<template> <div v-bind:id="id"> <slot></slot> </div> </template> <script> import '../jqwidgets/jqxcore.js'; import '../jqwidgets/jqxdraw.js'; import '../jqwidgets/jqxtimepicker.js'; export default { props: { autoSwitchToMinutes: Boolean, disabled: Boolean, footer: Boolean, footerTemplate: String, format: String, height: [Number, String], minuteInterval: Number, name: String, readonly: Boolean, selection: String, theme: String, unfocusable: Boolean, value: Date, view: String, width: [Number, String], autoCreate: { default: true, type: Boolean } }, created: function () { this.id = 'jqxTimePicker' + JQXLite.generateID(); this.componentSelector = '#' + this.id; }, mounted: function () { if (this.autoCreate) this.__createComponent__(); }, methods: { createComponent: function (options) { if (!this.autoCreate) this.__createComponent__(options) else console.warn('Component is already created! If you want to use createComponent, please set "autoCreate" property to "false".'); }, setOptions: function (options) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker(options); }, getOptions: function () { const usedProps = Object.keys(this.__manageProps__()); const resultToReturn = {}; for (let i = 0; i < usedProps.length; i++) { resultToReturn[usedProps[i]] = JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker(usedProps[i]); } return resultToReturn; }, setHours: function(hours) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('setHours', hours); }, setMinutes: function(minutes) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('setMinutes', minutes); }, _autoSwitchToMinutes: function(arg) { if (arg !== undefined) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('autoSwitchToMinutes', arg) } else { return JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('autoSwitchToMinutes'); } }, _disabled: function(arg) { if (arg !== undefined) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('disabled', arg) } else { return JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('disabled'); } }, _footer: function(arg) { if (arg !== undefined) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('footer', arg) } else { return JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('footer'); } }, _footerTemplate: function(arg) { if (arg !== undefined) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('footerTemplate', arg) } else { return JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('footerTemplate'); } }, _format: function(arg) { if (arg !== undefined) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('format', arg) } else { return JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('format'); } }, _height: function(arg) { if (arg !== undefined) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('height', arg) } else { return JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('height'); } }, _minuteInterval: function(arg) { if (arg !== undefined) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('minuteInterval', arg) } else { return JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('minuteInterval'); } }, _name: function(arg) { if (arg !== undefined) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('name', arg) } else { return JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('name'); } }, _readonly: function(arg) { if (arg !== undefined) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('readonly', arg) } else { return JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('readonly'); } }, _selection: function(arg) { if (arg !== undefined) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('selection', arg) } else { return JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('selection'); } }, _theme: function(arg) { if (arg !== undefined) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('theme', arg) } else { return JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('theme'); } }, _unfocusable: function(arg) { if (arg !== undefined) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('unfocusable', arg) } else { return JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('unfocusable'); } }, _value: function(arg) { if (arg !== undefined) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('value', arg) } else { return JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('value'); } }, _view: function(arg) { if (arg !== undefined) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('view', arg) } else { return JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('view'); } }, _width: function(arg) { if (arg !== undefined) { JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('width', arg) } else { return JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker('width'); } }, __createComponent__: function (options) { let widgetOptions; options ? widgetOptions = options : widgetOptions = this.__manageProps__(); JQXLite(this.componentSelector).jqxTimePicker(widgetOptions); this.__extendProps__(); this.__wireEvents__(); }, __manageProps__: function () { const widgetProps = ['autoSwitchToMinutes','disabled','footer','footerTemplate','format','height','minuteInterval','name','readonly','selection','theme','unfocusable','value','view','width']; const componentProps = this.$options.propsData; let options = {}; for (let prop in componentProps) { if (widgetProps.indexOf(prop) !== -1) { options[prop] = componentProps[prop]; } } return options; }, __extendProps__: function () { const that = this; Object.defineProperty(that, 'autoSwitchToMinutes', { get: function() { return that._autoSwitchToMinutes(); }, set: function(newValue) { that._autoSwitchToMinutes(newValue); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(that, 'disabled', { get: function() { return that._disabled(); }, set: function(newValue) { that._disabled(newValue); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(that, 'footer', { get: function() { return that._footer(); }, set: function(newValue) { that._footer(newValue); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(that, 'footerTemplate', { get: function() { return that._footerTemplate(); }, set: function(newValue) { that._footerTemplate(newValue); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(that, 'format', { get: function() { return that._format(); }, set: function(newValue) { that._format(newValue); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(that, 'height', { get: function() { return that._height(); }, set: function(newValue) { that._height(newValue); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(that, 'minuteInterval', { get: function() { return that._minuteInterval(); }, set: function(newValue) { that._minuteInterval(newValue); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(that, 'name', { get: function() { return that._name(); }, set: function(newValue) { that._name(newValue); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(that, 'readonly', { get: function() { return that._readonly(); }, set: function(newValue) { that._readonly(newValue); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(that, 'selection', { get: function() { return that._selection(); }, set: function(newValue) { that._selection(newValue); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(that, 'theme', { get: function() { return that._theme(); }, set: function(newValue) { that._theme(newValue); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(that, 'unfocusable', { get: function() { return that._unfocusable(); }, set: function(newValue) { that._unfocusable(newValue); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(that, 'value', { get: function() { return that._value(); }, set: function(newValue) { that._value(newValue); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(that, 'view', { get: function() { return that._view(); }, set: function(newValue) { that._view(newValue); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(that, 'width', { get: function() { return that._width(); }, set: function(newValue) { that._width(newValue); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); }, __wireEvents__: function () { const that = this; JQXLite(this.componentSelector).on('change', function (event) { that.$emit('change', event); }); } } } </script>