\n  noseRightCorner: [98],\n  noseLeftCorner: [327],\n  rightCheek: [205],\n  leftCheek: [425],\n};\n\nexport const MESH_TO_IRIS_INDICES_MAP = [ // A mapping from facemesh model keypoints to iris model keypoints.\n  { key: 'EyeUpper0', indices: [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] },\n  { key: 'EyeUpper1', indices: [25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31] },\n  { key: 'EyeUpper2', indices: [41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47] },\n  { key: 'EyeLower0', indices: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] },\n  { key: 'EyeLower1', indices: [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24] },\n  { key: 'EyeLower2', indices: [32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40] },\n  { key: 'EyeLower3', indices: [54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62] },\n  // { key: 'EyebrowUpper', indices: [63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70] },\n  // { key: 'EyebrowLower', indices: [48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53] },\n];\n\nexport const UV468 = [\n  [0.499976992607117, 0.652534008026123],\n  [0.500025987625122, 0.547487020492554],\n  [0.499974012374878, 0.602371990680695],\n  [0.482113003730774, 0.471979022026062],\n  [0.500150978565216, 0.527155995368958],\n  [0.499909996986389, 0.498252987861633],\n  [0.499523013830185, 0.40106201171875],\n  [0.289712011814117, 0.380764007568359],\n  [0.499954998493195, 0.312398016452789],\n  [0.499987006187439, 0.269918978214264],\n  [0.500023007392883, 0.107050001621246],\n  [0.500023007392883, 0.666234016418457],\n  [0.5000159740448, 0.679224014282227],\n  [0.500023007392883, 0.692348003387451],\n  [0.499976992607117, 0.695277988910675],\n  [0.499976992607117, 0.70593398809433],\n  [0.499976992607117, 0.719385027885437],\n  [0.499976992607117, 0.737019002437592],\n  [0.499967992305756, 0.781370997428894],\n  [0.499816000461578, 0.562981009483337],\n  [0.473773002624512, 0.573909997940063],\n  [0.104906998574734, 0.254140973091125],\n  [0.365929991006851, 0.409575998783112],\n  [0.338757991790771, 0.41302502155304],\n  [0.311120003461838, 0.409460008144379],\n  [0.274657994508743, 0.389131009578705],\n  [0.393361985683441, 0.403706014156342],\n  [0.345234006643295, 0.344011008739471],\n  [0.370094001293182, 0.346076011657715],\n  [0.319321990013123, 0.347265005111694],\n  [0.297903001308441, 0.353591024875641],\n  [0.24779200553894, 0.410809993743896],\n  [0.396889001131058, 0.842755019664764],\n  [0.280097991228104, 0.375599980354309],\n  [0.106310002505779, 0.399955987930298],\n  [0.2099249958992, 0.391353011131287],\n  [0.355807989835739, 0.534406006336212],\n  [0.471751004457474, 0.65040397644043],\n  [0.474155008792877, 0.680191993713379],\n  [0.439785003662109, 0.657229006290436],\n  [0.414617002010345, 0.66654098033905],\n  [0.450374007225037, 0.680860996246338],\n  [0.428770989179611, 0.682690978050232],\n  [0.374971002340317, 0.727805018424988],\n  [0.486716985702515, 0.547628998756409],\n  [0.485300987958908, 0.527395009994507],\n  [0.257764995098114, 0.314490020275116],\n  [0.401223003864288, 0.455172002315521],\n  [0.429818987846375, 0.548614978790283],\n  [0.421351999044418, 0.533740997314453],\n  [0.276895999908447, 0.532056987285614],\n  [0.483370006084442, 0.499586999416351],\n  [0.33721199631691, 0.282882988452911],\n  [0.296391993761063, 0.293242990970612],\n  [0.169294998049736, 0.193813979625702],\n  [0.447580009698868, 0.302609980106354],\n  [0.392390012741089, 0.353887975215912],\n  [0.354490011930466, 0.696784019470215],\n  [0.067304998636246, 0.730105042457581],\n  [0.442739009857178, 0.572826027870178],\n  [0.457098007202148, 0.584792017936707],\n  [0.381974011659622, 0.694710969924927],\n  [0.392388999462128, 0.694203019142151],\n  [0.277076005935669, 0.271932005882263],\n  [0.422551989555359, 0.563233017921448],\n  [0.385919004678726, 0.281364023685455],\n  [0.383103013038635, 0.255840003490448],\n  [0.331431001424789, 0.119714021682739],\n  [0.229923993349075, 0.232002973556519],\n  [0.364500999450684, 0.189113974571228],\n  [0.229622006416321, 0.299540996551514],\n  [0.173287004232407, 0.278747975826263],\n  [0.472878992557526, 0.666198015213013],\n  [0.446828007698059, 0.668527007102966],\n  [0.422762006521225, 0.673889994621277],\n  [0.445307999849319, 0.580065965652466],\n  [0.388103008270264, 0.693961024284363],\n  [0.403039008378983, 0.706539988517761],\n  [0.403629004955292, 0.693953037261963],\n  [0.460041999816895, 0.557139039039612],\n  [0.431158006191254, 0.692366003990173],\n  [0.452181994915009, 0.692366003990173],\n  [0.475387006998062, 0.692366003990173],\n  [0.465828001499176, 0.779190003871918],\n  [0.472328990697861, 0.736225962638855],\n  [0.473087012767792, 0.717857003211975],\n  [0.473122000694275, 0.704625964164734],\n  [0.473033010959625, 0.695277988910675],\n  [0.427942007780075, 0.695277988910675],\n  [0.426479011774063, 0.703539967536926],\n  [0.423162013292313, 0.711845993995667],\n  [0.4183090031147, 0.720062971115112],\n  [0.390094995498657, 0.639572978019714],\n  [0.013953999616206, 0.560034036636353],\n  [0.499913990497589, 0.58014702796936],\n  [0.413199990987778, 0.69539999961853],\n  [0.409626007080078, 0.701822996139526],\n  [0.468080013990402, 0.601534962654114],\n  [0.422728985548019, 0.585985004901886],\n  [0.463079988956451, 0.593783974647522],\n  [0.37211999297142, 0.47341400384903],\n  [0.334562003612518, 0.496073007583618],\n  [0.411671012639999, 0.546965003013611],\n  [0.242175996303558, 0.14767599105835],\n  [0.290776997804642, 0.201445996761322],\n  [0.327338010072708, 0.256527006626129],\n  [0.399509996175766, 0.748921036720276],\n  [0.441727995872498, 0.261676013469696],\n  [0.429764986038208, 0.187834024429321],\n  [0.412198007106781, 0.108901023864746],\n  [0.288955003023148, 0.398952007293701],\n  [0.218936994671822, 0.435410976409912],\n  [0.41278201341629, 0.398970007896423],\n  [0.257135003805161, 0.355440020561218],\n  [0.427684992551804, 0.437960982322693],\n  [0.448339998722076, 0.536936044692993],\n  [0.178560003638268, 0.45755398273468],\n  [0.247308000922203, 0.457193970680237],\n  [0.286267012357712, 0.467674970626831],\n  [0.332827985286713, 0.460712015628815],\n  [0.368755996227264, 0.447206974029541],\n  [0.398963987827301, 0.432654976844788],\n  [0.476410001516342, 0.405806005001068],\n  [0.189241006970406, 0.523923993110657],\n  [0.228962004184723, 0.348950982093811],\n  [0.490725994110107, 0.562400996685028],\n  [0.404670000076294, 0.485132992267609],\n  [0.019469000399113, 0.401564002037048],\n  [0.426243007183075, 0.420431017875671],\n  [0.396993011236191, 0.548797011375427],\n  [0.266469985246658, 0.376977026462555],\n  [0.439121007919312, 0.51895797252655],\n  [0.032313998788595, 0.644356966018677],\n  [0.419054001569748, 0.387154996395111],\n  [0.462783008813858, 0.505746960639954],\n  [0.238978996872902, 0.779744982719421],\n  [0.198220998048782, 0.831938028335571],\n  [0.107550002634525, 0.540755033493042],\n  [0.183610007166862, 0.740257024765015],\n  [0.134409993886948, 0.333683013916016],\n  [0.385764002799988, 0.883153975009918],\n  [0.490967005491257, 0.579378008842468],\n  [0.382384985685349, 0.508572995662689],\n  [0.174399003386497, 0.397670984268188],\n  [0.318785011768341, 0.39623498916626],\n  [0.343364000320435, 0.400596976280212],\n  [0.396100014448166, 0.710216999053955],\n  [0.187885001301765, 0.588537991046906],\n  [0.430987000465393, 0.944064974784851],\n  [0.318993002176285, 0.898285031318665],\n  [0.266247987747192, 0.869701027870178],\n  [0.500023007392883, 0.190576016902924],\n  [0.499976992607117, 0.954452991485596],\n  [0.366169989109039, 0.398822009563446],\n  [0.393207013607025, 0.39553701877594],\n  [0.410373002290726, 0.391080021858215],\n  [0.194993004202843, 0.342101991176605],\n  [0.388664990663528, 0.362284004688263],\n  [0.365961998701096, 0.355970978736877],\n  [0.343364000320435, 0.355356991291046],\n  [0.318785011768341, 0.35834002494812],\n  [0.301414996385574, 0.363156020641327],\n  [0.058132998645306, 0.319076001644135],\n  [0.301414996385574, 0.387449026107788],\n  [0.499987989664078, 0.618434011936188],\n  [0.415838003158569, 0.624195992946625],\n  [0.445681989192963, 0.566076993942261],\n  [0.465844005346298, 0.620640993118286],\n  [0.49992299079895, 0.351523995399475],\n  [0.288718998432159, 0.819945991039276],\n  [0.335278987884521, 0.852819979190826],\n  [0.440512001514435, 0.902418971061707],\n  [0.128294005990028, 0.791940987110138],\n  [0.408771991729736, 0.373893976211548],\n  [0.455606997013092, 0.451801002025604],\n  [0.499877005815506, 0.908990025520325],\n  [0.375436991453171, 0.924192011356354],\n  [0.11421000212431, 0.615022003650665],\n  [0.448662012815475, 0.695277988910675],\n  [0.4480200111866, 0.704632043838501],\n  [0.447111994028091, 0.715808033943176],\n  [0.444831997156143, 0.730794012546539],\n  [0.430011987686157, 0.766808986663818],\n  [0.406787008047104, 0.685672998428345],\n  [0.400738000869751, 0.681069016456604],\n  [0.392399996519089, 0.677703022956848],\n  [0.367855995893478, 0.663918972015381],\n  [0.247923001646996, 0.601333022117615],\n  [0.452769994735718, 0.420849978923798],\n  [0.43639200925827, 0.359887003898621],\n  [0.416164010763168, 0.368713974952698],\n  [0.413385987281799, 0.692366003990173],\n  [0.228018000721931, 0.683571994304657],\n  [0.468268007040024, 0.352671027183533],\n  [0.411361992359161, 0.804327011108398],\n  [0.499989002943039, 0.469825029373169],\n  [0.479153990745544, 0.442654013633728],\n  [0.499974012374878, 0.439637005329132],\n  [0.432112008333206, 0.493588984012604],\n  [0.499886006116867, 0.866917014122009],\n  [0.49991300702095, 0.821729004383087],\n  [0.456548988819122, 0.819200992584229],\n  [0.344549000263214, 0.745438992977142],\n  [0.37890899181366, 0.574010014533997],\n  [0.374292999505997, 0.780184984207153],\n  [0.319687992334366, 0.570737957954407],\n  [0.357154995203018, 0.604269981384277],\n  [0.295284003019333, 0.621580958366394],\n  [0.447750002145767, 0.862477004528046],\n  [0.410986006259918, 0.508723020553589],\n  [0.31395098567009, 0.775308012962341],\n  [0.354128003120422, 0.812552988529205],\n  [0.324548006057739, 0.703992962837219],\n  [0.189096003770828, 0.646299958229065],\n  [0.279776990413666, 0.71465802192688],\n  [0.1338230073452, 0.682700991630554],\n  [0.336768001317978, 0.644733011722565],\n  [0.429883986711502, 0.466521978378296],\n  [0.455527991056442, 0.548622965812683],\n  [0.437114000320435, 0.558896005153656],\n  [0.467287987470627, 0.529924988746643],\n  [0.414712011814117, 0.335219979286194],\n  [0.37704598903656, 0.322777986526489],\n  [0.344107985496521, 0.320150971412659],\n  [0.312875986099243, 0.32233202457428],\n  [0.283526003360748, 0.333190023899078],\n  [0.241245999932289, 0.382785975933075],\n  [0.102986000478268, 0.468762993812561],\n  [0.267612010240555, 0.424560010433197],\n  [0.297879010438919, 0.433175981044769],\n  [0.333433985710144, 0.433878004550934],\n  [0.366427004337311, 0.426115989685059],\n  [0.396012008190155, 0.416696012020111],\n  [0.420121014118195, 0.41022801399231],\n  [0.007561000064015, 0.480777025222778],\n  [0.432949006557465, 0.569517970085144],\n  [0.458638995885849, 0.479089021682739],\n  [0.473466008901596, 0.545744001865387],\n  [0.476087987422943, 0.563830018043518],\n  [0.468472003936768, 0.555056989192963],\n  [0.433990985155106, 0.582361996173859],\n  [0.483518004417419, 0.562983989715576],\n  [0.482482999563217, 0.57784903049469],\n  [0.42645001411438, 0.389798998832703],\n  [0.438998997211456, 0.39649498462677],\n  [0.450067013502121, 0.400434017181396],\n  [0.289712011814117, 0.368252992630005],\n  [0.276670008897781, 0.363372981548309],\n  [0.517862021923065, 0.471948027610779],\n  [0.710287988185883, 0.380764007568359],\n  [0.526226997375488, 0.573909997940063],\n  [0.895093023777008, 0.254140973091125],\n  [0.634069979190826, 0.409575998783112],\n  [0.661242008209229, 0.41302502155304],\n  [0.688880026340485, 0.409460008144379],\n  [0.725341975688934, 0.389131009578705],\n  [0.606630027294159, 0.40370500087738],\n  [0.654766023159027, 0.344011008739471],\n  [0.629905998706818, 0.346076011657715],\n  [0.680678009986877, 0.347265005111694],\n  [0.702096998691559, 0.353591024875641],\n  [0.75221198797226, 0.410804986953735],\n  [0.602918028831482, 0.842862963676453],\n  [0.719901978969574, 0.375599980354309],\n  [0.893692970275879, 0.399959981441498],\n  [0.790081977844238, 0.391354024410248],\n  [0.643998026847839, 0.534487962722778],\n  [0.528249025344849, 0.65040397644043],\n  [0.525849997997284, 0.680191040039062],\n  [0.560214996337891, 0.657229006290436],\n  [0.585384011268616, 0.66654098033905],\n  [0.549625992774963, 0.680860996246338],\n  [0.57122802734375, 0.682691991329193],\n  [0.624852001667023, 0.72809898853302],\n  [0.513050019741058, 0.547281980514526],\n  [0.51509702205658, 0.527251958847046],\n  [0.742246985435486, 0.314507007598877],\n  [0.598631024360657, 0.454979002475739],\n  [0.570338010787964, 0.548575043678284],\n  [0.578631997108459, 0.533622980117798],\n  [0.723087012767792, 0.532054007053375],\n  [0.516445994377136, 0.499638974666595],\n  [0.662801027297974, 0.282917976379395],\n  [0.70362401008606, 0.293271005153656],\n  [0.830704987049103, 0.193813979625702],\n  [0.552385985851288, 0.302568018436432],\n  [0.607609987258911, 0.353887975215912],\n  [0.645429015159607, 0.696707010269165],\n  [0.932694971561432, 0.730105042457581],\n  [0.557260990142822, 0.572826027870178],\n  [0.542901992797852, 0.584792017936707],\n  [0.6180260181427, 0.694710969924927],\n  [0.607590973377228, 0.694203019142151],\n  [0.722943007946014, 0.271963000297546],\n  [0.577413976192474, 0.563166975975037],\n  [0.614082992076874, 0.281386971473694],\n  [0.616907000541687, 0.255886018276215],\n  [0.668509006500244, 0.119913995265961],\n  [0.770092010498047, 0.232020974159241],\n  [0.635536015033722, 0.189248979091644],\n  [0.77039098739624, 0.299556016921997],\n  [0.826722025871277, 0.278755009174347],\n  [0.527121007442474, 0.666198015213013],\n  [0.553171992301941, 0.668527007102966],\n  [0.577238023281097, 0.673889994621277],\n  [0.554691970348358, 0.580065965652466],\n  [0.611896991729736, 0.693961024284363],\n  [0.59696102142334, 0.706539988517761],\n  [0.596370995044708, 0.693953037261963],\n  [0.539958000183105, 0.557139039039612],\n  [0.568841993808746, 0.692366003990173],\n  [0.547818005084991, 0.692366003990173],\n  [0.52461302280426, 0.692366003990173],\n  [0.534089982509613, 0.779141008853912],\n  [0.527670979499817, 0.736225962638855],\n  [0.526912987232208, 0.717857003211975],\n  [0.526877999305725, 0.704625964164734],\n  [0.526966989040375, 0.695277988910675],\n  [0.572058022022247, 0.695277988910675],\n  [0.573521018028259, 0.703539967536926],\n  [0.57683801651001, 0.711845993995667],\n  [0.581691026687622, 0.720062971115112],\n  [0.609944999217987, 0.639909982681274],\n  [0.986046016216278, 0.560034036636353],\n  [0.5867999792099, 0.69539999961853],\n  [0.590372025966644, 0.701822996139526],\n  [0.531915009021759, 0.601536989212036],\n  [0.577268004417419, 0.585934996604919],\n  [0.536915004253387, 0.593786001205444],\n  [0.627542972564697, 0.473352015018463],\n  [0.665585994720459, 0.495950996875763],\n  [0.588353991508484, 0.546862006187439],\n  [0.757824003696442, 0.14767599105835],\n  [0.709249973297119, 0.201507985591888],\n  [0.672684013843536, 0.256581008434296],\n  [0.600408971309662, 0.74900496006012],\n  [0.55826598405838, 0.261672019958496],\n  [0.570303976535797, 0.187870979309082],\n  [0.588165998458862, 0.109044015407562],\n  [0.711045026779175, 0.398952007293701],\n  [0.781069993972778, 0.435405015945435],\n  [0.587247014045715, 0.398931980133057],\n  [0.742869973182678, 0.355445981025696],\n  [0.572156012058258, 0.437651991844177],\n  [0.55186802148819, 0.536570012569427],\n  [0.821442008018494, 0.457556009292603],\n  [0.752701997756958, 0.457181990146637],\n  [0.71375697851181, 0.467626988887787],\n  [0.66711300611496, 0.460672974586487],\n  [0.631101012229919, 0.447153985500336],\n  [0.6008620262146, 0.432473003864288],\n  [0.523481011390686, 0.405627012252808],\n  [0.810747981071472, 0.523926019668579],\n  [0.771045982837677, 0.348959028720856],\n  [0.509127020835876, 0.562718033790588],\n  [0.595292985439301, 0.485023975372314],\n  [0.980530977249146, 0.401564002037048],\n  [0.573499977588654, 0.420000016689301],\n  [0.602994978427887, 0.548687994480133],\n  [0.733529984951019, 0.376977026462555],\n  [0.560611009597778, 0.519016981124878],\n  [0.967685997486115, 0.644356966018677],\n  [0.580985009670258, 0.387160003185272],\n  [0.537728011608124, 0.505385041236877],\n  [0.760966002941132, 0.779752969741821],\n  [0.801778972148895, 0.831938028335571],\n  [0.892440974712372, 0.54076099395752],\n  [0.816350996494293, 0.740260004997253],\n  [0.865594983100891, 0.333687007427216],\n  [0.614073991775513, 0.883246004581451],\n  [0.508952975273132, 0.579437971115112],\n  [0.617941975593567, 0.508316040039062],\n  [0.825608015060425, 0.397674977779388],\n  [0.681214988231659, 0.39623498916626],\n  [0.656635999679565, 0.400596976280212],\n  [0.603900015354156, 0.710216999053955],\n  [0.81208598613739, 0.588539004325867],\n  [0.56801301240921, 0.944564998149872],\n  [0.681007981300354, 0.898285031318665],\n  [0.733752012252808, 0.869701027870178],\n  [0.633830010890961, 0.398822009563446],\n  [0.606792986392975, 0.39553701877594],\n  [0.589659988880157, 0.391062021255493],\n  [0.805015981197357, 0.342108011245728],\n  [0.611334979534149, 0.362284004688263],\n  [0.634037971496582, 0.355970978736877],\n  [0.656635999679565, 0.355356991291046],\n  [0.681214988231659, 0.35834002494812],\n  [0.698584973812103, 0.363156020641327],\n  [0.941866993904114, 0.319076001644135],\n  [0.698584973812103, 0.387449026107788],\n  [0.584177017211914, 0.624107003211975],\n  [0.554318010807037, 0.566076993942261],\n  [0.534153997898102, 0.62064003944397],\n  [0.711217999458313, 0.819975018501282],\n  [0.664629995822906, 0.852871000766754],\n  [0.559099972248077, 0.902631998062134],\n  [0.871706008911133, 0.791940987110138],\n  [0.591234028339386, 0.373893976211548],\n  [0.544341027736664, 0.451583981513977],\n  [0.624562978744507, 0.924192011356354],\n  [0.88577002286911, 0.615028977394104],\n  [0.551338016986847, 0.695277988910675],\n  [0.551980018615723, 0.704632043838501],\n  [0.552887976169586, 0.715808033943176],\n  [0.555167973041534, 0.730794012546539],\n  [0.569944024085999, 0.767035007476807],\n  [0.593203008174896, 0.685675978660583],\n  [0.599261999130249, 0.681069016456604],\n  [0.607599973678589, 0.677703022956848],\n  [0.631937980651855, 0.663500010967255],\n  [0.752032995223999, 0.601315021514893],\n  [0.547226011753082, 0.420395016670227],\n  [0.563543975353241, 0.359827995300293],\n  [0.583841025829315, 0.368713974952698],\n  [0.586614012718201, 0.692366003990173],\n  [0.771915018558502, 0.683578014373779],\n  [0.531597018241882, 0.352482974529266],\n  [0.588370978832245, 0.804440975189209],\n  [0.52079701423645, 0.442565023899078],\n  [0.567984998226166, 0.493479013442993],\n  [0.543282985687256, 0.819254994392395],\n  [0.655317008495331, 0.745514988899231],\n  [0.621008992195129, 0.574018001556396],\n  [0.625559985637665, 0.78031200170517],\n  [0.680198013782501, 0.570719003677368],\n  [0.64276397228241, 0.604337990283966],\n  [0.704662978649139, 0.621529996395111],\n  [0.552012026309967, 0.862591981887817],\n  [0.589071989059448, 0.508637011051178],\n  [0.685944974422455, 0.775357007980347],\n  [0.645735025405884, 0.812640011310577],\n  [0.675342977046967, 0.703978002071381],\n  [0.810858011245728, 0.646304965019226],\n  [0.72012197971344, 0.714666962623596],\n  [0.866151988506317, 0.682704985141754],\n  [0.663187026977539, 0.644596993923187],\n  [0.570082008838654, 0.466325998306274],\n  [0.544561982154846, 0.548375964164734],\n  [0.562758982181549, 0.558784961700439],\n  [0.531987011432648, 0.530140042304993],\n  [0.585271000862122, 0.335177004337311],\n  [0.622952997684479, 0.32277899980545],\n  [0.655896008014679, 0.320163011550903],\n  [0.687132000923157, 0.322345972061157],\n  [0.716481983661652, 0.333200991153717],\n  [0.758756995201111, 0.382786989212036],\n  [0.897013008594513, 0.468769013881683],\n  [0.732392013072968, 0.424547016620636],\n  [0.70211398601532, 0.433162987232208],\n  [0.66652500629425, 0.433866024017334],\n  [0.633504986763, 0.426087975502014],\n  [0.603875994682312, 0.416586995124817],\n  [0.579657971858978, 0.409945011138916],\n  [0.992439985275269, 0.480777025222778],\n  [0.567192018032074, 0.569419980049133],\n  [0.54136598110199, 0.478899002075195],\n  [0.526564002037048, 0.546118021011353],\n  [0.523913025856018, 0.563830018043518],\n  [0.531529009342194, 0.555056989192963],\n  [0.566035985946655, 0.582329034805298],\n  [0.51631098985672, 0.563053965568542],\n  [0.5174720287323, 0.577877044677734],\n  [0.573594987392426, 0.389806985855103],\n  [0.560697972774506, 0.395331978797913],\n  [0.549755990505219, 0.399751007556915],\n  [0.710287988185883, 0.368252992630005],\n  [0.723330020904541, 0.363372981548309],\n];\n\nexport const TRI468 = [\n  127, 34, 139, 11, 0, 37, 232, 231, 120, 72, 37, 39, 128, 121, 47, 232, 121, 128, 104, 69, 67, 175, 171, 148, 157, 154, 155, 118, 50, 101, 73, 39, 40, 9,\n  151, 108, 48, 115, 131, 194, 204, 211, 74, 40, 185, 80, 42, 183, 40, 92, 186, 230, 229, 118, 202, 212, 214, 83, 18, 17, 76, 61, 146, 160, 29, 30, 56,\n  157, 173, 106, 204, 194, 135, 214, 192, 203, 165, 98, 21, 71, 68, 51, 45, 4, 144, 24, 23, 77, 146, 91, 205, 50, 187, 201, 200, 18, 91, 106, 182, 90, 91,\n  181, 85, 84, 17, 206, 203, 36, 148, 171, 140, 92, 40, 39, 193, 189, 244, 159, 158, 28, 247, 246, 161, 236, 3, 196, 54, 68, 104, 193, 168, 8, 117,\n  228, 31, 189, 193, 55, 98, 97, 99, 126, 47, 100, 166, 79, 218, 155, 154, 26, 209, 49, 131, 135, 136, 150, 47, 126, 217, 223, 52, 53, 45, 51, 134, 211,\n  170, 140, 67, 69, 108, 43, 106, 91, 230, 119, 120, 226, 130, 247, 63, 53, 52, 238, 20, 242, 46, 70, 156, 78, 62, 96, 46, 53, 63, 143, 34, 227, 173,\n  155, 133, 123, 117, 111, 44, 125, 19, 236, 134, 51, 216, 206, 205, 154, 153, 22, 39, 37, 167, 200, 201, 208, 36, 142, 100, 57, 212, 202, 20, 60, 99, 28,\n  158, 157, 35, 226, 113, 160, 159, 27, 204, 202, 210, 113, 225, 46, 43, 202, 204, 62, 76, 77, 137, 123, 116, 41, 38, 72, 203, 129, 142, 64, 98, 240, 49,\n  102, 64, 41, 73, 74, 212, 216, 207, 42, 74, 184, 169, 170, 211, 170, 149, 176, 105, 66, 69, 122, 6, 168, 123, 147, 187, 96, 77, 90, 65, 55, 107, 89,\n  90, 180, 101, 100, 120, 63, 105, 104, 93, 137, 227, 15, 86, 85, 129, 102, 49, 14, 87, 86, 55, 8, 9, 100, 47, 121, 145, 23, 22, 88, 89, 179, 6, 122,\n  196, 88, 95, 96, 138, 172, 136, 215, 58, 172, 115, 48, 219, 42, 80, 81, 195, 3, 51, 43, 146, 61, 171, 175, 199, 81, 82, 38, 53, 46, 225, 144, 163, 110,\n  246, 33, 7, 52, 65, 66, 229, 228, 117, 34, 127, 234, 107, 108, 69, 109, 108, 151, 48, 64, 235, 62, 78, 191, 129, 209, 126, 111, 35, 143, 163, 161, 246,\n  117, 123, 50, 222, 65, 52, 19, 125, 141, 221, 55, 65, 3, 195, 197, 25, 7, 33, 220, 237, 44, 70, 71, 139, 122, 193, 245, 247, 130, 33, 71, 21, 162,\n  153, 158, 159, 170, 169, 150, 188, 174, 196, 216, 186, 92, 144, 160, 161, 2, 97, 167, 141, 125, 241, 164, 167, 37, 72, 38, 12, 145, 159, 160, 38, 82, 13,\n  63, 68, 71, 226, 35, 111, 158, 153, 154, 101, 50, 205, 206, 92, 165, 209, 198, 217, 165, 167, 97, 220, 115, 218, 133, 112, 243, 239, 238, 241, 214,\n  135, 169, 190, 173, 133, 171, 208, 32, 125, 44, 237, 86, 87, 178, 85, 86, 179, 84, 85, 180, 83, 84, 181, 201, 83, 182, 137, 93, 132, 76, 62, 183, 61,\n  76, 184, 57, 61, 185, 212, 57, 186, 214, 207, 187, 34, 143, 156, 79, 239, 237, 123, 137, 177, 44, 1, 4, 201, 194, 32, 64, 102, 129, 213, 215, 138, 59,\n  166, 219, 242, 99, 97, 2, 94, 141, 75, 59, 235, 24, 110, 228, 25, 130, 226, 23, 24, 229, 22, 23, 230, 26, 22, 231, 112, 26, 232, 189, 190, 243, 221, 56,\n  190, 28, 56, 221, 27, 28, 222, 29, 27, 223, 30, 29, 224, 247, 30, 225, 238, 79, 20, 166, 59, 75, 60, 75, 240, 147, 177, 215, 20, 79, 166, 187, 147, 213,\n  112, 233, 244, 233, 128, 245, 128, 114, 188, 114, 217, 174, 131, 115, 220, 217, 198, 236, 198, 131, 134, 177, 132, 58, 143, 35, 124, 110, 163, 7, 228,\n  110, 25, 356, 389, 368, 11, 302, 267, 452, 350, 349, 302, 303, 269, 357, 343, 277, 452, 453, 357, 333, 332, 297, 175, 152, 377, 384, 398, 382, 347,\n  348, 330, 303, 304, 270, 9, 336, 337, 278, 279, 360, 418, 262, 431, 304, 408, 409, 310, 415, 407, 270, 409, 410, 450, 348, 347, 422, 430, 434, 313,\n  314, 17, 306, 307, 375, 387, 388, 260, 286, 414, 398, 335, 406, 418, 364, 367, 416, 423, 358, 327, 251, 284, 298, 281, 5, 4, 373, 374, 253, 307, 320,\n  321, 425, 427, 411, 421, 313, 18, 321, 405, 406, 320, 404, 405, 315, 16, 17, 426, 425, 266, 377, 400, 369, 322, 391, 269, 417, 465, 464, 386, 257, 258,\n  466, 260, 388, 456, 399, 419, 284, 332, 333, 417, 285, 8, 346, 340, 261, 413, 441, 285, 327, 460, 328, 355, 371, 329, 392, 439, 438, 382, 341, 256,\n  429, 420, 360, 364, 394, 379, 277, 343, 437, 443, 444, 283, 275, 440, 363, 431, 262, 369, 297, 338, 337, 273, 375, 321, 450, 451, 349, 446, 342, 467,\n  293, 334, 282, 458, 461, 462, 276, 353, 383, 308, 324, 325, 276, 300, 293, 372, 345, 447, 382, 398, 362, 352, 345, 340, 274, 1, 19, 456, 248, 281, 436,\n  427, 425, 381, 256, 252, 269, 391, 393, 200, 199, 428, 266, 330, 329, 287, 273, 422, 250, 462, 328, 258, 286, 384, 265, 353, 342, 387, 259, 257, 424,\n  431, 430, 342, 353, 276, 273, 335, 424, 292, 325, 307, 366, 447, 345, 271, 303, 302, 423, 266, 371, 294, 455, 460, 279, 278, 294, 271, 272, 304, 432,\n  434, 427, 272, 407, 408, 394, 430, 431, 395, 369, 400, 334, 333, 299, 351, 417, 168, 352, 280, 411, 325, 319, 320, 295, 296, 336, 319, 403, 404, 330,\n  348, 349, 293, 298, 333, 323, 454, 447, 15, 16, 315, 358, 429, 279, 14, 15, 316, 285, 336, 9, 329, 349, 350, 374, 380, 252, 318, 402, 403, 6, 197, 419,\n  318, 319, 325, 367, 364, 365, 435, 367, 397, 344, 438, 439, 272, 271, 311, 195, 5, 281, 273, 287, 291, 396, 428, 199, 311, 271, 268, 283, 444, 445,\n  373, 254, 339, 263, 466, 249, 282, 334, 296, 449, 347, 346, 264, 447, 454, 336, 296, 299, 338, 10, 151, 278, 439, 455, 292, 407, 415, 358, 371, 355,\n  340, 345, 372, 390, 249, 466, 346, 347, 280, 442, 443, 282, 19, 94, 370, 441, 442, 295, 248, 419, 197, 263, 255, 359, 440, 275, 274, 300, 383, 368,\n  351, 412, 465, 263, 467, 466, 301, 368, 389, 380, 374, 386, 395, 378, 379, 412, 351, 419, 436, 426, 322, 373, 390, 388, 2, 164, 393, 370, 462, 461,\n  164, 0, 267, 302, 11, 12, 374, 373, 387, 268, 12, 13, 293, 300, 301, 446, 261, 340, 385, 384, 381, 330, 266, 425, 426, 423, 391, 429, 355, 437, 391,\n  327, 326, 440, 457, 438, 341, 382, 362, 459, 457, 461, 434, 430, 394, 414, 463, 362, 396, 369, 262, 354, 461, 457, 316, 403, 402, 315, 404, 403, 314,\n  405, 404, 313, 406, 405, 421, 418, 406, 366, 401, 361, 306, 408, 407, 291, 409, 408, 287, 410, 409, 432, 436, 410, 434, 416, 411, 264, 368, 383, 309,\n  438, 457, 352, 376, 401, 274, 275, 4, 421, 428, 262, 294, 327, 358, 433, 416, 367, 289, 455, 439, 462, 370, 326, 2, 326, 370, 305, 460, 455, 254,\n  449, 448, 255, 261, 446, 253, 450, 449, 252, 451, 450, 256, 452, 451, 341, 453, 452, 413, 464, 463, 441, 413, 414, 258, 442, 441, 257, 443, 442, 259,\n  444, 443, 260, 445, 444, 467, 342, 445, 459, 458, 250, 289, 392, 290, 290, 328, 460, 376, 433, 435, 250, 290, 392, 411, 416, 433, 341, 463, 464, 453,\n  464, 465, 357, 465, 412, 343, 412, 399, 360, 363, 440, 437, 399, 456, 420, 456, 363, 401, 435, 288, 372, 383, 353, 339, 255, 249, 448, 261, 255, 133,\n  243, 190, 133, 155, 112, 33, 246, 247, 33, 130, 25, 398, 384, 286, 362, 398, 414, 362, 463, 341, 263, 359, 467, 263, 249, 255, 466, 467, 260, 75, 60,\n  166, 238, 239, 79, 162, 127, 139, 72, 11, 37, 121, 232, 120, 73, 72, 39, 114, 128, 47, 233, 232, 128, 103, 104, 67, 152, 175, 148, 173, 157, 155,\n  119, 118, 101, 74, 73, 40, 107, 9, 108, 49, 48, 131, 32, 194, 211, 184, 74, 185, 191, 80, 183, 185, 40, 186, 119, 230, 118, 210, 202, 214, 84, 83, 17,\n  77, 76, 146, 161, 160, 30, 190, 56, 173, 182, 106, 194, 138, 135, 192, 129, 203, 98, 54, 21, 68, 5, 51, 4, 145, 144, 23, 90, 77, 91, 207, 205, 187, 83,\n  201, 18, 181, 91, 182, 180, 90, 181, 16, 85, 17, 205, 206, 36, 176, 148, 140, 165, 92, 39, 245, 193, 244, 27, 159, 28, 30, 247, 161, 174, 236, 196,\n  103, 54, 104, 55, 193, 8, 111, 117, 31, 221, 189, 55, 240, 98, 99, 142, 126, 100, 219, 166, 218, 112, 155, 26, 198, 209, 131, 169, 135, 150, 114, 47,\n  217, 224, 223, 53, 220, 45, 134, 32, 211, 140, 109, 67, 108, 146, 43, 91, 231, 230, 120, 113, 226, 247, 105, 63, 52, 241, 238, 242, 124, 46, 156, 95,\n  78, 96, 70, 46, 63, 116, 143, 227, 116, 123, 111, 1, 44, 19, 3, 236, 51, 207, 216, 205, 26, 154, 22, 165, 39, 167, 199, 200, 208, 101, 36, 100, 43,\n  57, 202, 242, 20, 99, 56, 28, 157, 124, 35, 113, 29, 160, 27, 211, 204, 210, 124, 113, 46, 106, 43, 204, 96, 62, 77, 227, 137, 116, 73, 41, 72, 36, 203,\n  142, 235, 64, 240, 48, 49, 64, 42, 41, 74, 214, 212, 207, 183, 42, 184, 210, 169, 211, 140, 170, 176, 104, 105, 69, 193, 122, 168, 50, 123, 187, 89, 96,\n  90, 66, 65, 107, 179, 89, 180, 119, 101, 120, 68, 63, 104, 234, 93, 227, 16, 15, 85, 209, 129, 49, 15, 14, 86, 107, 55, 9, 120, 100, 121, 153, 145, 22,\n  178, 88, 179, 197, 6, 196, 89, 88, 96, 135, 138, 136, 138, 215, 172, 218, 115, 219, 41, 42, 81, 5, 195, 51, 57, 43, 61, 208, 171, 199, 41, 81, 38,\n  224, 53, 225, 24, 144, 110, 105, 52, 66, 118, 229, 117, 227, 34, 234, 66, 107, 69, 10, 109, 151, 219, 48, 235, 183, 62, 191, 142, 129, 126, 116, 111,\n  143, 7, 163, 246, 118, 117, 50, 223, 222, 52, 94, 19, 141, 222, 221, 65, 196, 3, 197, 45, 220, 44, 156, 70, 139, 188, 122, 245, 139, 71, 162, 145,\n  153, 159, 149, 170, 150, 122, 188, 196, 206, 216, 92, 163, 144, 161, 164, 2, 167, 242, 141, 241, 0, 164, 37, 11, 72, 12, 144, 145, 160, 12, 38, 13, 70,\n  63, 71, 31, 226, 111, 157, 158, 154, 36, 101, 205, 203, 206, 165, 126, 209, 217, 98, 165, 97, 237, 220, 218, 237, 239, 241, 210, 214, 169, 140, 171, 32,\n  241, 125, 237, 179, 86, 178, 180, 85, 179, 181, 84, 180, 182, 83, 181, 194, 201, 182, 177, 137, 132, 184, 76, 183, 185, 61, 184, 186, 57, 185, 216, 212,\n  186, 192, 214, 187, 139, 34, 156, 218, 79, 237, 147, 123, 177, 45, 44, 4, 208, 201, 32, 98, 64, 129, 192, 213, 138, 235, 59, 219, 141, 242, 97, 97, 2,\n  141, 240, 75, 235, 229, 24, 228, 31, 25, 226, 230, 23, 229, 231, 22, 230, 232, 26, 231, 233, 112, 232, 244, 189, 243, 189, 221, 190, 222, 28, 221,\n  223, 27, 222, 224, 29, 223, 225, 30, 224, 113, 247, 225, 99, 60, 240, 213, 147, 215, 60, 20, 166, 192, 187, 213, 243, 112, 244, 244, 233, 245, 245,\n  128, 188, 188, 114, 174, 134, 131, 220, 174, 217, 236, 236, 198, 134, 215, 177, 58, 156, 143, 124, 25, 110, 7, 31, 228, 25, 264, 356, 368, 0, 11, 267,\n  451, 452, 349, 267, 302, 269, 350, 357, 277, 350, 452, 357, 299, 333, 297, 396, 175, 377, 381, 384, 382, 280, 347, 330, 269, 303, 270, 151, 9, 337,\n  344, 278, 360, 424, 418, 431, 270, 304, 409, 272, 310, 407, 322, 270, 410, 449, 450, 347, 432, 422, 434, 18, 313, 17, 291, 306, 375, 259, 387, 260,\n  424, 335, 418, 434, 364, 416, 391, 423, 327, 301, 251, 298, 275, 281, 4, 254, 373, 253, 375, 307, 321, 280, 425, 411, 200, 421, 18, 335, 321, 406,\n  321, 320, 405, 314, 315, 17, 423, 426, 266, 396, 377, 369, 270, 322, 269, 413, 417, 464, 385, 386, 258, 248, 456, 419, 298, 284, 333, 168, 417, 8,\n  448, 346, 261, 417, 413, 285, 326, 327, 328, 277, 355, 329, 309, 392, 438, 381, 382, 256, 279, 429, 360, 365, 364, 379, 355, 277, 437, 282, 443, 283,\n  281, 275, 363, 395, 431, 369, 299, 297, 337, 335, 273, 321, 348, 450, 349, 359, 446, 467, 283, 293, 282, 250, 458, 462, 300, 276, 383, 292, 308, 325,\n  283, 276, 293, 264, 372, 447, 346, 352, 340, 354, 274, 19, 363, 456, 281, 426, 436, 425, 380, 381, 252, 267, 269, 393, 421, 200, 428, 371, 266, 329,\n  432, 287, 422, 290, 250, 328, 385, 258, 384, 446, 265, 342, 386, 387, 257, 422, 424, 430, 445, 342, 276, 422, 273, 424, 306, 292, 307, 352, 366, 345,\n  268, 271, 302, 358, 423, 371, 327, 294, 460, 331, 279, 294, 303, 271, 304, 436, 432, 427, 304, 272, 408, 395, 394, 431, 378, 395, 400, 296, 334, 299,\n  6, 351, 168, 376, 352, 411, 307, 325, 320, 285, 295, 336, 320, 319, 404, 329, 330, 349, 334, 293, 333, 366, 323, 447, 316, 15, 315, 331, 358, 279,\n  317, 14, 316, 8, 285, 9, 277, 329, 350, 253, 374, 252, 319, 318, 403, 351, 6, 419, 324, 318, 325, 397, 367, 365, 288, 435, 397, 278, 344, 439, 310,\n  272, 311, 248, 195, 281, 375, 273, 291, 175, 396, 199, 312, 311, 268, 276, 283, 445, 390, 373, 339, 295, 282, 296, 448, 449, 346, 356, 264, 454, 337,\n  336, 299, 337, 338, 151, 294, 278, 455, 308, 292, 415, 429, 358, 355, 265, 340, 372, 388, 390, 466, 352, 346, 280, 295, 442, 282, 354, 19, 370, 285,\n  441, 295, 195, 248, 197, 457, 440, 274, 301, 300, 368, 417, 351, 465, 251, 301, 389, 385, 380, 386, 394, 395, 379, 399, 412, 419, 410, 436, 322, 387,\n  373, 388, 326, 2, 393, 354, 370, 461, 393, 164, 267, 268, 302, 12, 386, 374, 387, 312, 268, 13, 298, 293, 301, 265, 446, 340, 380, 385, 381, 280, 330,\n  425, 322, 426, 391, 420, 429, 437, 393, 391, 326, 344, 440, 438, 458, 459, 461, 364, 434, 394, 428, 396, 262, 274, 354, 457, 317, 316, 402, 316, 315,\n  403, 315, 314, 404, 314, 313, 405, 313, 421, 406, 323, 366, 361, 292, 306, 407, 306, 291, 408, 291, 287, 409, 287, 432, 410, 427, 434, 411, 372, 264,\n  383, 459, 309, 457, 366, 352, 401, 1, 274, 4, 418, 421, 262, 331, 294, 358, 435, 433, 367, 392, 289, 439, 328, 462, 326, 94, 2, 370, 289, 305, 455, 339,\n  254, 448, 359, 255, 446, 254, 253, 449, 253, 252, 450, 252, 256, 451, 256, 341, 452, 414, 413, 463, 286, 441, 414, 286, 258, 441, 258, 257, 442, 257,\n  259, 443, 259, 260, 444, 260, 467, 445, 309, 459, 250, 305, 289, 290, 305, 290, 460, 401, 376, 435, 309, 250, 392, 376, 411, 433, 453, 341, 464, 357,\n  453, 465, 343, 357, 412, 437, 343, 399, 344, 360, 440, 420, 437, 456, 360, 420, 363, 361, 401, 288, 265, 372, 353, 390, 339, 249, 339, 448, 255];\n\nexport const TRI68 = [0, 1, 36, 0, 36, 17, 1, 2, 41, 1, 41, 36, 2, 3, 31, 2, 31, 41, 3, 4, 48, 3, 48, 31, 4, 5, 48, 5, 6, 48, 6, 7, 59, 6, 59, 48, 7, 8, 58, 7, 58, 59,\n  8, 9, 56, 8, 56, 57, 8, 57, 58, 9, 10, 55, 9, 55, 56, 10, 11, 54, 10, 54, 55, 11, 12, 54, 12, 13, 54, 13, 14, 35, 13, 35, 54, 14, 15, 46, 14, 46, 35, 15, 16,\n  45, 15, 45, 46, 16, 26, 45, 17, 36, 18, 18, 37, 19, 18, 36, 37, 19, 38, 20, 19, 37, 38, 20, 39, 21, 20, 38, 39, 21, 39, 27, 22, 42, 23, 22, 27, 42, 23, 43, 24,\n  23, 42, 43, 24, 44, 25, 24, 43, 44, 25, 45, 26, 25, 44, 45, 27, 39, 28, 27, 28, 42, 28, 39, 29, 28, 29, 42, 29, 31, 30, 29, 30, 35, 29, 40, 31, 29, 35, 47, 29,\n  39, 40, 29, 47, 42, 30, 31, 32, 30, 32, 33, 30, 33, 34, 30, 34, 35, 31, 50, 32, 31, 40, 41, 31, 48, 49, 31, 49, 50, 32, 51, 33, 32, 50, 51, 33, 51, 34, 34, 52,\n  35, 34, 51, 52, 35, 46, 47, 35, 52, 53, 35, 53, 54, 36, 41, 37, 37, 40, 38, 37, 41, 40, 38, 40, 39, 42, 47, 43, 43, 47, 44, 44, 46, 45, 44, 47, 46, 48, 60, 49,\n  48, 59, 60, 49, 61, 50, 49, 60, 61, 50, 62, 51, 50, 61, 62, 51, 62, 52, 52, 63, 53, 52, 62, 63, 53, 64, 54, 53, 63, 64, 54, 64, 55, 55, 65, 56, 55, 64, 65, 56,\n  66, 57, 56, 65, 66, 57, 66, 58, 58, 67, 59, 58, 66, 67, 59, 67, 60, 60, 67, 61, 61, 66, 62, 61, 67, 66, 62, 66, 63, 63, 65, 64, 63, 66, 65, 21, 27, 22];\n\nexport const TRI33 = [\n  /*  eyes  */ 0, 8, 7, 7, 8, 1, 2, 10, 9, 9, 10, 3,\n  /*  brows */ 17, 0, 18, 18, 0, 7, 18, 7, 19, 19, 7, 1, 19, 1, 11, 19, 11, 20, 21, 3, 22, 21, 9, 3, 20, 9, 21, 20, 2, 9, 20, 11, 2,\n  /*  4head */ 23, 17, 18, 25, 21, 22, 24, 19, 20, 24, 18, 19, 24, 20, 21, 24, 23, 18, 24, 21, 25,\n  /*  nose  */ 11, 12, 4, 11, 4, 13, 1, 12, 11, 11, 13, 2, 12, 14, 4, 4, 14, 13,\n  /* up-lip */ 14, 5, 15, 14, 15, 6, 12, 5, 14, 14, 6, 13,\n  /* cheeks */ 8, 12, 1, 2, 13, 10, 8, 26, 12, 10, 13, 27, 26, 5, 12, 13, 6, 27, 0, 26, 8, 10, 27, 3,\n  /*  chin  */ 5, 32, 16, 16, 32, 6, 5, 30, 32, 6, 32, 31,\n  /*  cont  */ 26, 30, 5, 27, 6, 31, 0, 28, 26, 3, 27, 29, 17, 28, 0, 3, 29, 22, 23, 28, 17, 22, 29, 25, 28, 30, 26, 27, 31, 29,\n];\n\nexport const TRI7 = [0, 4, 1, 2, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6];\n\nexport const VTX68 = [\n  /* cont  */ 127, 234, 132, 58, 172, 150, 149, 148, 152, 377, 378, 379, 397, 288, 361, 454, 356,\n  /* brows */ 70, 63, 105, 66, 107, 336, 296, 334, 293, 300,\n  /* nose  */ 168, 6, 195, 4, 98, 97, 2, 326, 327,\n  /* eyes  */ 33, 160, 158, 133, 153, 144, 362, 385, 387, 263, 373, 380,\n  /* lip   */ 57, 40, 37, 0, 267, 270, 287, 321, 314, 17, 84, 91,\n  /* mouth */ 78, 81, 13, 311, 308, 402, 14, 178,\n];\n\nexport const VTX33 = [33, 133, 362, 263, 1, 62, 308, 159, 145, 386, 374, 6, 102, 331, 2, 13, 14, 70, 105, 107, 336, 334, 300, 54, 10, 284, 50, 280, 234, 454, 58, 288, 152];\n\nexport const VTX7 = [33, 133, 362, 263, 1, 78, 308];\n\nexport const UV68 = VTX68.map((x) => UV468[x]);\n\nexport const UV33 = VTX33.map((x) => UV468[x]);\n\nexport const UV7 = VTX7.map((x) => UV468[x]);\n", "import { log } from '../helpers';\nimport * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as modelBase from './modelBase';\nimport * as decodeMultiple from './decodeMultiple';\nimport * as decodePose from './decodePose';\nimport * as util from './util';\n\nasync function estimateMultiple(input, res, config, inputSize) {\n  return new Promise(async (resolve) => {\n    const allTensorBuffers = await util.toTensorBuffers3D([res.heatmapScores, res.offsets, res.displacementFwd, res.displacementBwd]);\n    const scoresBuffer = allTensorBuffers[0];\n    const offsetsBuffer = allTensorBuffers[1];\n    const displacementsFwdBuffer = allTensorBuffers[2];\n    const displacementsBwdBuffer = allTensorBuffers[3];\n    const poses = await decodeMultiple.decodeMultiplePoses(scoresBuffer, offsetsBuffer, displacementsFwdBuffer, displacementsBwdBuffer, config.body.nmsRadius, config.body.maxDetections, config.body.scoreThreshold);\n    const scaled = util.scaleAndFlipPoses(poses, [input.shape[1], input.shape[2]], [inputSize, inputSize]);\n    resolve(scaled);\n  });\n}\n\nasync function estimateSingle(input, res, config, inputSize) {\n  return new Promise(async (resolve) => {\n    const pose = await decodePose.decodeSinglePose(res.heatmapScores, res.offsets, config.body.scoreThreshold);\n    const scaled = util.scaleAndFlipPoses([pose], [input.shape[1], input.shape[2]], [inputSize, inputSize]);\n    resolve(scaled);\n  });\n}\n\nexport class PoseNet {\n  baseModel: any;\n  inputSize: number\n  constructor(model) {\n    this.baseModel = model;\n    this.inputSize = model.model.inputs[0].shape[1];\n    if (this.inputSize < 128) this.inputSize = 257;\n  }\n\n  async estimatePoses(input, config) {\n    const resized = util.resizeTo(input, [this.inputSize, this.inputSize]);\n    const res = this.baseModel.predict(resized, config);\n\n    const poses = (config.body.maxDetections < 2)\n      ? await estimateSingle(input, res, config, this.inputSize)\n      : await estimateMultiple(input, res, config, this.inputSize);\n\n    res.heatmapScores.dispose();\n    res.offsets.dispose();\n    res.displacementFwd.dispose();\n    res.displacementBwd.dispose();\n    resized.dispose();\n\n    return poses;\n  }\n\n  dispose() {\n    this.baseModel.dispose();\n  }\n}\n\nexport async function load(config) {\n  const model = await tf.loadGraphModel(config.body.modelPath);\n  const mobilenet = new modelBase.BaseModel(model);\n  if (config.debug) log(`load model: ${config.body.modelPath.match(/\\/(.