{"version":3,"file":"ractive.runtime.min.js","sources":["ractive.runtime.js"],"sourcesContent":["/*\n\tRactive.js v0.8.5\n\tSun Nov 13 2016 17:56:27 GMT+0000 (UTC) - commit d533d91f155a4f042c1acc87136459141c2c8af9\n\n\thttp://ractivejs.org\n\thttp://twitter.com/RactiveJS\n\n\tReleased under the MIT License.\n*/\n\n\n(function (global, factory) {\n typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :\n typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :\n ((function() { var current = global.Ractive; var next = factory(); next.noConflict = function() { global.Ractive = current; return next; }; return global.Ractive = next; })());\n}(this, function () { 'use strict';\n\n var defaults = {\n \t// render placement:\n \tel: void 0,\n \tappend:\t\t\t\t false,\n\n \t// template:\n \ttemplate: null,\n\n \t// parse:\n \tdelimiters: [ '{{', '}}' ],\n \ttripleDelimiters: [ '{{{', '}}}' ],\n \tstaticDelimiters: [ '[[', ']]' ],\n \tstaticTripleDelimiters: [ '[[[', ']]]' ],\n \tcsp: \t\t\t\t\ttrue,\n \tinterpolate: false,\n \tpreserveWhitespace: false,\n \tsanitize: false,\n \tstripComments: true,\n \tcontextLines: 0,\n\n \t// data & binding:\n \tdata: {},\n \tcomputed: {},\n \tmagic: false,\n \tmodifyArrays: false,\n \tadapt: [],\n \tisolated: false,\n \ttwoway: true,\n \tlazy: false,\n\n \t// transitions:\n \tnoIntro: false,\n \ttransitionsEnabled: true,\n \tcomplete: void 0,\n\n \t// css:\n \tcss: null,\n \tnoCssTransform: false\n };\n\n // These are a subset of the easing equations found at\n // https://raw.github.com/danro/easing-js - license info\n // follows:\n\n // --------------------------------------------------\n // easing.js v0.5.4\n // Generic set of easing functions with AMD support\n // https://github.com/danro/easing-js\n // This code may be freely distributed under the MIT license\n // http://danro.mit-license.org/\n // --------------------------------------------------\n // All functions adapted from Thomas Fuchs & Jeremy Kahn\n // Easing Equations (c) 2003 Robert Penner, BSD license\n // https://raw.github.com/danro/easing-js/master/LICENSE\n // --------------------------------------------------\n\n // In that library, the functions named easeIn, easeOut, and\n // easeInOut below are named easeInCubic, easeOutCubic, and\n // (you guessed it) easeInOutCubic.\n //\n // You can add additional easing functions to this list, and they\n // will be globally available.\n\n\n var easing = {\n \tlinear: function ( pos ) { return pos; },\n \teaseIn: function ( pos ) { return Math.pow( pos, 3 ); },\n \teaseOut: function ( pos ) { return ( Math.pow( ( pos - 1 ), 3 ) + 1 ); },\n \teaseInOut: function ( pos ) {\n \t\tif ( ( pos /= 0.5 ) < 1 ) { return ( 0.5 * Math.pow( pos, 3 ) ); }\n \t\treturn ( 0.5 * ( Math.pow( ( pos - 2 ), 3 ) + 2 ) );\n \t}\n };\n\n var legacy = null;\n\n /*global console, navigator */\n\n var win = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : null;\n var doc = win ? document : null;\n\n var isClient = !!doc;\n var isJsdom = ( typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /jsDom/.test( navigator.appName ) );\n var hasConsole = ( typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.warn === 'function' && typeof console.warn.apply === 'function' );\n\n var magicSupported;\n try {\n \tObject.defineProperty({}, 'test', { value: 0 });\n \tmagicSupported = true;\n } catch ( e ) {\n \tmagicSupported = false;\n }\n\n var svg = doc ?