*)\\./)[1]}`);\n  return new PoseNet(mobilenet);\n}\n", "import * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\n\nfunction nameOutputResultsMobileNet(results) {\n  const [offsets, heatmap, displacementFwd, displacementBwd] = results;\n  return { offsets, heatmap, displacementFwd, displacementBwd };\n}\n\nexport class BaseModel {\n  model: any;\n  constructor(model) {\n    this.model = model;\n  }\n\n  predict(input) {\n    return tf.tidy(() => {\n      const asFloat = input.toFloat().div(127.5).sub(1.0);\n      const asBatch = asFloat.expandDims(0);\n      const results = this.model.predict(asBatch);\n      const results3d = results.map((y) => y.squeeze([0]));\n      const namedResults = nameOutputResultsMobileNet(results3d);\n      return {\n        heatmapScores: namedResults.heatmap.sigmoid(),\n        offsets: namedResults.offsets,\n        displacementFwd: namedResults.displacementFwd,\n        displacementBwd: namedResults.displacementBwd,\n      };\n    });\n  }\n\n  dispose() {\n    this.model.dispose();\n  }\n}\n", "// algorithm based on Coursera Lecture from Algorithms, Part 1: https://www.coursera.org/learn/algorithms-part1/lecture/ZjoSM/heapsort\nfunction half(k) {\n  return Math.floor(k / 2);\n}\nexport class MaxHeap {\n  priorityQueue: any;\n  numberOfElements: number;\n  getElementValue: any;\n\n  constructor(maxSize, getElementValue) {\n    this.priorityQueue = new Array(maxSize);\n    this.numberOfElements = -1;\n    this.getElementValue = getElementValue;\n  }\n\n  enqueue(x) {\n    this.priorityQueue[++this.numberOfElements] = x;\n    this.swim(this.numberOfElements);\n  }\n\n  dequeue() {\n    const max = this.priorityQueue[0];\n    this.exchange(0, this.numberOfElements--);\n    this.sink(0);\n    this.priorityQueue[this.numberOfElements + 1] = null;\n    return max;\n  }\n\n  empty() {\n    return this.numberOfElements === -1;\n  }\n\n  size() {\n    return this.numberOfElements + 1;\n  }\n\n  all() {\n    return this.priorityQueue.slice(0, this.numberOfElements + 1);\n  }\n\n  max() {\n    return this.priorityQueue[0];\n  }\n\n  swim(k) {\n    while (k > 0 && this.less(half(k), k)) {\n      this.exchange(k, half(k));\n      k = half(k);\n    }\n  }\n\n  sink(k) {\n    while (2 * k <= this.numberOfElements) {\n      let j = 2 * k;\n      if (j < this.numberOfElements && this.less(j, j + 1)) j++;\n      if (!this.less(k, j)) break;\n      this.exchange(k, j);\n      k = j;\n    }\n  }\n\n  getValueAt(i) {\n    return this.getElementValue(this.priorityQueue[i]);\n  }\n\n  less(i, j) {\n    return this.getValueAt(i) < this.getValueAt(j);\n  }\n\n  exchange(i, j) {\n    const t = this.priorityQueue[i];\n    this.priorityQueue[i] = this.priorityQueue[j];\n    this.priorityQueue[j] = t;\n  }\n}\n", "import * as heapSort from './heapSort';\n\nfunction scoreIsMaximumInLocalWindow(keypointId, score, heatmapY, heatmapX, localMaximumRadius, scores) {\n  const [height, width] = scores.shape;\n  let localMaximum = true;\n  const yStart = Math.max(heatmapY - localMaximumRadius, 0);\n  const yEnd = Math.min(heatmapY + localMaximumRadius + 1, height);\n  for (let yCurrent = yStart; yCurrent < yEnd; ++yCurrent) {\n    const xStart = Math.max(heatmapX - localMaximumRadius, 0);\n    const xEnd = Math.min(heatmapX + localMaximumRadius + 1, width);\n    for (let xCurrent = xStart; xCurrent < xEnd; ++xCurrent) {\n      if (scores.get(yCurrent, xCurrent, keypointId) > score) {\n        localMaximum = false;\n        break;\n      }\n    }\n    if (!localMaximum) break;\n  }\n  return localMaximum;\n}\n\nexport function buildPartWithScoreQueue(scoreThreshold, localMaximumRadius, scores) {\n  const [height, width, numKeypoints] = scores.shape;\n  const queue = new heapSort.MaxHeap(height * width * numKeypoints, ({ score }) => score);\n  for (let heatmapY = 0; heatmapY < height; ++heatmapY) {\n    for (let heatmapX = 0; heatmapX < width; ++heatmapX) {\n      for (let keypointId = 0; keypointId < numKeypoints; ++keypointId) {\n        const score = scores.get(heatmapY, heatmapX, keypointId);\n        // Only consider parts with score greater or equal to threshold as root candidates.\n        if (score < scoreThreshold) continue;\n        // Only consider keypoints whose score is maximum in a local window.\n        if (scoreIsMaximumInLocalWindow(keypointId, score, heatmapY, heatmapX, localMaximumRadius, scores)) {\n          queue.enqueue({ score, part: { heatmapY, heatmapX, id: keypointId } });\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n  return queue;\n}\n", "export const partNames = [\n  'nose', 'leftEye', 'rightEye', 'leftEar', 'rightEar', 'leftShoulder',\n  'rightShoulder', 'leftElbow', 'rightElbow', 'leftWrist', 'rightWrist',\n  'leftHip', 'rightHip', 'leftKnee', 'rightKnee', 'leftAnkle', 'rightAnkle',\n];\n\nexport const NUM_KEYPOINTS = partNames.length; // 17 keypoints\n\nexport const partIds = partNames.reduce((result, jointName, i) => {\n  result[jointName] = i;\n  return result;\n}, {});\n\nconst connectedPartNames = [\n  ['leftHip', 'leftShoulder'], ['leftElbow', 'leftShoulder'],\n  ['leftElbow', 'leftWrist'], ['leftHip', 'leftKnee'],\n  ['leftKnee', 'leftAnkle'], ['rightHip', 'rightShoulder'],\n  ['rightElbow', 'rightShoulder'], ['rightElbow', 'rightWrist'],\n  ['rightHip', 'rightKnee'], ['rightKnee', 'rightAnkle'],\n  ['leftShoulder', 'rightShoulder'], ['leftHip', 'rightHip'],\n];\nexport const connectedPartIndices = connectedPartNames.map(([jointNameA, jointNameB]) => ([partIds[jointNameA], partIds[jointNameB]]));\n\nexport const poseChain = [\n  ['nose', 'leftEye'], ['leftEye', 'leftEar'], ['nose', 'rightEye'],\n  ['rightEye', 'rightEar'], ['nose', 'leftShoulder'],\n  ['leftShoulder', 'leftElbow'], ['leftElbow', 'leftWrist'],\n  ['leftShoulder', 'leftHip'], ['leftHip', 'leftKnee'],\n  ['leftKnee', 'leftAnkle'], ['nose', 'rightShoulder'],\n  ['rightShoulder', 'rightElbow'], ['rightElbow', 'rightWrist'],\n  ['rightShoulder', 'rightHip'], ['rightHip', 'rightKnee'],\n  ['rightKnee', 'rightAnkle'],\n];\n\nexport const partChannels = [\n  'left_face',\n  'right_face',\n  'right_upper_leg_front',\n  'right_lower_leg_back',\n  'right_upper_leg_back',\n  'left_lower_leg_front',\n  'left_upper_leg_front',\n  'left_upper_leg_back',\n  'left_lower_leg_back',\n  'right_feet',\n  'right_lower_leg_front',\n  'left_feet',\n  'torso_front',\n  'torso_back',\n  'right_upper_arm_front',\n  'right_upper_arm_back',\n  'right_lower_arm_back',\n  'left_lower_arm_front',\n  'left_upper_arm_front',\n  'left_upper_arm_back',\n  'left_lower_arm_back',\n  'right_hand',\n  'right_lower_arm_front',\n  'left_hand',\n];\n", "import * as kpt from './keypoints';\n\nexport function getOffsetPoint(y, x, keypoint, offsets) {\n  return {\n    y: offsets.get(y, x, keypoint),\n    x: offsets.get(y, x, keypoint + kpt.NUM_KEYPOINTS),\n  };\n}\n\nexport function getImageCoords(part, outputStride, offsets) {\n  const { heatmapY, heatmapX, id: keypoint } = part;\n  const { y, x } = getOffsetPoint(heatmapY, heatmapX, keypoint, offsets);\n  return {\n    x: part.heatmapX * outputStride + x,\n    y: part.heatmapY * outputStride + y,\n  };\n}\n\nexport function fillArray(element, size) {\n  const result = new Array(size);\n  for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {\n    result[i] = element;\n  }\n  return result;\n}\n\nexport function clamp(a, min, max) {\n  if (a < min) return min;\n  if (a > max) return max;\n  return a;\n}\n\nexport function squaredDistance(y1, x1, y2, x2) {\n  const dy = y2 - y1;\n  const dx = x2 - x1;\n  return dy * dy + dx * dx;\n}\n\nexport function addVectors(a, b) {\n  return { x: a.x + b.x, y: a.y + b.y };\n}\n\nexport function clampVector(a, min, max) {\n  return { y: clamp(a.y, min, max), x: clamp(a.x, min, max) };\n}\n", "import * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as kpt from './keypoints';\n\nexport function getPointsConfidence(heatmapScores, heatMapCoords) {\n  const numKeypoints = heatMapCoords.shape[0];\n  const result = new Float32Array(numKeypoints);\n  for (let keypoint = 0; keypoint < numKeypoints; keypoint++) {\n    const y = heatMapCoords.get(keypoint, 0);\n    const x = heatMapCoords.get(keypoint, 1);\n    result[keypoint] = heatmapScores.get(y, x, keypoint);\n  }\n  return result;\n}\n\nfunction getOffsetPoint(y, x, keypoint, offsetsBuffer) {\n  return {\n    y: offsetsBuffer.get(y, x, keypoint),\n    x: offsetsBuffer.get(y, x, keypoint + kpt.NUM_KEYPOINTS),\n  };\n}\n\nexport function getOffsetVectors(heatMapCoordsBuffer, offsetsBuffer) {\n  const result: Array<number> = [];\n  for (let keypoint = 0; keypoint < kpt.NUM_KEYPOINTS; keypoint++) {\n    const heatmapY = heatMapCoordsBuffer.get(keypoint, 0).valueOf();\n    const heatmapX = heatMapCoordsBuffer.get(keypoint, 1).valueOf();\n    const { x, y } = getOffsetPoint(heatmapY, heatmapX, keypoint, offsetsBuffer);\n    result.push(y);\n    result.push(x);\n  }\n  return tf.tensor2d(result, [kpt.NUM_KEYPOINTS, 2]);\n}\n\nexport function getOffsetPoints(heatMapCoordsBuffer, outputStride, offsetsBuffer) {\n  return tf.tidy(() => heatMapCoordsBuffer.toTensor().mul(tf.scalar(outputStride, 'int32')).toFloat().add(getOffsetVectors(heatMapCoordsBuffer, offsetsBuffer)));\n}\n\nfunction mod(a, b) {\n  return tf.tidy(() => {\n    const floored = a.div(tf.scalar(b, 'int32'));\n    return a.sub(floored.mul(tf.scalar(b, 'int32')));\n  });\n}\n\nexport function argmax2d(inputs) {\n  const [height, width, depth] = inputs.shape;\n  return tf.tidy(() => {\n    const reshaped = inputs.reshape([height * width, depth]);\n    const coords = reshaped.argMax(0);\n    const yCoords = coords.div(tf.scalar(width, 'int32')).expandDims(1);\n    const xCoords = mod(coords, width).expandDims(1);\n    return tf.concat([yCoords, xCoords], 1);\n  });\n}\n", "import * as keypoints from './keypoints';\nimport * as vectors from './vectors';\nimport * as decoders from './decoders';\n\nconst parentChildrenTuples = keypoints.poseChain.map(([parentJoinName, childJoinName]) => ([keypoints.partIds[parentJoinName], keypoints.partIds[childJoinName]]));\nconst parentToChildEdges = parentChildrenTuples.map(([, childJointId]) => childJointId);\nconst childToParentEdges = parentChildrenTuples.map(([parentJointId]) => parentJointId);\n\nconst defaultOutputStride = 16;\n\nfunction getDisplacement(edgeId, point, displacements) {\n  const numEdges = displacements.shape[2] / 2;\n  return {\n    y: displacements.get(point.y, point.x, edgeId),\n    x: displacements.get(point.y, point.x, numEdges + edgeId),\n  };\n}\n\nfunction getStridedIndexNearPoint(point, outputStride, height, width) {\n  return {\n    y: vectors.clamp(Math.round(point.y / outputStride), 0, height - 1),\n    x: vectors.clamp(Math.round(point.x / outputStride), 0, width - 1),\n  };\n}\n\nfunction traverseToTargetKeypoint(edgeId, sourceKeypoint, targetKeypointId, scoresBuffer, offsets, outputStride, displacements, offsetRefineStep = 2) {\n  const [height, width] = scoresBuffer.shape;\n  // Nearest neighbor interpolation for the source->target displacements.\n  const sourceKeypointIndices = getStridedIndexNearPoint(sourceKeypoint.position, outputStride, height, width);\n  const displacement = getDisplacement(edgeId, sourceKeypointIndices, displacements);\n  const displacedPoint = vectors.addVectors(sourceKeypoint.position, displacement);\n  let targetKeypoint = displacedPoint;\n  for (let i = 0; i < offsetRefineStep; i++) {\n    const targetKeypointIndices = getStridedIndexNearPoint(targetKeypoint, outputStride, height, width);\n    const offsetPoint = vectors.getOffsetPoint(targetKeypointIndices.y, targetKeypointIndices.x, targetKeypointId, offsets);\n    targetKeypoint = vectors.addVectors({\n      x: targetKeypointIndices.x * outputStride,\n      y: targetKeypointIndices.y * outputStride,\n    }, { x: offsetPoint.x, y: offsetPoint.y });\n  }\n  const targetKeyPointIndices = getStridedIndexNearPoint(targetKeypoint, outputStride, height, width);\n  const score = scoresBuffer.get(targetKeyPointIndices.y, targetKeyPointIndices.x, targetKeypointId);\n  return { position: targetKeypoint, part: keypoints.partNames[targetKeypointId], score };\n}\n\nexport function decodePose(root, scores, offsets, outputStride, displacementsFwd, displacementsBwd) {\n  const numParts = scores.shape[2];\n  const numEdges = parentToChildEdges.length;\n  const instanceKeypoints = new Array(numParts);\n  // Start a new detection instance at the position of the root.\n  const { part: rootPart, score: rootScore } = root;\n  const rootPoint = vectors.getImageCoords(rootPart, outputStride, offsets);\n  instanceKeypoints[rootPart.id] = {\n    score: rootScore,\n    part: keypoints.partNames[rootPart.id],\n    position: rootPoint,\n  };\n  // Decode the part positions upwards in the tree, following the backward displacements.\n  for (let edge = numEdges - 1; edge >= 0; --edge) {\n    const sourceKeypointId = parentToChildEdges[edge];\n    const targetKeypointId = childToParentEdges[edge];\n    if (instanceKeypoints[sourceKeypointId] && !instanceKeypoints[targetKeypointId]) {\n      instanceKeypoints[targetKeypointId] = traverseToTargetKeypoint(edge, instanceKeypoints[sourceKeypointId], targetKeypointId, scores, offsets, outputStride, displacementsBwd);\n    }\n  }\n  // Decode the part positions downwards in the tree, following the forward displacements.\n  for (let edge = 0; edge < numEdges; ++edge) {\n    const sourceKeypointId = childToParentEdges[edge];\n    const targetKeypointId = parentToChildEdges[edge];\n    if (instanceKeypoints[sourceKeypointId] && !instanceKeypoints[targetKeypointId]) {\n      instanceKeypoints[targetKeypointId] = traverseToTargetKeypoint(edge, instanceKeypoints[sourceKeypointId], targetKeypointId, scores, offsets, outputStride, displacementsFwd);\n    }\n  }\n  return instanceKeypoints;\n}\n\nexport async function decodeSinglePose(heatmapScores, offsets, minScore) {\n  let totalScore = 0.0;\n  const heatmapValues = decoders.argmax2d(heatmapScores);\n  const allTensorBuffers = await Promise.all([heatmapScores.buffer(), offsets.buffer(), heatmapValues.buffer()]);\n  const scoresBuffer = allTensorBuffers[0];\n  const offsetsBuffer = allTensorBuffers[1];\n  const heatmapValuesBuffer = allTensorBuffers[2];\n  const offsetPoints = decoders.getOffsetPoints(heatmapValuesBuffer, defaultOutputStride, offsetsBuffer);\n  const offsetPointsBuffer = await offsetPoints.buffer();\n  const keypointConfidence = Array.from(decoders.getPointsConfidence(scoresBuffer, heatmapValuesBuffer));\n  const instanceKeypoints = keypointConfidence.map((score, i) => {\n    totalScore += score;\n    return {\n      position: {\n        y: offsetPointsBuffer.get(i, 0),\n        x: offsetPointsBuffer.get(i, 1),\n      },\n      part: keypoints.partNames[i],\n      score,\n    };\n  });\n  const filteredKeypoints = instanceKeypoints.filter((kpt) => kpt.score > minScore);\n  heatmapValues.dispose();\n  offsetPoints.dispose();\n  return { keypoints: filteredKeypoints, score: totalScore / instanceKeypoints.length };\n}\n", "import * as buildParts from './buildParts';\nimport * as decodePose from './decodePose';\nimport * as vectors from './vectors';\n\nconst kLocalMaximumRadius = 1;\nconst defaultOutputStride = 16;\n\nfunction withinNmsRadiusOfCorrespondingPoint(poses, squaredNmsRadius, { x, y }, keypointId) {\n  return poses.some(({ keypoints }) => {\n    const correspondingKeypoint = keypoints[keypointId].position;\n    return vectors.squaredDistance(y, x, correspondingKeypoint.y, correspondingKeypoint.x) <= squaredNmsRadius;\n  });\n}\n\nfunction getInstanceScore(existingPoses, squaredNmsRadius, instanceKeypoints) {\n  const notOverlappedKeypointScores = instanceKeypoints.reduce((result, { position, score }, keypointId) => {\n    if (!withinNmsRadiusOfCorrespondingPoint(existingPoses, squaredNmsRadius, position, keypointId)) result += score;\n    return result;\n  }, 0.0);\n  return notOverlappedKeypointScores / instanceKeypoints.length;\n}\n\nexport function decodeMultiplePoses(scoresBuffer, offsetsBuffer, displacementsFwdBuffer, displacementsBwdBuffer, nmsRadius, maxDetections, scoreThreshold) {\n  const poses: Array<{ keypoints: any, score: number }> = [];\n  const queue = buildParts.buildPartWithScoreQueue(scoreThreshold, kLocalMaximumRadius, scoresBuffer);\n  const squaredNmsRadius = nmsRadius ^ 2;\n  // Generate at most maxDetections object instances per image in decreasing root part score order.\n  while (poses.length < maxDetections && !queue.empty()) {\n    // The top element in the queue is the next root candidate.\n    const root = queue.dequeue();\n    // Part-based non-maximum suppression: We reject a root candidate if it is within a disk of `nmsRadius` pixels from the corresponding part of a previously detected instance.\n    const rootImageCoords = vectors.getImageCoords(root.part, defaultOutputStride, offsetsBuffer);\n    if (withinNmsRadiusOfCorrespondingPoint(poses, squaredNmsRadius, rootImageCoords, root.part.id)) continue;\n    // Else start a new detection instance at the position of the root.\n    const keypoints = decodePose.decodePose(root, scoresBuffer, offsetsBuffer, defaultOutputStride, displacementsFwdBuffer, displacementsBwdBuffer);\n    const score = getInstanceScore(poses, squaredNmsRadius, keypoints);\n    if (score > scoreThreshold) poses.push({ keypoints, score: Math.round(100 * score) / 100 });\n  }\n  return poses;\n}\n", "import * as kpt from './keypoints';\n\nexport function eitherPointDoesntMeetConfidence(a, b, minConfidence) {\n  return (a < minConfidence || b < minConfidence);\n}\n\nexport function getAdjacentKeyPoints(keypoints, minConfidence) {\n  return kpt.connectedPartIndices.reduce((result, [leftJoint, rightJoint]) => {\n    if (eitherPointDoesntMeetConfidence(keypoints[leftJoint].score, keypoints[rightJoint].score, minConfidence)) {\n      return result;\n    }\n    result.push([keypoints[leftJoint], keypoints[rightJoint]]);\n    return result;\n  }, []);\n}\n\nconst { NEGATIVE_INFINITY, POSITIVE_INFINITY } = Number;\nexport function getBoundingBox(keypoints) {\n  return keypoints.reduce(({ maxX, maxY, minX, minY }, { position: { x, y } }) => ({\n    maxX: Math.max(maxX, x),\n    maxY: Math.max(maxY, y),\n    minX: Math.min(minX, x),\n    minY: Math.min(minY, y),\n  }), {\n    maxX: NEGATIVE_INFINITY,\n    maxY: NEGATIVE_INFINITY,\n    minX: POSITIVE_INFINITY,\n    minY: POSITIVE_INFINITY,\n  });\n}\n\nexport function getBoundingBoxPoints(keypoints) {\n  const { minX, minY, maxX, maxY } = getBoundingBox(keypoints);\n  return [{ x: minX, y: minY }, { x: maxX, y: minY }, { x: maxX, y: maxY }, { x: minX, y: maxY }];\n}\n\nexport async function toTensorBuffers3D(tensors) {\n  return Promise.all(tensors.map((tensor) => tensor.buffer()));\n}\n\nexport function scalePose(pose, scaleY, scaleX) {\n  return {\n    score: pose.score,\n    keypoints: pose.keypoints.map(({ score, part, position }) => ({\n      score,\n      part,\n      position: { x: Math.trunc(position.x * scaleX), y: Math.trunc(position.y * scaleY) },\n    })),\n  };\n}\n\nexport function resizeTo(image, [targetH, targetW]) {\n  const input = image.squeeze(0);\n  const resized = input.resizeBilinear([targetH, targetW]);\n  input.dispose();\n  return resized;\n}\n\nexport function scaleAndFlipPoses(poses, [height, width], [inputResolutionHeight, inputResolutionWidth]) {\n  const scaledPoses = poses.map((pose) => scalePose(pose, height / inputResolutionHeight, width / inputResolutionWidth));\n  return scaledPoses;\n}\n", "// https://storage.googleapis.com/tfjs-models/demos/handpose/index.html\n\nimport { log } from '../helpers';\nimport * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as handdetector from './handdetector';\nimport * as handpipeline from './handpipeline';\nimport * as anchors from './anchors';\n\nconst MESH_ANNOTATIONS = {\n  thumb: [1, 2, 3, 4],\n  indexFinger: [5, 6, 7, 8],\n  middleFinger: [9, 10, 11, 12],\n  ringFinger: [13, 14, 15, 16],\n  pinky: [17, 18, 19, 20],\n  palmBase: [0],\n};\n\nexport class HandPose {\n  handPipeline: any;\n\n  constructor(handPipeline) {\n    this.handPipeline = handPipeline;\n  }\n\n  static getAnnotations() {\n    return MESH_ANNOTATIONS;\n  }\n\n  async estimateHands(input, config) {\n    const predictions = await this.handPipeline.estimateHands(input, config);\n    if (!predictions) return [];\n    const hands: Array<{ confidence: number, box: any, boxRaw: any, landmarks: any, annotations: any }> = [];\n    for (const prediction of predictions) {\n      const annotations = {};\n      if (prediction.landmarks) {\n        for (const key of Object.keys(MESH_ANNOTATIONS)) {\n          annotations[key] = MESH_ANNOTATIONS[key].map((index) => prediction.landmarks[index]);\n        }\n      }\n      const box = prediction.box ? [\n        Math.max(0, prediction.box.topLeft[0]),\n        Math.max(0, prediction.box.topLeft[1]),\n        Math.min(input.shape[2], prediction.box.bottomRight[0]) - Math.max(0, prediction.box.topLeft[0]),\n        Math.min(input.shape[1], prediction.box.bottomRight[1]) - Math.max(0, prediction.box.topLeft[1]),\n      ] : [];\n      const boxRaw = [\n        (prediction.box.topLeft[0]) / input.shape[2],\n        (prediction.box.topLeft[1]) / input.shape[1],\n        (prediction.box.bottomRight[0] - prediction.box.topLeft[0]) / input.shape[2],\n        (prediction.box.bottomRight[1] - prediction.box.topLeft[1]) / input.shape[1],\n      ];\n      hands.push({ confidence: Math.round(100 * prediction.confidence) / 100, box, boxRaw, landmarks: prediction.landmarks, annotations });\n    }\n    return hands;\n  }\n}\n\nexport async function load(config): Promise<HandPose> {\n  const [handDetectorModel, handPoseModel] = await Promise.all([\n    config.hand.enabled ? tf.loadGraphModel(config.hand.detector.modelPath, { fromTFHub: config.hand.detector.modelPath.includes('tfhub.dev') }) : null,\n    config.hand.landmarks ? tf.loadGraphModel(config.hand.skeleton.modelPath, { fromTFHub: config.hand.skeleton.modelPath.includes('tfhub.dev') }) : null,\n  ]);\n  const handDetector = new handdetector.HandDetector(handDetectorModel, handDetectorModel?.inputs[0].shape[2], anchors.anchors);\n  const handPipeline = new handpipeline.HandPipeline(handDetector, handPoseModel, handPoseModel?.inputs[0].shape[2]);\n  const handPose = new HandPose(handPipeline);\n  if (config.hand.enabled && config.debug) log(`load model: ${config.hand.detector.modelPath.match(/\\/(.*)\\./)[1]}`);\n  if (config.hand.landmarks && config.debug) log(`load model: ${config.hand.skeleton.modelPath.match(/\\/(.