\n \tdoc.implementation.hasFeature( 'http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#BasicStructure', '1.1' ) :\n \tfalse;\n\n var vendors = [ 'o', 'ms', 'moz', 'webkit' ];\n\n var html = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml';\n var mathml = 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML';\n var svg$1 = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';\n var xlink = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink';\n var xml = 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace';\n var xmlns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns';\n\n var namespaces = { html: html, mathml: mathml, svg: svg$1, xlink: xlink, xml: xml, xmlns: xmlns };\n\n var createElement;\n var matches;\n var div;\n var methodNames;\n var unprefixed;\n var prefixed;\n var i;\n var j;\n var makeFunction;\n // Test for SVG support\n if ( !svg ) {\n \tcreateElement = function ( type, ns, extend ) {\n \t\tif ( ns && ns !== html ) {\n \t\t\tthrow 'This browser does not support namespaces other than http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml. The most likely cause of this error is that you\\'re trying to render SVG in an older browser. See http://docs.ractivejs.org/latest/svg-and-older-browsers for more information';\n \t\t}\n\n \t\treturn extend ?\n \t\t\tdoc.createElement( type, extend ) :\n \t\t\tdoc.createElement( type );\n \t};\n } else {\n \tcreateElement = function ( type, ns, extend ) {\n \t\tif ( !ns || ns === html ) {\n \t\t\treturn extend ?\n \t\t\t\tdoc.createElement( type, extend ) :\n \t\t\t\tdoc.createElement( type );\n \t\t}\n\n \t\treturn extend ?\n \t\t\tdoc.createElementNS( ns, type, extend ) :\n \t\t\tdoc.createElementNS( ns, type );\n \t};\n }\n\n function createDocumentFragment () {\n \treturn doc.createDocumentFragment();\n }\n\n function getElement ( input ) {\n \tvar output;\n\n \tif ( !input || typeof input === 'boolean' ) { return; }\n\n \tif ( !win || !doc || !input ) {\n \t\treturn null;\n \t}\n\n \t// We already have a DOM node - no work to do. (Duck typing alert!)\n \tif ( input.nodeType ) {\n \t\treturn input;\n \t}\n\n \t// Get node from string\n \tif ( typeof input === 'string' ) {\n \t\t// try ID first\n \t\toutput = doc.getElementById( input );\n\n \t\t// then as selector, if possible\n \t\tif ( !output && doc.querySelector ) {\n \t\t\toutput = doc.querySelector( input );\n \t\t}\n\n \t\t// did it work?\n \t\tif ( output && output.nodeType ) {\n \t\t\treturn output;\n \t\t}\n \t}\n\n \t// If we've been given a collection (jQuery, Zepto etc), extract the first item\n \tif ( input[0] && input[0].nodeType ) {\n \t\treturn input[0];\n \t}\n\n \treturn null;\n }\n\n if ( !isClient ) {\n \tmatches = null;\n } else {\n \tdiv = createElement( 'div' );\n \tmethodNames = [ 'matches', 'matchesSelector' ];\n\n \tmakeFunction = function ( methodName ) {\n \t\treturn function ( node, selector ) {\n \t\t\treturn node[ methodName ]( selector );\n \t\t};\n \t};\n\n \ti = methodNames.length;\n\n \twhile ( i-- && !matches ) {\n \t\tunprefixed = methodNames[i];\n\n \t\tif ( div[ unprefixed ] ) {\n \t\t\tmatches = makeFunction( unprefixed );\n \t\t} else {\n \t\t\tj = vendors.length;\n \t\t\twhile ( j-- ) {\n \t\t\t\tprefixed = vendors[i] + unprefixed.substr( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + unprefixed.substring( 1 );\n\n \t\t\t\tif ( div[ prefixed ] ) {\n \t\t\t\t\tmatches = makeFunction( prefixed );\n \t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n \t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t}\n \t\t}\n \t}\n\n \t// IE8...\n \tif ( !matches ) {\n \t\tmatches = function ( node, selector ) {\n \t\t\tvar nodes, parentNode, i;\n\n \t\t\tparentNode = node.parentNode;\n\n \t\t\tif ( !parentNode ) {\n \t\t\t\t// empty dummy