*)\\./)[1]}`);\n  return handPose;\n}\n", "import * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as box from './box';\n\nexport class HandDetector {\n  model: any;\n  anchors: any;\n  anchorsTensor: any;\n  inputSize: number;\n  inputSizeTensor: any;\n  doubleInputSizeTensor: any;\n\n  constructor(model, inputSize, anchorsAnnotated) {\n    this.model = model;\n    this.anchors = anchorsAnnotated.map((anchor) => [anchor.x_center, anchor.y_center]);\n    this.anchorsTensor = tf.tensor2d(this.anchors);\n    this.inputSize = inputSize;\n    this.inputSizeTensor = tf.tensor1d([inputSize, inputSize]);\n    this.doubleInputSizeTensor = tf.tensor1d([inputSize * 2, inputSize * 2]);\n  }\n\n  normalizeBoxes(boxes) {\n    return tf.tidy(() => {\n      const boxOffsets = tf.slice(boxes, [0, 0], [-1, 2]);\n      const boxSizes = tf.slice(boxes, [0, 2], [-1, 2]);\n      const boxCenterPoints = tf.add(tf.div(boxOffsets, this.inputSizeTensor), this.anchorsTensor);\n      const halfBoxSizes = tf.div(boxSizes, this.doubleInputSizeTensor);\n      const startPoints = tf.mul(tf.sub(boxCenterPoints, halfBoxSizes), this.inputSizeTensor);\n      const endPoints = tf.mul(tf.add(boxCenterPoints, halfBoxSizes), this.inputSizeTensor);\n      return tf.concat2d([startPoints, endPoints], 1);\n    });\n  }\n\n  normalizeLandmarks(rawPalmLandmarks, index) {\n    return tf.tidy(() => {\n      const landmarks = tf.add(tf.div(rawPalmLandmarks.reshape([-1, 7, 2]), this.inputSizeTensor), this.anchors[index]);\n      return tf.mul(landmarks, this.inputSizeTensor);\n    });\n  }\n\n  async getBoxes(input, config) {\n    const batched = this.model.predict(input);\n    const predictions = batched.squeeze();\n    batched.dispose();\n    const scoresT = tf.tidy(() => tf.sigmoid(tf.slice(predictions, [0, 0], [-1, 1])).squeeze());\n    const scores = scoresT.dataSync();\n    const rawBoxes = tf.slice(predictions, [0, 1], [-1, 4]);\n    const boxes = this.normalizeBoxes(rawBoxes);\n    rawBoxes.dispose();\n    const filteredT = await tf.image.nonMaxSuppressionAsync(boxes, scores, config.hand.maxHands, config.hand.iouThreshold, config.hand.scoreThreshold);\n    const filtered = filteredT.arraySync();\n\n    scoresT.dispose();\n    filteredT.dispose();\n    const hands: Array<{ box: any, palmLandmarks: any, confidence: number }> = [];\n    for (const index of filtered) {\n      if (scores[index] >= config.hand.minConfidence) {\n        const matchingBox = tf.slice(boxes, [index, 0], [1, -1]);\n        const rawPalmLandmarks = tf.slice(predictions, [index, 5], [1, 14]);\n        const palmLandmarks = tf.tidy(() => this.normalizeLandmarks(rawPalmLandmarks, index).reshape([-1, 2]));\n        rawPalmLandmarks.dispose();\n        hands.push({ box: matchingBox, palmLandmarks, confidence: scores[index] });\n      }\n    }\n    predictions.dispose();\n    boxes.dispose();\n    return hands;\n  }\n\n  async estimateHandBounds(input, config) {\n    const inputHeight = input.shape[1];\n    const inputWidth = input.shape[2];\n    const image = tf.tidy(() => input.resizeBilinear([this.inputSize, this.inputSize]).div(127.5).sub(1));\n    const predictions = await this.getBoxes(image, config);\n    image.dispose();\n    const hands: Array<{}> = [];\n    if (!predictions || predictions.length === 0) return hands;\n    for (const prediction of predictions) {\n      const boxes = prediction.box.dataSync();\n      const startPoint = boxes.slice(0, 2);\n      const endPoint = boxes.slice(2, 4);\n      const palmLandmarks = prediction.palmLandmarks.arraySync();\n      prediction.box.dispose();\n      prediction.palmLandmarks.dispose();\n      hands.push(box.scaleBoxCoordinates({ startPoint, endPoint, palmLandmarks, confidence: prediction.confidence }, [inputWidth / this.inputSize, inputHeight / this.inputSize]));\n    }\n    return hands;\n  }\n}\n", "import * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\n\nexport function getBoxSize(box) {\n  return [\n    Math.abs(box.endPoint[0] - box.startPoint[0]),\n    Math.abs(box.endPoint[1] - box.startPoint[1]),\n  ];\n}\n\nexport function getBoxCenter(box) {\n  return [\n    box.startPoint[0] + (box.endPoint[0] - box.startPoint[0]) / 2,\n    box.startPoint[1] + (box.endPoint[1] - box.startPoint[1]) / 2,\n  ];\n}\n\nexport function cutBoxFromImageAndResize(box, image, cropSize) {\n  const h = image.shape[1];\n  const w = image.shape[2];\n  const boxes = [[\n    box.startPoint[1] / h,\n    box.startPoint[0] / w,\n    box.endPoint[1] / h,\n    box.endPoint[0] / w,\n  ]];\n  return tf.image.cropAndResize(image, boxes, [0], cropSize);\n}\n\nexport function scaleBoxCoordinates(box, factor) {\n  const startPoint = [box.startPoint[0] * factor[0], box.startPoint[1] * factor[1]];\n  const endPoint = [box.endPoint[0] * factor[0], box.endPoint[1] * factor[1]];\n  const palmLandmarks = box.palmLandmarks.map((coord) => {\n    const scaledCoord = [coord[0] * factor[0], coord[1] * factor[1]];\n    return scaledCoord;\n  });\n  return { startPoint, endPoint, palmLandmarks, confidence: box.confidence };\n}\n\nexport function enlargeBox(box, factor = 1.5) {\n  const center = getBoxCenter(box);\n  const size = getBoxSize(box);\n  const newHalfSize = [factor * size[0] / 2, factor * size[1] / 2];\n  const startPoint = [center[0] - newHalfSize[0], center[1] - newHalfSize[1]];\n  const endPoint = [center[0] + newHalfSize[0], center[1] + newHalfSize[1]];\n  return { startPoint, endPoint, palmLandmarks: box.palmLandmarks };\n}\n\nexport function squarifyBox(box) {\n  const centers = getBoxCenter(box);\n  const size = getBoxSize(box);\n  const maxEdge = Math.max(...size);\n  const halfSize = maxEdge / 2;\n  const startPoint = [centers[0] - halfSize, centers[1] - halfSize];\n  const endPoint = [centers[0] + halfSize, centers[1] + halfSize];\n  return { startPoint, endPoint, palmLandmarks: box.palmLandmarks };\n}\n\nexport function shiftBox(box, shiftFactor) {\n  const boxSize = [\n    box.endPoint[0] - box.startPoint[0],\n    box.endPoint[1] - box.startPoint[1],\n  ];\n  const shiftVector = [boxSize[0] * shiftFactor[0], boxSize[1] * shiftFactor[1]];\n  const startPoint = [box.startPoint[0] + shiftVector[0], box.startPoint[1] + shiftVector[1]];\n  const endPoint = [box.endPoint[0] + shiftVector[0], box.endPoint[1] + shiftVector[1]];\n  return { startPoint, endPoint, palmLandmarks: box.palmLandmarks };\n}\n", "import * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as box from './box';\nimport * as util from './util';\n\n// const PALM_BOX_SHIFT_VECTOR = [0, -0.4];\nconst PALM_BOX_ENLARGE_FACTOR = 5; // default 3\n// const HAND_BOX_SHIFT_VECTOR = [0, -0.1]; // move detected hand box by x,y to ease landmark detection\nconst HAND_BOX_ENLARGE_FACTOR = 1.65; // default 1.65\nconst PALM_LANDMARK_IDS = [0, 5, 9, 13, 17, 1, 2];\nconst PALM_LANDMARKS_INDEX_OF_PALM_BASE = 0;\nconst PALM_LANDMARKS_INDEX_OF_MIDDLE_FINGER_BASE = 2;\n\nexport class HandPipeline {\n  handDetector: any;\n  landmarkDetector: any;\n  inputSize: number;\n  storedBoxes: any;\n  skipped: number;\n  detectedHands: number;\n\n  constructor(handDetector, landmarkDetector, inputSize) {\n    this.handDetector = handDetector;\n    this.landmarkDetector = landmarkDetector;\n    this.inputSize = inputSize;\n    this.storedBoxes = [];\n    this.skipped = 0;\n    this.detectedHands = 0;\n  }\n\n  getBoxForPalmLandmarks(palmLandmarks, rotationMatrix) {\n    const rotatedPalmLandmarks = palmLandmarks.map((coord) => util.rotatePoint([...coord, 1], rotationMatrix));\n    const boxAroundPalm = this.calculateLandmarksBoundingBox(rotatedPalmLandmarks);\n    // return box.enlargeBox(box.squarifyBox(box.shiftBox(boxAroundPalm, PALM_BOX_SHIFT_VECTOR)), PALM_BOX_ENLARGE_FACTOR);\n    return box.enlargeBox(box.squarifyBox(boxAroundPalm), PALM_BOX_ENLARGE_FACTOR);\n  }\n\n  getBoxForHandLandmarks(landmarks) {\n    const boundingBox = this.calculateLandmarksBoundingBox(landmarks);\n    // const boxAroundHand = box.enlargeBox(box.squarifyBox(box.shiftBox(boundingBox, HAND_BOX_SHIFT_VECTOR)), HAND_BOX_ENLARGE_FACTOR);\n    const boxAroundHand = box.enlargeBox(box.squarifyBox(boundingBox), HAND_BOX_ENLARGE_FACTOR);\n    boxAroundHand.palmLandmarks = [];\n    for (let i = 0; i < PALM_LANDMARK_IDS.length; i++) {\n      boxAroundHand.palmLandmarks.push(landmarks[PALM_LANDMARK_IDS[i]].slice(0, 2));\n    }\n    return boxAroundHand;\n  }\n\n  transformRawCoords(rawCoords, box2, angle, rotationMatrix) {\n    const boxSize = box.getBoxSize(box2);\n    const scaleFactor = [boxSize[0] / this.inputSize, boxSize[1] / this.inputSize, (boxSize[0] + boxSize[1]) / this.inputSize / 2];\n    const coordsScaled = rawCoords.map((coord) => [\n      scaleFactor[0] * (coord[0] - this.inputSize / 2),\n      scaleFactor[1] * (coord[1] - this.inputSize / 2),\n      scaleFactor[2] * coord[2],\n    ]);\n    const coordsRotationMatrix = util.buildRotationMatrix(angle, [0, 0]);\n    const coordsRotated = coordsScaled.map((coord) => {\n      const rotated = util.rotatePoint(coord, coordsRotationMatrix);\n      return [...rotated, coord[2]];\n    });\n    const inverseRotationMatrix = util.invertTransformMatrix(rotationMatrix);\n    const boxCenter = [...box.getBoxCenter(box2), 1];\n    const originalBoxCenter = [\n      util.dot(boxCenter, inverseRotationMatrix[0]),\n      util.dot(boxCenter, inverseRotationMatrix[1]),\n    ];\n    return coordsRotated.map((coord) => [\n      coord[0] + originalBoxCenter[0],\n      coord[1] + originalBoxCenter[1],\n      coord[2],\n    ]);\n  }\n\n  async estimateHands(image, config) {\n    let useFreshBox = false;\n\n    // run new detector every skipFrames unless we only want box to start with\n    let boxes;\n    if ((this.skipped === 0) || (this.skipped > config.hand.skipFrames) || !config.hand.landmarks || !config.videoOptimized) {\n      boxes = await this.handDetector.estimateHandBounds(image, config);\n      this.skipped = 0;\n    }\n    if (config.videoOptimized) this.skipped++;\n\n    // if detector result count doesn't match current working set, use it to reset current working set\n    if (boxes && (boxes.length > 0) && ((boxes.length !== this.detectedHands) && (this.detectedHands !== config.hand.maxHands) || !config.hand.landmarks)) {\n      this.detectedHands = 0;\n      this.storedBoxes = [...boxes];\n      // for (const possible of boxes) this.storedBoxes.push(possible);\n      if (this.storedBoxes.length > 0) useFreshBox = true;\n    }\n    const hands: Array<{}> = [];\n\n    if (config.hand.skipInitial && this.detectedHands === 0) this.skipped = 0;\n\n    // go through working set of boxes\n    for (let i = 0; i < this.storedBoxes.length; i++) {\n      const currentBox = this.storedBoxes[i];\n      if (!currentBox) continue;\n      if (config.hand.landmarks) {\n        const angle = config.hand.rotation ? util.computeRotation(currentBox.palmLandmarks[PALM_LANDMARKS_INDEX_OF_PALM_BASE], currentBox.palmLandmarks[PALM_LANDMARKS_INDEX_OF_MIDDLE_FINGER_BASE]) : 0;\n        const palmCenter = box.getBoxCenter(currentBox);\n        const palmCenterNormalized = [palmCenter[0] / image.shape[2], palmCenter[1] / image.shape[1]];\n        const rotatedImage = config.hand.rotation ? tf.image.rotateWithOffset(image, angle, 0, palmCenterNormalized) : image.clone();\n        const rotationMatrix = util.buildRotationMatrix(-angle, palmCenter);\n        const newBox = useFreshBox ? this.getBoxForPalmLandmarks(currentBox.palmLandmarks, rotationMatrix) : currentBox;\n        const croppedInput = box.cutBoxFromImageAndResize(newBox, rotatedImage, [this.inputSize, this.inputSize]);\n        const handImage = croppedInput.div(255);\n        croppedInput.dispose();\n        rotatedImage.dispose();\n        const [confidenceT, keypoints] = await this.landmarkDetector.predict(handImage);\n        handImage.dispose();\n        const confidence = confidenceT.dataSync()[0];\n        confidenceT.dispose();\n        if (confidence >= config.hand.minConfidence) {\n          const keypointsReshaped = tf.reshape(keypoints, [-1, 3]);\n          const rawCoords = keypointsReshaped.arraySync();\n          keypoints.dispose();\n          keypointsReshaped.dispose();\n          const coords = this.transformRawCoords(rawCoords, newBox, angle, rotationMatrix);\n          const nextBoundingBox = this.getBoxForHandLandmarks(coords);\n          this.storedBoxes[i] = nextBoundingBox;\n          const result = {\n            landmarks: coords,\n            confidence,\n            box: { topLeft: nextBoundingBox.startPoint, bottomRight: nextBoundingBox.endPoint },\n          };\n          hands.push(result);\n        } else {\n          this.storedBoxes[i] = null;\n        }\n        keypoints.dispose();\n      } else {\n        // const enlarged = box.enlargeBox(box.squarifyBox(box.shiftBox(currentBox, HAND_BOX_SHIFT_VECTOR)), HAND_BOX_ENLARGE_FACTOR);\n        const enlarged = box.enlargeBox(box.squarifyBox(currentBox), HAND_BOX_ENLARGE_FACTOR);\n        const result = {\n          confidence: currentBox.confidence,\n          box: { topLeft: enlarged.startPoint, bottomRight: enlarged.endPoint },\n        };\n        hands.push(result);\n      }\n    }\n    this.storedBoxes = this.storedBoxes.filter((a) => a !== null);\n    this.detectedHands = hands.length;\n    return hands;\n  }\n\n  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this\n  calculateLandmarksBoundingBox(landmarks) {\n    const xs = landmarks.map((d) => d[0]);\n    const ys = landmarks.map((d) => d[1]);\n    const startPoint = [Math.min(...xs), Math.min(...ys)];\n    const endPoint = [Math.max(...xs), Math.max(...ys)];\n    return { startPoint, endPoint };\n  }\n}\n", "export function normalizeRadians(angle) {\n  return angle - 2 * Math.PI * Math.floor((angle + Math.PI) / (2 * Math.PI));\n}\n\nexport function computeRotation(point1, point2) {\n  const radians = Math.PI / 2 - Math.atan2(-(point2[1] - point1[1]), point2[0] - point1[0]);\n  return normalizeRadians(radians);\n}\n\nexport const buildTranslationMatrix = (x, y) => [[1, 0, x], [0, 1, y], [0, 0, 1]];\n\nexport function dot(v1, v2) {\n  let product = 0;\n  for (let i = 0; i < v1.length; i++) {\n    product += v1[i] * v2[i];\n  }\n  return product;\n}\n\nexport function getColumnFrom2DArr(arr, columnIndex) {\n  const column: Array<number> = [];\n  for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {\n    column.push(arr[i][columnIndex]);\n  }\n  return column;\n}\n\nexport function multiplyTransformMatrices(mat1, mat2) {\n  const product: Array<number[]> = [];\n  const size = mat1.length;\n  for (let row = 0; row < size; row++) {\n    product.push([]);\n    for (let col = 0; col < size; col++) {\n      product[row].push(dot(mat1[row], getColumnFrom2DArr(mat2, col)));\n    }\n  }\n  return product;\n}\n\nexport function buildRotationMatrix(rotation, center) {\n  const cosA = Math.cos(rotation);\n  const sinA = Math.sin(rotation);\n  const rotationMatrix = [[cosA, -sinA, 0], [sinA, cosA, 0], [0, 0, 1]];\n  const translationMatrix = buildTranslationMatrix(center[0], center[1]);\n  const translationTimesRotation = multiplyTransformMatrices(translationMatrix, rotationMatrix);\n  const negativeTranslationMatrix = buildTranslationMatrix(-center[0], -center[1]);\n  return multiplyTransformMatrices(translationTimesRotation, negativeTranslationMatrix);\n}\n\nexport function invertTransformMatrix(matrix) {\n  const rotationComponent = [[matrix[0][0], matrix[1][0]], [matrix[0][1], matrix[1][1]]];\n  const translationComponent = [matrix[0][2], matrix[1][2]];\n  const invertedTranslation = [\n    -dot(rotationComponent[0], translationComponent),\n    -dot(rotationComponent[1], translationComponent),\n  ];\n  return [\n    rotationComponent[0].concat(invertedTranslation[0]),\n    rotationComponent[1].concat(invertedTranslation[1]),\n    [0, 0, 1],\n  ];\n}\n\nexport function rotatePoint(homogeneousCoordinate, rotationMatrix) {\n  return [\n    dot(homogeneousCoordinate, rotationMatrix[0]),\n    dot(homogeneousCoordinate, rotationMatrix[1]),\n  ];\n}\n", "export const anchors = [\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.015625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.046875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.078125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.109375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.140625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.171875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.203125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.234375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.265625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.296875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.328125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.359375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.390625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.421875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.453125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.484375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.515625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.546875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.578125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.609375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.640625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.671875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.703125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.734375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.765625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.796875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.828125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.859375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.890625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.921875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.953125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.015625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.046875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.078125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.109375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.140625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.171875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.203125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.234375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.265625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.296875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.328125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.359375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.390625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.421875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.453125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.484375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.515625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.546875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.578125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.609375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.640625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.671875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.703125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.734375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.765625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.796875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.828125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.859375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.890625,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.921875,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.953125,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.984375,\n    y_center: 0.984375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.03125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.09375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.15625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.21875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.28125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.34375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.40625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.46875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.53125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.59375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.65625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.71875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.78125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.84375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.90625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.03125,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.09375,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.15625,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.21875,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.28125,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.34375,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.40625,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.46875,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.53125,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.59375,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.65625,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.71875,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.78125,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.84375,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.90625,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.96875,\n    y_center: 0.96875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.0625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.1875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.3125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.4375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.5625,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.6875,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.8125,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.0625,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.1875,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.3125,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.4375,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.5625,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.6875,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.8125,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n  {\n    w: 1,\n    h: 1,\n    x_center: 0.9375,\n    y_center: 0.9375,\n  },\n];\n", "import { log } from '../helpers';\nimport * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as profile from '../profile';\nimport * as annotations from './annotations';\n\nlet model;\n\nexport async function load(config) {\n  if (!model) {\n    model = await tf.loadGraphModel(config.body.modelPath);\n    model.width = parseInt(model.signature.inputs['input_1:0'].tensorShape.dim[2].size);\n    model.height = parseInt(model.signature.inputs['input_1:0'].tensorShape.dim[1].size);\n    if (config.debug) log(`load model: ${config.body.modelPath.match(/\\/(.*)\\./)[1]}`);\n  }\n  return model;\n}\n\nexport async function predict(image, config) {\n  if (!model) return null;\n  if (!config.body.enabled) return null;\n  const imgSize = { width: image.shape[2], height: image.shape[1] };\n  const resize = tf.image.resizeBilinear(image, [model.width, model.height], false);\n  const normalize = tf.div(resize, [255.0]);\n  resize.dispose();\n  let points;\n  if (!config.profile) { // run through profiler or just execute\n    const resT = await model.predict(normalize);\n    // const segmentationT = resT.find((t) => (t.size === 16384))?.squeeze();\n    // const segmentation = segmentationT.arraySync(); // array 128 x 128\n    // segmentationT.dispose();\n    points = resT.find((t) => (t.size === 195 || t.size === 155)).dataSync(); // order of output tensors may change between models, full has 195 and upper has 155 items\n    resT.forEach((t) => t.dispose());\n  } else {\n    const profileData = await tf.profile(() => model.predict(normalize));\n    points = profileData.result.find((t) => (t.size === 195 || t.size === 155)).dataSync();\n    profileData.result.forEach((t) => t.dispose());\n    profile.run('blazepose', profileData);\n  }\n  normalize.dispose();\n  const keypoints: Array<{ id, part, position: { x, y, z }, score, presence }> = [];\n  const labels = points.length === 195 ? annotations.full : annotations.upper; // full model has 39 keypoints, upper has 31 keypoints\n  const depth = 5; // each points has x,y,z,visibility,presence\n  for (let i = 0; i < points.length / depth; i++) {\n    keypoints.push({\n      id: i,\n      part: labels[i],\n      position: {\n        x: Math.trunc(imgSize.width * points[depth * i + 0] / 255), // return normalized x value istead of 0..255\n        y: Math.trunc(imgSize.height * points[depth * i + 1] / 255), // return normalized y value istead of 0..255\n        z: Math.trunc(points[depth * i + 2]) + 0, // fix negative zero\n      },\n      score: (100 - Math.trunc(100 / (1 + Math.exp(points[depth * i + 3])))) / 100, // reverse sigmoid value\n      presence: (100 - Math.trunc(100 / (1 + Math.exp(points[depth * i + 4])))) / 100, // reverse sigmoid value\n    });\n  }\n  const score = keypoints.reduce((prev, curr) => (curr.score > prev ? curr.score : prev), 0);\n  return [{ score, keypoints }];\n}\n", "export const full = [\n  'nose',\n  'leftEyeInside',\n  'leftEye',\n  'leftEyeOutside',\n  'rightEyeInside',\n  'rightEye',\n  'rightEyeOutside',\n  'leftEar',\n  'rightEar',\n  'leftMouth',\n  'rightMouth',\n  'leftShoulder',\n  'rightShoulder',\n  'leftElbow',\n  'rightElbow',\n  'leftWrist',\n  'rightWrist',\n  'leftPalm',\n  'rightPalm',\n  'leftIndex',\n  'rightIndex',\n  'leftPinky',\n  'rightPinky',\n  'leftHip',\n  'rightHip',\n  'leftKnee',\n  'rightKnee',\n  'leftAnkle',\n  'rightAnkle',\n  'leftHeel',\n  'rightHeel',\n  'leftFoot',\n  'rightFoot',\n  'midHip',\n  'forehead',\n  'leftThumb',\n  'leftHand',\n  'rightThumb',\n  'rightHand',\n];\n\nexport const upper = [\n  'nose',\n  'leftEyeInside',\n  'leftEye',\n  'leftEyeOutside',\n  'rightEyeInside',\n  'rightEye',\n  'rightEyeOutside',\n  'leftEar',\n  'rightEar',\n  'leftMouth',\n  'rightMouth',\n  'leftShoulder',\n  'rightShoulder',\n  'leftElbow',\n  'rightElbow',\n  'left:15',\n  'right:16',\n  'left:17',\n  'right:18',\n  'left:19',\n  'right:20',\n  'left:21',\n  'right:22',\n  'leftChest',\n  'rightChest',\n  'neck',\n  'forehead',\n  'left:27',\n  'right:28',\n  'left:29',\n  'right:30',\n];\n", "import { log } from '../helpers';\nimport * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as profile from '../profile';\n\nlet model;\nlet keypoints: Array<any> = [];\nlet skipped = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\n\nconst bodyParts = ['head', 'neck', 'rightShoulder', 'rightElbow', 'rightWrist', 'chest', 'leftShoulder', 'leftElbow', 'leftWrist', 'pelvis', 'rightHip', 'rightKnee', 'rightAnkle', 'leftHip', 'leftKnee', 'leftAnkle'];\n\nexport async function load(config) {\n  if (!model) {\n    model = await tf.loadGraphModel(config.body.modelPath);\n    if (config.debug) log(`load model: ${config.body.modelPath.match(/\\/(.*)\\./)[1]}`);\n  }\n  return model;\n}\n\n// performs argmax and max functions on a 2d tensor\nfunction max2d(inputs, minScore) {\n  const [width, height] = inputs.shape;\n  return tf.tidy(() => {\n    // modulus op implemented in tf\n    const mod = (a, b) => tf.sub(a, tf.mul(tf.div(a, tf.scalar(b, 'int32')), tf.scalar(b, 'int32')));\n    // combine all data\n    const reshaped = tf.reshape(inputs, [height * width]);\n    // get highest score\n    const score = tf.max(reshaped, 0).dataSync()[0];\n    if (score > minScore) {\n      // skip coordinate calculation is score is too low\n      const coords = tf.argMax(reshaped, 0);\n      const x = mod(coords, width).dataSync()[0];\n      const y = tf.div(coords, tf.scalar(width, 'int32')).dataSync()[0];\n      return [x, y, score];\n    }\n    return [0, 0, score];\n  });\n}\n\nexport async function predict(image, config) {\n  if (!model) return null;\n  if ((skipped < config.body.skipFrames) && config.videoOptimized && Object.keys(keypoints).length > 0) {\n    skipped++;\n    return keypoints;\n  }\n  if (config.videoOptimized) skipped = 0;\n  else skipped = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\n  return new Promise(async (resolve) => {\n    const tensor = tf.tidy(() => {\n      const resize = tf.image.resizeBilinear(image, [model.inputs[0].shape[2], model.inputs[0].shape[1]], false);\n      const enhance = tf.mul(resize, 2);\n      const norm = enhance.sub(1);\n      return norm;\n    });\n\n    let resT;\n\n    if (!config.profile) {\n      if (config.body.enabled) resT = await model.predict(tensor);\n    } else {\n      const profileT = config.body.enabled ? await tf.profile(() => model.predict(tensor)) : {};\n      resT = profileT.result.clone();\n      profileT.result.dispose();\n      profile.run('body', profileT);\n    }\n    tensor.dispose();\n\n    if (resT) {\n      const parts: Array<{ id, score, part, position: { x, y }, positionRaw: { xRaw, yRaw} }> = [];\n      const squeeze = resT.squeeze();\n      tf.dispose(resT);\n      // body parts are basically just a stack of 2d tensors\n      const stack = squeeze.unstack(2);\n      tf.dispose(squeeze);\n      // process each unstacked tensor as a separate body part\n      for (let id = 0; id < stack.length; id++) {\n        // actual processing to get coordinates and score\n        const [x, y, score] = max2d(stack[id], config.body.scoreThreshold);\n        if (score > config.body.scoreThreshold) {\n          parts.push({\n            id,\n            score: Math.round(100 * score) / 100,\n            part: bodyParts[id],\n            positionRaw: {\n              xRaw: x / model.inputs[0].shape[2], // x normalized to 0..1\n              yRaw: y / model.inputs[0].shape[1], // y normalized to 0..1\n            },\n            position: {\n              x: Math.round(image.shape[2] * x / model.inputs[0].shape[2]), // x normalized to input image size\n              y: Math.round(image.shape[1] * y / model.inputs[0].shape[1]), // y normalized to input image size\n            },\n          });\n        }\n      }\n      stack.forEach((s) => tf.dispose(s));\n      keypoints = parts;\n    }\n    const score = keypoints.reduce((prev, curr) => (curr.score > prev ? curr.score : prev), 0);\n    resolve([{ score, keypoints }]);\n  });\n}\n", "import { log } from '../helpers';\nimport * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as profile from '../profile';\nimport { labels } from './labels';\n\nlet model;\nlet last: Array<{}> = [];\nlet skipped = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\n\nconst scaleBox = 2.5; // increase box size\n\nexport async function load(config) {\n  if (!model) {\n    model = await tf.loadGraphModel(config.object.modelPath);\n    // @ts-ignore\n    model.inputSize = parseInt(Object.values(model.modelSignature['inputs'])[0].tensorShape.dim[2].size);\n    if (config.debug) log(`load model: ${config.object.modelPath.match(/\\/(.*)\\./)[1]}`);\n  }\n  return model;\n}\n\nasync function process(res, inputSize, outputShape, config) {\n  let id = 0;\n  let results: Array<{ score: number, strideSize: number, class: number, label: string, center: number[], centerRaw: number[], box: number[], boxRaw: number[] }> = [];\n  for (const strideSize of [1, 2, 4]) { // try each stride size as it detects large/medium/small objects\n    // find scores, boxes, classes\n    tf.tidy(() => { // wrap in tidy to automatically deallocate temp tensors\n      const baseSize = strideSize * 13; // 13x13=169, 26x26=676, 52x52=2704\n      // find boxes and scores output depending on stride\n      const scoresT = res.find((a) => (a.shape[1] === (baseSize ** 2) && a.shape[2] === labels.length))?.squeeze();\n      const featuresT = res.find((a) => (a.shape[1] === (baseSize ** 2) && a.shape[2] < labels.length))?.squeeze();\n      const boxesMax = featuresT.reshape([-1, 4, featuresT.shape[1] / 4]); // reshape [output] to [4, output / 4] where number is number of different features inside each stride\n      const boxIdx = boxesMax.argMax(2).arraySync(); // what we need is indexes of features with highest scores, not values itself\n      const scores = scoresT.arraySync(); // optionally use exponential scores or just as-is\n      for (let i = 0; i < scoresT.shape[0]; i++) { // total strides (x * y matrix)\n        for (let j = 0; j < scoresT.shape[1]; j++) { // one score for each class\n          const score = scores[i][j]; // get score for current position\n          if (score > config.object.minConfidence && j !== 61) {\n            const cx = (0.5 + Math.trunc(i % baseSize)) / baseSize; // center.x normalized to range 0..1\n            const cy = (0.5 + Math.trunc(i / baseSize)) / baseSize; // center.y normalized to range 0..1\n            const boxOffset = boxIdx[i].map((a) => a * (baseSize / strideSize / inputSize)); // just grab indexes of features with highest scores\n            const [x, y] = [\n              cx - (scaleBox / strideSize * boxOffset[0]),\n              cy - (scaleBox / strideSize * boxOffset[1]),\n            ];\n            const [w, h] = [\n              cx + (scaleBox / strideSize * boxOffset[2]) - x,\n              cy + (scaleBox / strideSize * boxOffset[3]) - y,\n            ];\n            let boxRaw = [x, y, w, h]; // results normalized to range 0..1\n            boxRaw = boxRaw.map((a) => Math.max(0, Math.min(a, 1))); // fix out-of-bounds coords\n            const box = [ // results normalized to input image pixels\n              boxRaw[0] * outputShape[0],\n              boxRaw[1] * outputShape[1],\n              boxRaw[2] * outputShape[0],\n              boxRaw[3] * outputShape[1],\n            ];\n            const result = {\n              id: id++,\n              strideSize,\n              score: Math.round(100 * score) / 100,\n              class: j + 1,\n              label: labels[j].label,\n              center: [Math.trunc(outputShape[0] * cx), Math.trunc(outputShape[1] * cy)],\n              centerRaw: [cx, cy],\n              box: box.map((a) => Math.trunc(a)),\n              boxRaw,\n            };\n            results.push(result);\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    });\n  }\n  // deallocate tensors\n  res.forEach((t) => tf.dispose(t));\n\n  // normally nms is run on raw results, but since boxes need to be calculated this way we skip calulcation of\n  // unnecessary boxes and run nms only on good candidates (basically it just does IOU analysis as scores are already filtered)\n  const nmsBoxes = results.map((a) => a.boxRaw);\n  const nmsScores = results.map((a) => a.score);\n  let nmsIdx: any[] = [];\n  if (nmsBoxes && nmsBoxes.length > 0) {\n    const nms = await tf.image.nonMaxSuppressionAsync(nmsBoxes, nmsScores, config.object.maxResults, config.object.iouThreshold, config.object.minConfidence);\n    nmsIdx = nms.dataSync();\n    tf.dispose(nms);\n  }\n\n  // filter & sort results\n  results = results\n    .filter((a, idx) => nmsIdx.includes(idx))\n    .sort((a, b) => (b.score - a.score));\n\n  return results;\n}\n\nexport async function predict(image, config) {\n  if (!model) return null;\n  // console.log(skipped, config.object.skipFrames, config.videoOptimized, ((skipped < config.object.skipFrames) && config.videoOptimized && (last.length > 0)));\n  if ((skipped < config.object.skipFrames) && config.videoOptimized && (last.length > 0)) {\n    skipped++;\n    return last;\n  }\n  if (config.videoOptimized) skipped = 0;\n  else skipped = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\n  return new Promise(async (resolve) => {\n    const outputSize = [image.shape[2], image.shape[1]];\n    const resize = tf.image.resizeBilinear(image, [model.inputSize, model.inputSize], false);\n    const norm = resize.div(255);\n    const transpose = norm.transpose([0, 3, 1, 2]);\n    norm.dispose();\n    resize.dispose();\n\n    let objectT;\n    if (!config.profile) {\n      if (config.object.enabled) objectT = await model.predict(transpose);\n    } else {\n      const profileObject = config.object.enabled ? await tf.profile(() => model.predict(transpose)) : {};\n      objectT = profileObject.result;\n      profile.run('object', profileObject);\n    }\n    transpose.dispose();\n\n    const obj = await process(objectT, model.inputSize, outputSize, config);\n    last = obj;\n    resolve(obj);\n  });\n}\n", "export const labels = [\n  { class: 1, label: 'person' },\n  { class: 2, label: 'bicycle' },\n  { class: 3, label: 'car' },\n  { class: 4, label: 'motorcycle' },\n  { class: 5, label: 'airplane' },\n  { class: 6, label: 'bus' },\n  { class: 7, label: 'train' },\n  { class: 8, label: 'truck' },\n  { class: 9, label: 'boat' },\n  { class: 10, label: 'traffic light' },\n  { class: 11, label: 'fire hydrant' },\n  { class: 12, label: 'stop sign' },\n  { class: 13, label: 'parking meter' },\n  { class: 14, label: 'bench' },\n  { class: 15, label: 'bird' },\n  { class: 16, label: 'cat' },\n  { class: 17, label: 'dog' },\n  { class: 18, label: 'horse' },\n  { class: 19, label: 'sheep' },\n  { class: 20, label: 'cow' },\n  { class: 21, label: 'elephant' },\n  { class: 22, label: 'bear' },\n  { class: 23, label: 'zebra' },\n  { class: 24, label: 'giraffe' },\n  { class: 25, label: 'backpack' },\n  { class: 26, label: 'umbrella' },\n  { class: 27, label: 'handbag' },\n  { class: 28, label: 'tie' },\n  { class: 29, label: 'suitcase' },\n  { class: 30, label: 'frisbee' },\n  { class: 31, label: 'skis' },\n  { class: 32, label: 'snowboard' },\n  { class: 33, label: 'sports ball' },\n  { class: 34, label: 'kite' },\n  { class: 35, label: 'baseball bat' },\n  { class: 36, label: 'baseball glove' },\n  { class: 37, label: 'skateboard' },\n  { class: 38, label: 'surfboard' },\n  { class: 39, label: 'tennis racket' },\n  { class: 40, label: 'bottle' },\n  { class: 41, label: 'wine glass' },\n  { class: 42, label: 'cup' },\n  { class: 43, label: 'fork' },\n  { class: 44, label: 'knife' },\n  { class: 45, label: 'spoon' },\n  { class: 46, label: 'bowl' },\n  { class: 47, label: 'banana' },\n  { class: 48, label: 'apple' },\n  { class: 49, label: 'sandwich' },\n  { class: 50, label: 'orange' },\n  { class: 51, label: 'broccoli' },\n  { class: 52, label: 'carrot' },\n  { class: 53, label: 'hot dog' },\n  { class: 54, label: 'pizza' },\n  { class: 55, label: 'donut' },\n  { class: 56, label: 'cake' },\n  { class: 57, label: 'chair' },\n  { class: 58, label: 'couch' },\n  { class: 59, label: 'potted plant' },\n  { class: 60, label: 'bed' },\n  { class: 61, label: 'dining table' },\n  { class: 62, label: 'toilet' },\n  { class: 63, label: 'tv' },\n  { class: 64, label: 'laptop' },\n  { class: 65, label: 'mouse' },\n  { class: 66, label: 'remote' },\n  { class: 67, label: 'keyboard' },\n  { class: 68, label: 'cell phone' },\n  { class: 69, label: 'microwave' },\n  { class: 70, label: 'oven' },\n  { class: 71, label: 'toaster' },\n  { class: 72, label: 'sink' },\n  { class: 73, label: 'refrigerator' },\n  { class: 74, label: 'book' },\n  { class: 75, label: 'clock' },\n  { class: 76, label: 'vase' },\n  { class: 77, label: 'scissors' },\n  { class: 78, label: 'teddy bear' },\n  { class: 79, label: 'hair drier' },\n  { class: 80, label: 'toothbrush' },\n];\n", "export const body = (res) => {\n  if (!res) return [];\n  const gestures: Array<{ body: number, gesture: string }> = [];\n  for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {\n    // raising hands\n    const leftWrist = res[i].keypoints.find((a) => (a.part === 'leftWrist'));\n    const rightWrist = res[i].keypoints.find((a) => (a.part === 'rightWrist'));\n    const nose = res[i].keypoints.find((a) => (a.part === 'nose'));\n    if (nose && leftWrist && rightWrist && (leftWrist.position.y < nose.position.y) && (rightWrist.position.y < nose.position.y)) gestures.push({ body: i, gesture: 'i give up' });\n    else if (nose && leftWrist && (leftWrist.position.y < nose.position.y)) gestures.push({ body: i, gesture: 'raise left hand' });\n    else if (nose && rightWrist && (rightWrist.position.y < nose.position.y)) gestures.push({ body: i, gesture: 'raise right hand' });\n\n    // leaning\n    const leftShoulder = res[i].keypoints.find((a) => (a.part === 'leftShoulder'));\n    const rightShoulder = res[i].keypoints.find((a) => (a.part === 'rightShoulder'));\n    if (leftShoulder && rightShoulder) gestures.push({ body: i, gesture: `leaning ${(leftShoulder.position.y > rightShoulder.position.y) ? 'left' : 'right'}` });\n  }\n  return gestures;\n};\n\nexport const face = (res) => {\n  if (!res) return [];\n  const gestures: Array<{ face: number, gesture: string }> = [];\n  for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {\n    if (res[i].mesh && res[i].mesh.length > 0) {\n      const eyeFacing = res[i].mesh[33][2] - res[i].mesh[263][2];\n      if (Math.abs(eyeFacing) < 10) gestures.push({ face: i, gesture: 'facing camera' });\n      else gestures.push({ face: i, gesture: `facing ${eyeFacing < 0 ? 'right' : 'left'}` });\n      const openLeft = Math.abs(res[i].mesh[374][1] - res[i].mesh[386][1]) / Math.abs(res[i].mesh[443][1] - res[i].mesh[450][1]); // center of eye inner lid y coord div center of wider eye border y coord\n      if (openLeft < 0.2) gestures.push({ face: i, gesture: 'blink left eye' });\n      const openRight = Math.abs(res[i].mesh[145][1] - res[i].mesh[159][1]) / Math.abs(res[i].mesh[223][1] - res[i].mesh[230][1]); // center of eye inner lid y coord div center of wider eye border y coord\n      if (openRight < 0.2) gestures.push({ face: i, gesture: 'blink right eye' });\n      const mouthOpen = Math.min(100, 500 * Math.abs(res[i].mesh[13][1] - res[i].mesh[14][1]) / Math.abs(res[i].mesh[10][1] - res[i].mesh[152][1]));\n      if (mouthOpen > 10) gestures.push({ face: i, gesture: `mouth ${Math.trunc(mouthOpen)}% open` });\n      const chinDepth = res[i].mesh[152][2];\n      if (Math.abs(chinDepth) > 10) gestures.push({ face: i, gesture: `head ${chinDepth < 0 ? 'up' : 'down'}` });\n    }\n  }\n  return gestures;\n};\n\nexport const iris = (res) => {\n  if (!res) return [];\n  const gestures: Array<{ iris: number, gesture: string }> = [];\n  for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {\n    if (!res[i].annotations || !res[i].annotations.leftEyeIris || !res[i].annotations.rightEyeIris) continue;\n    const sizeXLeft = res[i].annotations.leftEyeIris[3][0] - res[i].annotations.leftEyeIris[1][0];\n    const sizeYLeft = res[i].annotations.leftEyeIris[4][1] - res[i].annotations.leftEyeIris[2][1];\n    const areaLeft = Math.abs(sizeXLeft * sizeYLeft);\n\n    const sizeXRight = res[i].annotations.rightEyeIris[3][0] - res[i].annotations.rightEyeIris[1][0];\n    const sizeYRight = res[i].annotations.rightEyeIris[4][1] - res[i].annotations.rightEyeIris[2][1];\n    const areaRight = Math.abs(sizeXRight * sizeYRight);\n\n    const difference = Math.abs(areaLeft - areaRight) / Math.max(areaLeft, areaRight);\n    if (difference < 0.25) gestures.push({ iris: i, gesture: 'looking at camera' });\n  }\n  return gestures;\n};\n\nexport const hand = (res) => {\n  if (!res) return [];\n  const gestures: Array<{ hand: number, gesture: string }> = [];\n  for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {\n    const fingers: Array<{ name: string, position: number }> = [];\n    for (const [finger, pos] of Object.entries(res[i]['annotations'])) {\n      // @ts-ignore\n      if (finger !== 'palmBase') fingers.push({ name: finger.toLowerCase(), position: pos[0] }); // get tip of each finger\n    }\n    if (fingers && fingers.length > 0) {\n      const closest = fingers.reduce((best, a) => (best.position[2] < a.position[2] ? best : a));\n      const highest = fingers.reduce((best, a) => (best.position[1] < a.position[1] ? best : a));\n      gestures.push({ hand: i, gesture: `${closest.name} forward ${highest.name} up` });\n    }\n  }\n  return gestures;\n};\n", "// @ts-nocheck\n\nimport * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';\nimport * as fxImage from './imagefx';\n\nconst maxSize = 2048;\n// internal temp canvases\nlet inCanvas = null;\nlet outCanvas = null;\n// instance of fximage\nlet fx = null;\n\n// process input image and return tensor\n// input can be tensor, imagedata, htmlimageelement, htmlvideoelement\n// input is resized and run through imagefx filter\nexport function process(input, config): { tensor: tf.Tensor, canvas: OffscreenCanvas | HTMLCanvasElement } {\n  let tensor;\n  if (!input) throw new Error('Human: Input is missing');\n  if (\n    !(input instanceof tf.Tensor)\n    && !(input instanceof Image)\n    && !(input instanceof ImageData)\n    && !(input instanceof ImageBitmap)\n    && !(input instanceof HTMLImageElement)\n    && !(input instanceof HTMLVideoElement)\n    && !(input instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)\n    && !(input instanceof OffscreenCanvas)\n  ) {\n    throw new Error('Human: Input type is not recognized');\n  }\n  if (input instanceof tf.Tensor) {\n    tensor = tf.clone(input);\n  } else {\n    const originalWidth = input.naturalWidth || input.videoWidth || input.width || (input.shape && (input.shape[1] > 0));\n    const originalHeight = input.naturalHeight || input.videoHeight || input.height || (input.shape && (input.shape[2] > 0));\n    let targetWidth = originalWidth;\n    let targetHeight = originalHeight;\n    if (targetWidth > maxSize) {\n      targetWidth = maxSize;\n      targetHeight = targetWidth * originalHeight / originalWidth;\n    }\n    if (targetHeight > maxSize) {\n      targetHeight = maxSize;\n      targetWidth = targetHeight * originalWidth / originalHeight;\n    }\n    if (config.filter.width > 0) targetWidth = config.filter.width;\n    else if (config.filter.height > 0) targetWidth = originalWidth * (config.filter.height / originalHeight);\n    if (config.filter.height > 0) targetHeight = config.filter.height;\n    else if (config.filter.width > 0) targetHeight = originalHeight * (config.filter.width / originalWidth);\n    if (!targetWidth || !targetHeight) throw new Error('Human: Input cannot determine dimension');\n    if (!inCanvas || (inCanvas.width !== targetWidth) || (inCanvas.height !== targetHeight)) {\n      inCanvas = (typeof OffscreenCanvas !== 'undefined') ? new OffscreenCanvas(targetWidth, targetHeight) : document.createElement('canvas');\n      if (inCanvas.width !== targetWidth) inCanvas.width = targetWidth;\n      if (inCanvas.height !== targetHeight) inCanvas.height = targetHeight;\n    }\n    const ctx = inCanvas.getContext('2d');\n    if (input instanceof ImageData) ctx.putImageData(input, 0, 0);\n    else ctx.drawImage(input, 0, 0, originalWidth, originalHeight, 0, 0, inCanvas.width, inCanvas.height);\n    if (config.filter.enabled) {\n      if (!fx || !outCanvas || (inCanvas.width !== outCanvas.width) || (inCanvas.height !== outCanvas.height)) {\n        outCanvas = (typeof OffscreenCanvas !== 'undefined') ? new OffscreenCanvas(inCanvas.width, inCanvas.height) : document.createElement('canvas');\n        if (outCanvas.width !== inCanvas.width) outCanvas.width = inCanvas.width;\n        if (outCanvas.height !== inCanvas.height) outCanvas.height = inCanvas.height;\n        // log('created FX filter');\n        fx = tf.ENV.flags.IS_BROWSER ? new fxImage.GLImageFilter({ canvas: outCanvas }) : null; // && (typeof document !== 'undefined')\n      }\n      if (!fx) return { tensor: null, canvas: inCanvas };\n      fx.reset();\n      fx.addFilter('brightness', config.filter.brightness); // must have at least one filter enabled\n      if (config.filter.contrast !== 0) fx.addFilter('contrast', config.filter.contrast);\n      if (config.filter.sharpness !== 0) fx.addFilter('sharpen', config.filter.sharpness);\n      if (config.filter.blur !== 0) fx.addFilter('blur', config.filter.blur);\n      if (config.filter.saturation !== 0) fx.addFilter('saturation', config.filter.saturation);\n      if (config.filter.hue !== 0) fx.addFilter('hue', config.filter.hue);\n      if (config.filter.negative) fx.addFilter('negative');\n      if (config.filter.sepia) fx.addFilter('sepia');\n      if (config.filter.vintage) fx.addFilter('brownie');\n      if (config.filter.sepia) fx.addFilter('sepia');\n      if (config.filter.kodachrome) fx.addFilter('kodachrome');\n      if (config.filter.technicolor) fx.addFilter('technicolor');\n      if (config.filter.polaroid) fx.addFilter('polaroid');\n      if (config.filter.pixelate !== 0) fx.addFilter('pixelate', config.filter.pixelate);\n      fx.apply(inCanvas);\n      // read pixel data\n      /*\n      const gl = outCanvas.getContext('webgl');\n      if (gl) {\n        const glBuffer = new Uint8Array(outCanvas.width * outCanvas.height * 4);\n        const pixBuffer = new Uint8Array(outCanvas.width * outCanvas.height * 3);\n        gl.readPixels(0, 0, outCanvas.width, outCanvas.height, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, glBuffer);\n        // gl returns rbga while we only need rgb, so discarding alpha channel\n        // gl returns starting point as lower left, so need to invert vertical\n        let i = 0;\n        for (let y = outCanvas.height - 1; y >= 0; y--) {\n          for (let x = 0; x < outCanvas.width; x++) {\n            const index = (x + y * outCanvas.width) * 4;\n            pixBuffer[i++] = glBuffer[index + 0];\n            pixBuffer[i++] = glBuffer[index + 1];\n            pixBuffer[i++] = glBuffer[index + 2];\n          }\n        }\n        outCanvas.data = pixBuffer;\n      }\n      */\n    } else {\n      outCanvas = inCanvas;\n      if (fx) fx = null;\n    }\n    let pixels;\n    if (outCanvas.data) {\n      const shape = [outCanvas.height, outCanvas.width, 3];\n      pixels = tf.tensor3d(outCanvas.data, shape, 'int32');\n    } else if ((config.backend === 'webgl') || (outCanvas instanceof ImageData)) {\n      // tf kernel-optimized method to get imagedata, also if input is imagedata, just use it\n      pixels = tf.browser.fromPixels(outCanvas);\n    } else {\n      // cpu and wasm kernel does not implement efficient fromPixels method nor we can use canvas as-is, so we do a silly one more canvas\n      const tempCanvas = (typeof OffscreenCanvas !== 'undefined') ? new OffscreenCanvas(targetWidth, targetHeight) : document.createElement('canvas');\n      tempCanvas.width = targetWidth;\n      tempCanvas.height = targetHeight;\n      const tempCtx = tempCanvas.getContext('2d');\n      tempCtx?.drawImage(outCanvas, 0, 0);\n      const data = tempCtx?.getImageData(0, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight);\n      pixels = tf.browser.fromPixels(data);\n    }\n    const casted = pixels.toFloat();\n    tensor = casted.expandDims(0);\n    pixels.dispose();\n    casted.dispose();\n  }\n  const canvas = config.filter.return ? outCanvas : null;\n  return { tensor, canvas };\n}\n", "/*\nWebGLImageFilter - MIT Licensed\n2013, Dominic Szablewski - phoboslab.org\n<https://github.com/phoboslab/WebGLImageFilter>\n*/\n\nfunction GLProgram(gl, vertexSource, fragmentSource) {\n  const _collect = function (source, prefix, collection) {\n    const r = new RegExp('\\\\b' + prefix + ' \\\\w+ (\\\\w+)', 'ig');\n    source.replace(r, (match, name) => {\n      collection[name] = 0;\n      return match;\n    });\n  };\n\n  const _compile = function (source, type) {\n    const shader = gl.createShader(type);\n    gl.shaderSource(shader, source);\n    gl.compileShader(shader);\n    if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {\n      // @ts-ignore\n      throw new Error('Filter: GL compile failed', gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader));\n    }\n    return shader;\n  };\n\n  this.uniform = {};\n  this.attribute = {};\n  const _vsh = _compile(vertexSource, gl.VERTEX_SHADER);\n  const _fsh = _compile(fragmentSource, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);\n  this.id = gl.createProgram();\n  gl.attachShader(this.id, _vsh);\n  gl.attachShader(this.id, _fsh);\n  gl.linkProgram(this.id);\n\n  if (!gl.getProgramParameter(this.id, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {\n    // @ts-ignore\n    throw new Error('Filter: GL link failed', gl.getProgramInfoLog(this.id));\n  }\n\n  gl.useProgram(this.id);\n  // Collect attributes\n  _collect(vertexSource, 'attribute', this.attribute);\n  for (const a in this.attribute) this.attribute[a] = gl.getAttribLocation(this.id, a);\n  // Collect uniforms\n  _collect(vertexSource, 'uniform', this.uniform);\n  _collect(fragmentSource, 'uniform', this.uniform);\n  for (const u in this.uniform) this.uniform[u] = gl.getUniformLocation(this.id, u);\n}\n\n// export const GLImageFilter = function (params) {\nexport function GLImageFilter(params) {\n  if (!params) params = { };\n  let _drawCount = 0;\n  let _sourceTexture = null;\n  let _lastInChain = false;\n  let _currentFramebufferIndex = -1;\n  let _tempFramebuffers = [null, null];\n  let _filterChain = [];\n  let _width = -1;\n  let _height = -1;\n  let _vertexBuffer = null;\n  let _currentProgram = null;\n  const _filter = {};\n  const _canvas = params.canvas || document.createElement('canvas');\n  // key is the shader program source, value is the compiled program\n  const _shaderProgramCache = { };\n  const DRAW = { INTERMEDIATE: 1 };\n  const gl = _canvas.getContext('webgl');\n  if (!gl) throw new Error('Filter: getContext() failed');\n\n  this.addFilter = function (name) {\n    // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params\n    const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);\n    const filter = _filter[name];\n    _filterChain.push({ func: filter, args });\n  };\n\n  this.reset = function () {\n    _filterChain = [];\n  };\n\n  const _resize = function (width, height) {\n    // Same width/height? Nothing to do here\n    if (width === _width && height === _height) { return; }\n    _canvas.width = width;\n    _width = width;\n    _canvas.height = height;\n    _height = height;\n    // Create the context if we don't have it yet\n    if (!_vertexBuffer) {\n      // Create the vertex buffer for the two triangles [x, y, u, v] * 6\n      const vertices = new Float32Array([\n        -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0,\n        -1, 1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,\n      ]);\n      // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions\n      (_vertexBuffer = gl.createBuffer(), gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, _vertexBuffer));\n      gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW);\n      gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, true);\n    }\n    gl.viewport(0, 0, _width, _height);\n    // Delete old temp framebuffers\n    _tempFramebuffers = [null, null];\n  };\n\n  const _createFramebufferTexture = function (width, height) {\n    const fbo = gl.createFramebuffer();\n    gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, fbo);\n    const renderbuffer = gl.createRenderbuffer();\n    gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer);\n    const texture = gl.createTexture();\n    gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);\n    gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, width, height, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);\n    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);\n    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);\n    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);\n    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);\n    gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture, 0);\n    gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);\n    gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);\n    return { fbo, texture };\n  };\n\n  const _getTempFramebuffer = function (index) {\n    // @ts-ignore\n    _tempFramebuffers[index] = _tempFramebuffers[index] || _createFramebufferTexture(_width, _height);\n    return _tempFramebuffers[index];\n  };\n\n  const _draw = function (flags = null) {\n    let source = null;\n    let target = null;\n    let flipY = false;\n    // Set up the source\n    if (_drawCount === 0) {\n      // First draw call - use the source texture\n      source = _sourceTexture;\n    } else {\n      // All following draw calls use the temp buffer last drawn to\n      // @ts-ignore\n      source = _getTempFramebuffer(_currentFramebufferIndex)?.texture;\n    }\n    _drawCount++;\n    // Set up the target\n    if (_lastInChain && !(flags & DRAW.INTERMEDIATE)) {\n      // Last filter in our chain - draw directly to the WebGL Canvas. We may\n      // also have to flip the image vertically now\n      target = null;\n      flipY = _drawCount % 2 === 0;\n    } else {\n      // Intermediate draw call - get a temp buffer to draw to\n      _currentFramebufferIndex = (_currentFramebufferIndex + 1) % 2;\n      // @ts-ignore\n      target = _getTempFramebuffer(_currentFramebufferIndex)?.fbo;\n    }\n    // Bind the source and target and draw the two triangles\n    gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, source);\n    gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, target);\n    gl.uniform1f(_currentProgram.uniform.flipY, (flipY ? -1 : 1));\n    gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6);\n  };\n\n  this.apply = function (image) {\n    _resize(image.width, image.height);\n    _drawCount = 0;\n    // Create the texture for the input image if we haven't yet\n    if (!_sourceTexture) _sourceTexture = gl.createTexture();\n    gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, _sourceTexture);\n    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);\n    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);\n    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);\n    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);\n    gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);\n    // No filters? Just draw\n    if (_filterChain.length === 0) {\n      // const program = _compileShader(SHADER.FRAGMENT_IDENTITY);\n      _draw();\n      return _canvas;\n    }\n    for (let i = 0; i < _filterChain.length; i++) {\n      _lastInChain = (i === _filterChain.length - 1);\n      const f = _filterChain[i];\n      f.func.apply(this, f.args || []);\n    }\n    return _canvas;\n  };\n\n  const _compileShader = function (fragmentSource) {\n    if (_shaderProgramCache[fragmentSource]) {\n      _currentProgram = _shaderProgramCache[fragmentSource];\n      gl.useProgram(_currentProgram.id);\n      return _currentProgram;\n    }\n    // Compile shaders\n    const SHADER = {};\n    SHADER.VERTEX_IDENTITY = [\n      'precision highp float;',\n      'attribute vec2 pos;',\n      'attribute vec2 uv;',\n      'varying vec2 vUv;',\n      'uniform float flipY;',\n      'void main(void) {',\n      'vUv = uv;',\n      'gl_Position = vec4(pos.x, pos.y*flipY, 0.0, 1.);',\n      '}',\n    ].join('\\n');\n    SHADER.FRAGMENT_IDENTITY = [\n      'precision highp float;',\n      'varying vec2 vUv;',\n      'uniform sampler2D texture;',\n      'void main(void) {',\n      'gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, vUv);',\n      '}',\n    ].join('\\n');\n    _currentProgram = new GLProgram(gl, SHADER.VERTEX_IDENTITY, fragmentSource);\n    const floatSize = Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;\n    const vertSize = 4 * floatSize;\n    gl.enableVertexAttribArray(_currentProgram.attribute.pos);\n    gl.vertexAttribPointer(_currentProgram.attribute.pos, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, vertSize, 0 * floatSize);\n    gl.enableVertexAttribArray(_currentProgram.attribute.uv);\n    gl.vertexAttribPointer(_currentProgram.attribute.uv, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, vertSize, 2 * floatSize);\n    _shaderProgramCache[fragmentSource] = _currentProgram;\n    return _currentProgram;\n  };\n\n  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n  // Color Matrix Filter\n  _filter.colorMatrix = function (matrix) {\n    // Create a Float32 Array and normalize the offset component to 0-1\n    const m = new Float32Array(matrix);\n    m[4] /= 255;\n    m[9] /= 255;\n    m[14] /= 255;\n    m[19] /= 255;\n    // Can we ignore the alpha value? Makes things a bit faster.\n    const shader = (m[18] === 1 && m[3] === 0 && m[8] === 0 && m[13] === 0 && m[15] === 0 && m[16] === 0 && m[17] === 0 && m[19] === 0)\n      ? _filter.colorMatrix.SHADER.WITHOUT_ALPHA\n      : _filter.colorMatrix.SHADER.WITH_ALPHA;\n    const program = _compileShader(shader);\n    gl.uniform1fv(program.uniform.m, m);\n    _draw();\n  };\n  _filter.colorMatrix.SHADER = {};\n  _filter.colorMatrix.SHADER.WITH_ALPHA = [\n    'precision highp float;',\n    'varying vec2 vUv;',\n    'uniform sampler2D texture;',\n    'uniform float m[20];',\n    'void main(void) {',\n    'vec4 c = texture2D(texture, vUv);',\n    'gl_FragColor.r = m[0] * c.r + m[1] * c.g + m[2] * c.b + m[3] * c.a + m[4];',\n    'gl_FragColor.g = m[5] * c.r + m[6] * c.g + m[7] * c.b + m[8] * c.a + m[9];',\n    'gl_FragColor.b = m[10] * c.r + m[11] * c.g + m[12] * c.b + m[13] * c.a + m[14];',\n    'gl_FragColor.a = m[15] * c.r + m[16] * c.g + m[17] * c.b + m[18] * c.a + m[19];',\n    '}',\n  ].join('\\n');\n  _filter.colorMatrix.SHADER.WITHOUT_ALPHA = [\n    'precision highp float;',\n    'varying vec2 vUv;',\n    'uniform sampler2D texture;',\n    'uniform float m[20];',\n    'void main(void) {',\n    'vec4 c = texture2D(texture, vUv);',\n    'gl_FragColor.r = m[0] * c.r + m[1] * c.g + m[2] * c.b + m[4];',\n    'gl_FragColor.g = m[5] * c.r + m[6] * c.g + m[7] * c.b + m[9];',\n    'gl_FragColor.b = m[10] * c.r + m[11] * c.g + m[12] * c.b + m[14];',\n    'gl_FragColor.a = c.a;',\n    '}',\n  ].join('\\n');\n\n  _filter.brightness = function (brightness) {\n    const b = (brightness || 0) + 1;\n    _filter.colorMatrix([\n      b, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n      0, b, 0, 0, 0,\n      0, 0, b, 0, 0,\n      0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  _filter.saturation = function (amount) {\n    const x = (amount || 0) * 2 / 3 + 1;\n    const y = ((x - 1) * -0.5);\n    _filter.colorMatrix([\n      x, y, y, 0, 0,\n      y, x, y, 0, 0,\n      y, y, x, 0, 0,\n      0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  _filter.desaturate = function () {\n    _filter.saturation(-1);\n  };\n\n  _filter.contrast = function (amount) {\n    const v = (amount || 0) + 1;\n    const o = -128 * (v - 1);\n\n    _filter.colorMatrix([\n      v, 0, 0, 0, o,\n      0, v, 0, 0, o,\n      0, 0, v, 0, o,\n      0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  _filter.negative = function () {\n    _filter.contrast(-2);\n  };\n\n  _filter.hue = function (rotation) {\n    rotation = (rotation || 0) / 180 * Math.PI;\n    const cos = Math.cos(rotation);\n    const sin = Math.sin(rotation);\n    const lumR = 0.213;\n    const lumG = 0.715;\n    const lumB = 0.072;\n\n    _filter.colorMatrix([\n      lumR + cos * (1 - lumR) + sin * (-lumR), lumG + cos * (-lumG) + sin * (-lumG), lumB + cos * (-lumB) + sin * (1 - lumB), 0, 0,\n      lumR + cos * (-lumR) + sin * (0.143), lumG + cos * (1 - lumG) + sin * (0.140), lumB + cos * (-lumB) + sin * (-0.283), 0, 0,\n      lumR + cos * (-lumR) + sin * (-(1 - lumR)), lumG + cos * (-lumG) + sin * (lumG), lumB + cos * (1 - lumB) + sin * (lumB), 0, 0,\n      0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  _filter.desaturateLuminance = function () {\n    _filter.colorMatrix([\n      0.2764723, 0.9297080, 0.0938197, 0, -37.1,\n      0.2764723, 0.9297080, 0.0938197, 0, -37.1,\n      0.2764723, 0.9297080, 0.0938197, 0, -37.1,\n      0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  _filter.sepia = function () {\n    _filter.colorMatrix([\n      0.393, 0.7689999, 0.18899999, 0, 0,\n      0.349, 0.6859999, 0.16799999, 0, 0,\n      0.272, 0.5339999, 0.13099999, 0, 0,\n      0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  _filter.brownie = function () {\n    _filter.colorMatrix([\n      0.5997023498159715, 0.34553243048391263, -0.2708298674538042, 0, 47.43192855600873,\n      -0.037703249837783157, 0.8609577587992641, 0.15059552388459913, 0, -36.96841498319127,\n      0.24113635128153335, -0.07441037908422492, 0.44972182064877153, 0, -7.562075277591283,\n      0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  _filter.vintagePinhole = function () {\n    _filter.colorMatrix([\n      0.6279345635605994, 0.3202183420819367, -0.03965408211312453, 0, 9.651285835294123,\n      0.02578397704808868, 0.6441188644374771, 0.03259127616149294, 0, 7.462829176470591,\n      0.0466055556782719, -0.0851232987247891, 0.5241648018700465, 0, 5.159190588235296,\n      0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  _filter.kodachrome = function () {\n    _filter.colorMatrix([\n      1.1285582396593525, -0.3967382283601348, -0.03992559172921793, 0, 63.72958762196502,\n      -0.16404339962244616, 1.0835251566291304, -0.05498805115633132, 0, 24.732407896706203,\n      -0.16786010706155763, -0.5603416277695248, 1.6014850761964943, 0, 35.62982807460946,\n      0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  _filter.technicolor = function () {\n    _filter.colorMatrix([\n      1.9125277891456083, -0.8545344976951645, -0.09155508482755585, 0, 11.793603434377337,\n      -0.3087833385928097, 1.7658908555458428, -0.10601743074722245, 0, -70.35205161461398,\n      -0.231103377548616, -0.7501899197440212, 1.847597816108189, 0, 30.950940869491138,\n      0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  _filter.polaroid = function () {\n    _filter.colorMatrix([\n      1.438, -0.062, -0.062, 0, 0,\n      -0.122, 1.378, -0.122, 0, 0,\n      -0.016, -0.016, 1.483, 0, 0,\n      0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  _filter.shiftToBGR = function () {\n    _filter.colorMatrix([\n      0, 0, 1, 0, 0,\n      0, 1, 0, 0, 0,\n      1, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n      0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n  // Convolution Filter\n  _filter.convolution = function (matrix) {\n    const m = new Float32Array(matrix);\n    const pixelSizeX = 1 / _width;\n    const pixelSizeY = 1 / _height;\n    const program = _compileShader(_filter.convolution.SHADER);\n    gl.uniform1fv(program.uniform.m, m);\n    gl.uniform2f(program.uniform.px, pixelSizeX, pixelSizeY);\n    _draw();\n  };\n\n  _filter.convolution.SHADER = [\n    'precision highp float;',\n    'varying vec2 vUv;',\n    'uniform sampler2D texture;',\n    'uniform vec2 px;',\n    'uniform float m[9];',\n    'void main(void) {',\n    'vec4 c11 = texture2D(texture, vUv - px);', // top left\n    'vec4 c12 = texture2D(texture, vec2(vUv.x, vUv.y - px.y));', // top center\n    'vec4 c13 = texture2D(texture, vec2(vUv.x + px.x, vUv.y - px.y));', // top right\n    'vec4 c21 = texture2D(texture, vec2(vUv.x - px.x, vUv.y) );', // mid left\n    'vec4 c22 = texture2D(texture, vUv);', // mid center\n    'vec4 c23 = texture2D(texture, vec2(vUv.x + px.x, vUv.y) );', // mid right\n    'vec4 c31 = texture2D(texture, vec2(vUv.x - px.x, vUv.y + px.y) );', // bottom left\n    'vec4 c32 = texture2D(texture, vec2(vUv.x, vUv.y + px.y) );', // bottom center\n    'vec4 c33 = texture2D(texture, vUv + px );', // bottom right\n    'gl_FragColor = ',\n    'c11 * m[0] + c12 * m[1] + c22 * m[2] +',\n    'c21 * m[3] + c22 * m[4] + c23 * m[5] +',\n    'c31 * m[6] + c32 * m[7] + c33 * m[8];',\n    'gl_FragColor.a = c22.a;',\n    '}',\n  ].join('\\n');\n\n  _filter.detectEdges = function () {\n    _filter.convolution.call(this, [\n      0, 1, 0,\n      1, -4, 1,\n      0, 1, 0,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  _filter.sobelX = function () {\n    _filter.convolution.call(this, [\n      -1, 0, 1,\n      -2, 0, 2,\n      -1, 0, 1,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  _filter.sobelY = function () {\n    _filter.convolution.call(this, [\n      -1, -2, -1,\n      0, 0, 0,\n      1, 2, 1,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  _filter.sharpen = function (amount) {\n    const a = amount || 1;\n    _filter.convolution.call(this, [\n      0, -1 * a, 0,\n      -1 * a, 1 + 4 * a, -1 * a,\n      0, -1 * a, 0,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  _filter.emboss = function (size) {\n    const s = size || 1;\n    _filter.convolution.call(this, [\n      -2 * s, -1 * s, 0,\n      -1 * s, 1, 1 * s,\n      0, 1 * s, 2 * s,\n    ]);\n  };\n\n  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n  // Blur Filter\n  _filter.blur = function (size) {\n    const blurSizeX = (size / 7) / _width;\n    const blurSizeY = (size / 7) / _height;\n    const program = _compileShader(_filter.blur.SHADER);\n    // Vertical\n    gl.uniform2f(program.uniform.px, 0, blurSizeY);\n    _draw(DRAW.INTERMEDIATE);\n    // Horizontal\n    gl.uniform2f(program.uniform.px, blurSizeX, 0);\n    _draw();\n  };\n\n  _filter.blur.SHADER = [\n    'precision highp float;',\n    'varying vec2 vUv;',\n    'uniform sampler2D texture;',\n    'uniform vec2 px;',\n    'void main(void) {',\n    'gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, vUv + vec2(-7.0*px.x, -7.0*px.y))*0.0044299121055113265;',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, vUv + vec2(-6.0*px.x, -6.0*px.y))*0.00895781211794;',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, vUv + vec2(-5.0*px.x, -5.0*px.y))*0.0215963866053;',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, vUv + vec2(-4.0*px.x, -4.0*px.y))*0.0443683338718;',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, vUv + vec2(-3.0*px.x, -3.0*px.y))*0.0776744219933;',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, vUv + vec2(-2.0*px.x, -2.0*px.y))*0.115876621105;',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, vUv + vec2(-1.0*px.x, -1.0*px.y))*0.147308056121;',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, vUv                             )*0.159576912161;',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, vUv + vec2( 1.0*px.x,  1.0*px.y))*0.147308056121;',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, vUv + vec2( 2.0*px.x,  2.0*px.y))*0.115876621105;',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, vUv + vec2( 3.0*px.x,  3.0*px.y))*0.0776744219933;',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, vUv + vec2( 4.0*px.x,  4.0*px.y))*0.0443683338718;',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, vUv + vec2( 5.0*px.x,  5.0*px.y))*0.0215963866053;',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, vUv + vec2( 6.0*px.x,  6.0*px.y))*0.00895781211794;',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, vUv + vec2( 7.0*px.x,  7.0*px.y))*0.0044299121055113265;',\n    '}',\n  ].join('\\n');\n\n  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n  // Pixelate Filter\n  _filter.pixelate = function (size) {\n    const blurSizeX = (size) / _width;\n    const blurSizeY = (size) / _height;\n    const program = _compileShader(_filter.pixelate.SHADER);\n    // Horizontal\n    gl.uniform2f(program.uniform.size, blurSizeX, blurSizeY);\n    _draw();\n  };\n\n  _filter.pixelate.SHADER = [\n    'precision highp float;',\n    'varying vec2 vUv;',\n    'uniform vec2 size;',\n    'uniform sampler2D texture;',\n    'vec2 pixelate(vec2 coord, vec2 size) {',\n    'return floor( coord / size ) * size;',\n    '}',\n    'void main(void) {',\n    'gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);',\n    'vec2 coord = pixelate(vUv, size);',\n    'gl_FragColor += texture2D(texture, coord);',\n    '}',\n  ].join('\\n');\n}\n", "import { defaults } from '../config';\nimport { TRI468 as triangulation } from '../blazeface/coords';\n\nexport const drawOptions = {\n  color: <string>'rgba(173, 216, 230, 0.3)', // 'lightblue' with light alpha channel\n  labelColor: <string>'rgba(173, 216, 230, 1)', // 'lightblue' with dark alpha channel\n  shadowColor: <string>'black',\n  font: <string>'small-caps 16px \"Segoe UI\"',\n  lineHeight: <number>20,\n  lineWidth: <number>6,\n  pointSize: <number>2,\n  roundRect: <number>28,\n  drawPoints: <Boolean>false,\n  drawLabels: <Boolean>true,\n  drawBoxes: <Boolean>true,\n  drawPolygons: <Boolean>true,\n  fillPolygons: <Boolean>false,\n  useDepth: <Boolean>true,\n  useCurves: <Boolean>false,\n  bufferedOutput: <Boolean>false,\n  useRawBoxes: <Boolean>false,\n};\n\nfunction point(ctx, x, y, z = null) {\n  ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.useDepth && z ? `rgba(${127.5 + (2 * (z || 0))}, ${127.5 - (2 * (z || 0))}, 255, 0.3)` : drawOptions.color;\n  ctx.beginPath();\n  ctx.arc(x, y, drawOptions.pointSize, 0, 2 * Math.PI);\n  ctx.fill();\n}\n\nfunction rect(ctx, x, y, width, height) {\n  ctx.beginPath();\n  if (drawOptions.useCurves) {\n    const cx = (x + x + width) / 2;\n    const cy = (y + y + height) / 2;\n    ctx.ellipse(cx, cy, width / 2, height / 2, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI);\n  } else {\n    ctx.lineWidth = drawOptions.lineWidth;\n    ctx.moveTo(x + drawOptions.roundRect, y);\n    ctx.lineTo(x + width - drawOptions.roundRect, y);\n    ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + drawOptions.roundRect);\n    ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - drawOptions.roundRect);\n    ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - drawOptions.roundRect, y + height);\n    ctx.lineTo(x + drawOptions.roundRect, y + height);\n    ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - drawOptions.roundRect);\n    ctx.lineTo(x, y + drawOptions.roundRect);\n    ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + drawOptions.roundRect, y);\n    ctx.closePath();\n  }\n  ctx.stroke();\n}\n\nfunction lines(ctx, points: number[] = []) {\n  if (points === undefined || points.length === 0) return;\n  ctx.beginPath();\n  ctx.moveTo(points[0][0], points[0][1]);\n  for (const pt of points) {\n    ctx.strokeStyle = drawOptions.useDepth && pt[2] ? `rgba(${127.5 + (2 * pt[2])}, ${127.5 - (2 * pt[2])}, 255, 0.3)` : drawOptions.color;\n    ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.useDepth && pt[2] ? `rgba(${127.5 + (2 * pt[2])}, ${127.5 - (2 * pt[2])}, 255, 0.3)` : drawOptions.color;\n    ctx.lineTo(pt[0], parseInt(pt[1]));\n  }\n  ctx.stroke();\n  if (drawOptions.fillPolygons) {\n    ctx.closePath();\n    ctx.fill();\n  }\n}\n\nfunction curves(ctx, points: number[] = []) {\n  if (points === undefined || points.length === 0) return;\n  if (!drawOptions.useCurves || points.length <= 2) {\n    lines(ctx, points);\n    return;\n  }\n  ctx.moveTo(points[0][0], points[0][1]);\n  for (let i = 0; i < points.length - 2; i++) {\n    const xc = (points[i][0] + points[i + 1][0]) / 2;\n    const yc = (points[i][1] + points[i + 1][1]) / 2;\n    ctx.quadraticCurveTo(points[i][0], points[i][1], xc, yc);\n  }\n  ctx.quadraticCurveTo(points[points.length - 2][0], points[points.length - 2][1], points[points.length - 1][0], points[points.length - 1][1]);\n  ctx.stroke();\n  if (drawOptions.fillPolygons) {\n    ctx.closePath();\n    ctx.fill();\n  }\n}\n\nexport async function gesture(inCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement, result: Array<any>) {\n  if (!result || !inCanvas) return;\n  if (!(inCanvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) return;\n  const ctx = inCanvas.getContext('2d');\n  if (!ctx) return;\n  ctx.font = drawOptions.font;\n  ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.color;\n  let i = 1;\n  for (let j = 0; j < result.length; j++) {\n    let where:any[] = [];\n    let what:any[] = [];\n    [where, what] = Object.entries(result[j]);\n    if ((what.length > 1) && (what[1].length > 0)) {\n      const person = where[1] > 0 ? `#${where[1]}` : '';\n      const label = `${where[0]} ${person}: ${what[1]}`;\n      if (drawOptions.shadowColor && drawOptions.shadowColor !== '') {\n        ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.shadowColor;\n        ctx.fillText(label, 8, 2 + (i * drawOptions.lineHeight));\n      }\n      ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.labelColor;\n      ctx.fillText(label, 6, 0 + (i * drawOptions.lineHeight));\n      i += 1;\n    }\n  }\n}\n\nexport async function face(inCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement, result: Array<any>) {\n  if (!result || !inCanvas) return;\n  if (!(inCanvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) return;\n  const ctx = inCanvas.getContext('2d');\n  if (!ctx) return;\n  for (const f of result) {\n    ctx.font = drawOptions.font;\n    ctx.strokeStyle = drawOptions.color;\n    ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.color;\n    if (drawOptions.drawBoxes) {\n      if (drawOptions.useRawBoxes) rect(ctx, inCanvas.width * f.boxRaw[0], inCanvas.height * f.boxRaw[1], inCanvas.width * f.boxRaw[2], inCanvas.height * f.boxRaw[3]);\n      else rect(ctx, f.box[0], f.box[1], f.box[2], f.box[3]);\n    }\n    // silly hack since fillText does not suport new line\n    const labels:string[] = [];\n    labels.push(`face confidence: ${Math.trunc(100 * f.confidence)}%`);\n    if (f.genderConfidence) labels.push(`${f.gender || ''} ${Math.trunc(100 * f.genderConfidence)}% confident`);\n    // if (f.genderConfidence) labels.push(f.gender);\n    if (f.age) labels.push(`age: ${f.age || ''}`);\n    if (f.iris) labels.push(`iris distance: ${f.iris}`);\n    if (f.emotion && f.emotion.length > 0) {\n      const emotion = f.emotion.map((a) => `${Math.trunc(100 * a.score)}% ${a.emotion}`);\n      labels.push(emotion.join(' '));\n    }\n    if (f.rotation && f.rotation.angle && f.rotation.angle.roll) labels.push(`roll: ${Math.trunc(100 * f.rotation.angle.roll) / 100} yaw:${Math.trunc(100 * f.rotation.angle.yaw) / 100} pitch:${Math.trunc(100 * f.rotation.angle.pitch) / 100}`);\n    if (labels.length === 0) labels.push('face');\n    ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.color;\n    for (let i = labels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n      const x = Math.max(f.box[0], 0);\n      const y = i * drawOptions.lineHeight + f.box[1];\n      if (drawOptions.shadowColor && drawOptions.shadowColor !== '') {\n        ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.shadowColor;\n        ctx.fillText(labels[i], x + 5, y + 16);\n      }\n      ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.labelColor;\n      ctx.fillText(labels[i], x + 4, y + 15);\n    }\n    ctx.lineWidth = 1;\n    if (f.mesh && f.mesh.length > 0) {\n      if (drawOptions.drawPoints) {\n        for (const pt of f.mesh) point(ctx, pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]);\n        // for (const pt of f.meshRaw) point(ctx, pt[0] * inCanvas.offsetWidth, pt[1] * inCanvas.offsetHeight, pt[2]);\n      }\n      if (drawOptions.drawPolygons) {\n        ctx.lineWidth = 1;\n        for (let i = 0; i < triangulation.length / 3; i++) {\n          const points = [\n            triangulation[i * 3 + 0],\n            triangulation[i * 3 + 1],\n            triangulation[i * 3 + 2],\n          ].map((index) => f.mesh[index]);\n          lines(ctx, points);\n        }\n        // iris: array[center, left, top, right, bottom]\n        if (f.annotations && f.annotations.leftEyeIris) {\n          ctx.strokeStyle = drawOptions.useDepth ? 'rgba(255, 200, 255, 0.3)' : drawOptions.color;\n          ctx.beginPath();\n          const sizeX = Math.abs(f.annotations.leftEyeIris[3][0] - f.annotations.leftEyeIris[1][0]) / 2;\n          const sizeY = Math.abs(f.annotations.leftEyeIris[4][1] - f.annotations.leftEyeIris[2][1]) / 2;\n          ctx.ellipse(f.annotations.leftEyeIris[0][0], f.annotations.leftEyeIris[0][1], sizeX, sizeY, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI);\n          ctx.stroke();\n          if (drawOptions.fillPolygons) {\n            ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.useDepth ? 'rgba(255, 255, 200, 0.3)' : drawOptions.color;\n            ctx.fill();\n          }\n        }\n        if (f.annotations && f.annotations.rightEyeIris) {\n          ctx.strokeStyle = drawOptions.useDepth ? 'rgba(255, 200, 255, 0.3)' : drawOptions.color;\n          ctx.beginPath();\n          const sizeX = Math.abs(f.annotations.rightEyeIris[3][0] - f.annotations.rightEyeIris[1][0]) / 2;\n          const sizeY = Math.abs(f.annotations.rightEyeIris[4][1] - f.annotations.rightEyeIris[2][1]) / 2;\n          ctx.ellipse(f.annotations.rightEyeIris[0][0], f.annotations.rightEyeIris[0][1], sizeX, sizeY, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI);\n          ctx.stroke();\n          if (drawOptions.fillPolygons) {\n            ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.useDepth ? 'rgba(255, 255, 200, 0.3)' : drawOptions.color;\n            ctx.fill();\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}\n\nconst lastDrawnPose:any[] = [];\nexport async function body(inCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement, result: Array<any>) {\n  if (!result || !inCanvas) return;\n  if (!(inCanvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) return;\n  const ctx = inCanvas.getContext('2d');\n  if (!ctx) return;\n  ctx.lineJoin = 'round';\n  for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {\n    // result[i].keypoints = result[i].keypoints.filter((a) => a.score > 0.5);\n    if (!lastDrawnPose[i] && drawOptions.bufferedOutput) lastDrawnPose[i] = { ...result[i] };\n    ctx.strokeStyle = drawOptions.color;\n    ctx.lineWidth = drawOptions.lineWidth;\n    if (drawOptions.drawPoints) {\n      for (let pt = 0; pt < result[i].keypoints.length; pt++) {\n        ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.useDepth && result[i].keypoints[pt].position.z ? `rgba(${127.5 + (2 * result[i].keypoints[pt].position.z)}, ${127.5 - (2 * result[i].keypoints[pt].position.z)}, 255, 0.5)` : drawOptions.color;\n        if (drawOptions.bufferedOutput) {\n          lastDrawnPose[i].keypoints[pt][0] = (lastDrawnPose[i].keypoints[pt][0] + result[i].keypoints[pt].position.x) / 2;\n          lastDrawnPose[i].keypoints[pt][1] = (lastDrawnPose[i].keypoints[pt][1] + result[i].keypoints[pt].position.y) / 2;\n          point(ctx, lastDrawnPose[i].keypoints[pt][0], lastDrawnPose[i].keypoints[pt][1]);\n        } else {\n          point(ctx, result[i].keypoints[pt].position.x, result[i].keypoints[pt].position.y);\n        }\n      }\n    }\n    if (drawOptions.drawLabels) {\n      ctx.font = drawOptions.font;\n      if (result[i].keypoints) {\n        for (const pt of result[i].keypoints) {\n          ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.useDepth && pt.position.z ? `rgba(${127.5 + (2 * pt.position.z)}, ${127.5 - (2 * pt.position.z)}, 255, 0.5)` : drawOptions.color;\n          ctx.fillText(`${pt.part}`, pt.position.x + 4, pt.position.y + 4);\n        }\n      }\n    }\n    if (drawOptions.drawPolygons && result[i].keypoints) {\n      let part;\n      const points: any[] = [];\n      // shoulder line\n      points.length = 0;\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'leftShoulder');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'rightShoulder');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      curves(ctx, points);\n      // torso main\n      points.length = 0;\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'rightShoulder');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'rightHip');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'leftHip');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'leftShoulder');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      if (points.length === 4) lines(ctx, points); // only draw if we have complete torso\n      // leg left\n      points.length = 0;\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'leftHip');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'leftKnee');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'leftAnkle');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'leftHeel');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'leftFoot');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      curves(ctx, points);\n      // leg right\n      points.length = 0;\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'rightHip');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'rightKnee');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'rightAnkle');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'rightHeel');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'rightFoot');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      curves(ctx, points);\n      // arm left\n      points.length = 0;\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'leftShoulder');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'leftElbow');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'leftWrist');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'leftPalm');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      curves(ctx, points);\n      // arm right\n      points.length = 0;\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'rightShoulder');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'rightElbow');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'rightWrist');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      part = result[i].keypoints.find((a) => a.part === 'rightPalm');\n      if (part && part.score > defaults.body.scoreThreshold) points.push([part.position.x, part.position.y]);\n      curves(ctx, points);\n      // draw all\n    }\n  }\n}\n\nexport async function hand(inCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement, result: Array<any>) {\n  if (!result || !inCanvas) return;\n  if (!(inCanvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) return;\n  const ctx = inCanvas.getContext('2d');\n  if (!ctx) return;\n  ctx.lineJoin = 'round';\n  ctx.font = drawOptions.font;\n  for (const h of result) {\n    if (drawOptions.drawBoxes) {\n      ctx.strokeStyle = drawOptions.color;\n      ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.color;\n      if (drawOptions.useRawBoxes) rect(ctx, inCanvas.width * h.boxRaw[0], inCanvas.height * h.boxRaw[1], inCanvas.width * h.boxRaw[2], inCanvas.height * h.boxRaw[3]);\n      else rect(ctx, h.box[0], h.box[1], h.box[2], h.box[3]);\n      if (drawOptions.drawLabels) {\n        if (drawOptions.shadowColor && drawOptions.shadowColor !== '') {\n          ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.shadowColor;\n          ctx.fillText('hand', h.box[0] + 3, 1 + h.box[1] + drawOptions.lineHeight, h.box[2]);\n        }\n        ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.labelColor;\n        ctx.fillText('hand', h.box[0] + 2, 0 + h.box[1] + drawOptions.lineHeight, h.box[2]);\n      }\n      ctx.stroke();\n    }\n    if (drawOptions.drawPoints) {\n      if (h.landmarks && h.landmarks.length > 0) {\n        for (const pt of h.landmarks) {\n          ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.useDepth ? `rgba(${127.5 + (2 * pt[2])}, ${127.5 - (2 * pt[2])}, 255, 0.5)` : drawOptions.color;\n          point(ctx, pt[0], pt[1]);\n        }\n      }\n    }\n    if (drawOptions.drawPolygons) {\n      const addPart = (part) => {\n        if (!part) return;\n        for (let i = 0; i < part.length; i++) {\n          ctx.lineWidth = drawOptions.lineWidth;\n          ctx.beginPath();\n          ctx.strokeStyle = drawOptions.useDepth ? `rgba(${127.5 + (2 * part[i][2])}, ${127.5 - (2 * part[i][2])}, 255, 0.5)` : drawOptions.color;\n          ctx.moveTo(part[i > 0 ? i - 1 : 0][0], part[i > 0 ? i - 1 : 0][1]);\n          ctx.lineTo(part[i][0], part[i][1]);\n          ctx.stroke();\n        }\n      };\n      addPart(h.annotations.indexFinger);\n      addPart(h.annotations.middleFinger);\n      addPart(h.annotations.ringFinger);\n      addPart(h.annotations.pinky);\n      addPart(h.annotations.thumb);\n      // addPart(hand.annotations.palmBase);\n    }\n  }\n}\n\nexport async function object(inCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement, result: Array<any>) {\n  if (!result || !inCanvas) return;\n  if (!(inCanvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) return;\n  const ctx = inCanvas.getContext('2d');\n  if (!ctx) return;\n  ctx.lineJoin = 'round';\n  ctx.font = drawOptions.font;\n  for (const h of result) {\n    if (drawOptions.drawBoxes) {\n      ctx.strokeStyle = drawOptions.color;\n      ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.color;\n      if (drawOptions.useRawBoxes) rect(ctx, inCanvas.width * h.boxRaw[0], inCanvas.height * h.boxRaw[1], inCanvas.width * h.boxRaw[2], inCanvas.height * h.boxRaw[3]);\n      else rect(ctx, h.box[0], h.box[1], h.box[2], h.box[3]);\n      if (drawOptions.drawLabels) {\n        const label = `${Math.round(100 * h.score)}% ${h.label}`;\n        if (drawOptions.shadowColor && drawOptions.shadowColor !== '') {\n          ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.shadowColor;\n          ctx.fillText(label, h.box[0] + 3, 1 + h.box[1] + drawOptions.lineHeight, h.box[2]);\n        }\n        ctx.fillStyle = drawOptions.labelColor;\n        ctx.fillText(label, h.box[0] + 2, 0 + h.box[1] + drawOptions.lineHeight, h.box[2]);\n      }\n      ctx.stroke();\n    }\n  }\n}\n\nexport async function canvas(inCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement, outCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {\n  if (!inCanvas || !outCanvas) return;\n  if (!(inCanvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) || !(outCanvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) return;\n  const outCtx = inCanvas.getContext('2d');\n  outCtx?.drawImage(inCanvas, 0, 0);\n}\n\nexport async function all(inCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement, result:any) {\n  if (!result || !inCanvas) return;\n  if (!(inCanvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) return;\n  face(inCanvas, result.face);\n  body(inCanvas, result.body);\n  hand(inCanvas, result.hand);\n  gesture(inCanvas, result.gesture);\n  object(inCanvas, result.object);\n}\n", "/* eslint-disable indent */\n/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */\n\n/**\n * Configuration interface definition for **Human** library\n *\n * Contains all configurable parameters\n */\nexport interface Config {\n  backend: string,\n  wasmPath: string,\n  debug: boolean,\n  async: boolean,\n  profile: boolean,\n  deallocate: boolean,\n  scoped: boolean,\n  videoOptimized: boolean,\n  warmup: string,\n  filter: {\n    enabled: boolean,\n    width: number,\n    height: number,\n    return: boolean,\n    brightness: number,\n    contrast: number,\n    sharpness: number,\n    blur: number\n    saturation: number,\n    hue: number,\n    negative: boolean,\n    sepia: boolean,\n    vintage: boolean,\n    kodachrome: boolean,\n    technicolor: boolean,\n    polaroid: boolean,\n    pixelate: number,\n  },\n  gesture: {\n    enabled: boolean,\n  },\n  face: {\n    enabled: boolean,\n    detector: {\n      modelPath: string,\n      rotation: boolean,\n      maxFaces: number,\n      skipFrames: number,\n      skipInitial: boolean,\n      minConfidence: number,\n      iouThreshold: number,\n      scoreThreshold: number,\n      return: boolean,\n    },\n    mesh: {\n      enabled: boolean,\n      modelPath: string,\n    },\n    iris: {\n      enabled: boolean,\n      modelPath: string,\n    },\n    description: {\n      enabled: boolean,\n      modelPath: string,\n      skipFrames: number,\n    },\n    age: {\n      enabled: boolean,\n      modelPath: string,\n      skipFrames: number,\n    },\n    gender: {\n      enabled: boolean,\n      minConfidence: number,\n      modelPath: string,\n      skipFrames: number,\n    },\n    emotion: {\n      enabled: boolean,\n      minConfidence: number,\n      skipFrames: number,\n      modelPath: string,\n    },\n    embedding: {\n      enabled: boolean,\n      modelPath: string,\n    },\n  },\n  body: {\n    enabled: boolean,\n    modelPath: string,\n    maxDetections: number,\n    scoreThreshold: number,\n    nmsRadius: number,\n  },\n  hand: {\n    enabled: boolean,\n    rotation: boolean,\n    skipFrames: number,\n    skipInitial: boolean,\n    minConfidence: number,\n    iouThreshold: number,\n    scoreThreshold: number,\n    maxHands: number,\n    landmarks: boolean,\n    detector: {\n      modelPath: string,\n    },\n    skeleton: {\n      modelPath: string,\n    },\n  },\n  object: {\n    enabled: boolean,\n    modelPath: string,\n    minConfidence: number,\n    iouThreshold: number,\n    maxResults: number,\n    skipFrames: number,\n  },\n}\n\nconst config: Config = {\n  backend: 'webgl',          // select tfjs backend to use\n                             // can be 'webgl', 'wasm', 'cpu', or 'humangl' which is a custom version of webgl\n                             // leave as empty string to continue using default backend\n                             // when backend is set outside of Human library\n  wasmPath: '../assets/',    // path for wasm binaries\n                             // only used for backend: wasm\n  debug: true,               // print additional status messages to console\n  async: true,               // execute enabled models in parallel\n                             // this disables per-model performance data but\n                             // slightly increases performance\n                             // cannot be used if profiling is enabled\n  profile: false,            // enable tfjs profiling\n                             // this has significant performance impact\n                             // only enable for debugging purposes\n                             // currently only implemented for age,gender,emotion models\n  deallocate: false,         // aggresively deallocate gpu memory after each usage\n                             // only valid for webgl backend and only during first call\n                             // cannot be changed unless library is reloaded\n                             // this has significant performance impact\n                             // only enable on low-memory devices\n  scoped: false,             // enable scoped runs\n                             // some models *may* have memory leaks,\n                             // this wrapps everything in a local scope at a cost of performance\n                             // typically not needed\n  videoOptimized: true,      // perform additional optimizations when input is video,\n                             // must be disabled for images\n                             // basically this skips object box boundary detection for every n frames\n                             // while maintaining in-box detection since objects cannot move that fast\n  warmup: 'face',            // what to use for human.warmup(), can be 'none', 'face', 'full'\n                             // warmup pre-initializes all models for faster inference but can take\n                             // significant time on startup\n  filter: {\n    enabled: true,           // enable image pre-processing filters\n    width: 0,                // resize input width\n    height: 0,               // resize input height\n                             // if both width and height are set to 0, there is no resizing\n                             // if just one is set, second one is scaled automatically\n                             // if both are set, values are used as-is\n    return: true,            // return processed canvas imagedata in result\n    brightness: 0,           // range: -1 (darken) to 1 (lighten)\n    contrast: 0,             // range: -1 (reduce contrast) to 1 (increase contrast)\n    sharpness: 0,            // range: 0 (no sharpening) to 1 (maximum sharpening)\n    blur: 0,                 // range: 0 (no blur) to N (blur radius in pixels)\n    saturation: 0,           // range: -1 (reduce saturation) to 1 (increase saturation)\n    hue: 0,                  // range: 0 (no change) to 360 (hue rotation in degrees)\n    negative: false,         // image negative\n    sepia: false,            // image sepia colors\n    vintage: false,          // image vintage colors\n    kodachrome: false,       // image kodachrome colors\n    technicolor: false,      // image technicolor colors\n    polaroid: false,         // image polaroid camera effect\n    pixelate: 0,             // range: 0 (no pixelate) to N (number of pixels to pixelate)\n  },\n\n  gesture: {\n    enabled: true,           // enable simple gesture recognition\n  },\n\n  face: {\n    enabled: true,           // controls if specified modul is enabled\n                             // face.enabled is required for all face models:\n                             // detector, mesh, iris, age, gender, emotion\n                             // (note: module is not loaded until it is required)\n    detector: {\n      modelPath: '../models/blazeface-back.json',\n      rotation: false,       // use best-guess rotated face image or just box with rotation as-is\n                             // false means higher performance, but incorrect mesh mapping if face angle is above 20 degrees\n                             // this parameter is not valid in nodejs\n      maxFaces: 10,          // maximum number of faces detected in the input\n                             // should be set to the minimum number for performance\n      skipFrames: 21,        // how many frames to go without re-running the face bounding box detector\n                             // only used for video inputs\n                             // e.g., if model is running st 25 FPS, we can re-use existing bounding\n                             // box for updated face analysis as the head probably hasn't moved much\n                             // in short time (10 * 1/25 = 0.25 sec)\n      skipInitial: false,    // if previous detection resulted in no faces detected,\n                             // should skipFrames be reset immediately\n      minConfidence: 0.2,    // threshold for discarding a prediction\n      iouThreshold: 0.1,     // threshold for deciding whether boxes overlap too much in\n                             // non-maximum suppression (0.1 means drop if overlap 10%)\n      scoreThreshold: 0.2,   // threshold for deciding when to remove boxes based on score\n                             // in non-maximum suppression,\n                             // this is applied on detection objects only and before minConfidence\n      return: false,         // return extracted face as tensor\n    },\n\n    mesh: {\n      enabled: true,\n      modelPath: '../models/facemesh.json',\n    },\n\n    iris: {\n      enabled: true,\n      modelPath: '../models/iris.json',\n    },\n\n    description: {\n      enabled: true,         // to improve accuracy of face description extraction it is\n                             // recommended to enable detector.rotation and mesh.enabled\n      modelPath: '../models/faceres.json',\n      skipFrames: 31,        // how many frames to go without re-running the detector\n                             // only used for video inputs\n    },\n\n    emotion: {\n      enabled: true,\n      minConfidence: 0.1,    // threshold for discarding a prediction\n      skipFrames: 32,        // how many frames to go without re-running the detector\n      modelPath: '../models/emotion.json',\n    },\n\n    age: {\n      enabled: false,        // obsolete, replaced by description module\n      modelPath: '../models/age.json',\n      skipFrames: 33,        // how many frames to go without re-running the detector\n                             // only used for video inputs\n    },\n\n    gender: {\n      enabled: false,        // obsolete, replaced by description module\n      minConfidence: 0.1,    // threshold for discarding a prediction\n      modelPath: '../models/gender.json',\n      skipFrames: 34,        // how many frames to go without re-running the detector\n                             // only used for video inputs\n    },\n\n    embedding: {\n      enabled: false,        // obsolete, replaced by description module\n      modelPath: '../models/mobileface.json',\n    },\n  },\n\n  body: {\n    enabled: true,\n    modelPath: '../models/posenet.json', // can be 'posenet', 'blazepose' or 'efficientpose'\n                             // 'blazepose' and 'efficientpose' are experimental\n    maxDetections: 10,       // maximum number of people detected in the input\n                             // should be set to the minimum number for performance\n                             // only valid for posenet as blazepose only detects single pose\n    scoreThreshold: 0.3,     // threshold for deciding when to remove boxes based on score\n                             // in non-maximum suppression\n                             // only valid for posenet as blazepose only detects single pose\n    nmsRadius: 20,           // radius for deciding points are too close in non-maximum suppression\n                             // only valid for posenet as blazepose only detects single pose\n  },\n\n  hand: {\n    enabled: true,\n    rotation: false,         // use best-guess rotated hand image or just box with rotation as-is\n                             // false means higher performance, but incorrect finger mapping if hand is inverted\n    skipFrames: 12,          // how many frames to go without re-running the hand bounding box detector\n                             // only used for video inputs\n                             // e.g., if model is running st 25 FPS, we can re-use existing bounding\n                             // box for updated hand skeleton analysis as the hand probably\n                             // hasn't moved much in short time (10 * 1/25 = 0.25 sec)\n    skipInitial: false,      // if previous detection resulted in no faces detected,\n                             // should skipFrames be reset immediately\n    minConfidence: 0.1,      // threshold for discarding a prediction\n    iouThreshold: 0.1,       // threshold for deciding whether boxes overlap too much\n                             // in non-maximum suppression\n    scoreThreshold: 0.5,     // threshold for deciding when to remove boxes based on\n                             // score in non-maximum suppression\n    maxHands: 1,             // maximum number of hands detected in the input\n                             // should be set to the minimum number for performance\n    landmarks: true,         // detect hand landmarks or just hand boundary box\n    detector: {\n      modelPath: '../models/handdetect.json',\n    },\n    skeleton: {\n      modelPath: '../models/handskeleton.json',\n    },\n  },\n\n  object: {\n    enabled: false,\n    modelPath: '../models/nanodet.json',\n                             // 'nanodet' is experimental\n    minConfidence: 0.20,     // threshold for discarding a prediction\n    iouThreshold: 0.40,      // threshold for deciding whether boxes overlap too much\n                             // in non-maximum suppression\n    maxResults: 10,          // maximum number of objects detected in the input\n    skipFrames: 41,          // how many frames to go without re-running the detector\n  },\n};\nexport { config as defaults };\n", "// data:image/jpeg;base64,\nexport const face = `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\nWmlQ6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